
Image of KiCon 2023 - Why Does DigiKey Promote KiCad KiCon 2023 - 为什么 DigiKey 要推广 KiCad?

KiCon 2023 - 技术行业志同道合者的聚会,分享他们对 KiCad 的了解,DigiKey 会在大会上解释他们为什么力挺该软件。

如何更高效地使用 DigiKey 零件搜索 发布日期:2021-02-19

DigiKey 拥有业界最多样化的现货零件,下单当日即可发货,并为此深感自豪。

Droppin’ Traces: Part 3 on PADS Maker/MakerPro

In this third installment, DigiKey’s Brian German shares some experiences with using PADS Maker/MakerPro.

Droppin’ Traces: Part 2 on KiCad

In this second installment, DigiKey’s Brian German shares some experiences with using KiCad.

Droppin' Traces: Part 1 on easyEDA

DigiKey’s Brian German shares some experiences with using easyEDA.com.