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Sensors in MakeCode

2017-10-12 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by Peli de Halleux


The Adafruit Circuit Playground Express comes packed with built-in sensors. This guide will show you how to leverage them in Microsoft MakeCode. If you are new to MakeCode, make sure to read the MakeCode primer.

Events vs Live Data

You can use a sensor through events or by reading the live data.

  • Events allow you to register code that runs when a particular pattern is detected. For example, the on shake event runs code when a shacking gesture is detected by the accelerometer. You can mix and match events from different sensors in the same program but each event type can only be registered once.
  • Live data gets a live (or slightly filtered) reading of the sensor data. For example, acceleration gets an immediate reading from the accelerometer.

The block code below shows the 2 style of programming with sensors. Through events (on shake left) or in the traditional loop style with live data (acceleration right).


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The input.onEvent block allows you to respond to clicks, double clicks, and other classic button events. It can be mounted on button A, B or both A+B together. Internally, MakeCode takes care of handling the pin state, debouncing, timing and other fun stuff.

Live data

You can read the live button status using input.isPressed. In some situations, you might miss clicks because your program was busy while the user was pressing. In such case, you can also use input.wasPressed which keeps track if the button was pressed between successive calls.


The click event on button A is used to play a sound. The state of button B is checked in a forever loop to switch between red and blue on the neopixels.

The state of button B is checked in forever loop

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input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
loops.forever(function () {
if (input.buttonA.isPressed()) {
} else {




The input.onGesture allows you to run code on a number of pre-defined gestures such as shake, freefall, or various orientation events.

Live data

The input.acceleration returns the immediate acceleration for a given direction in milli-g, e.g. 1/1000 of a g. The measure includes earth gravity (1000mg) You can query X, Y, Z or the strength.

If you look closely at the center of the Circuit Playground, you will see the accelerometer axis printed on the board.

Assuming the board is at rest on a table,

  • The X-axis is aligned horizontally from left to right. If you tilt left, X is negative, tilt right X is positive.
  • The Y-axis is aligned vertically from bottom to top. If you tilt forward, Y is positive, tilt backward Y is negative.
  • The Z-axis is perpendicular to the board and pointing down. At rest, Z is aligned with earth gravity.


The example below plays a sound when the Circuit Playground is shaken. In a forever loop, it displays the accelerometer reading using graph.

plays a sound when the Circuit Playground is shaken

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input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function () {
loops.forever(function () {

Light sensor

Light sensor


The on light condition changed event allows you to run code when the light goes dark or bright. For example, you can use the on light bright event to detect a sudden flash of light.

Live data

The light level returns the current light intensity reading between 0 (no light) and 255 (max light).


In this example, we add an on light bright event to run the sparkle animation when a flash is detected. Using a forever loop, we use the light intensity to control the pitch of the tones played on the speaker.

we add a event to run sparkle animation

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input.onLightConditionChanged(LightCondition.Bright, function () {
light.pixels.showAnimation(light.animation(LightAnimation.Sparkle), 1000)
loops.forever(function () {
music.ringTone(262 + input.lightLevel() * 10)




The on loud sound event detects a peak in the sound level, for example when someone claps. You can change the loud threshold using set loud sound threshold.

Live Data

The sound level block returns the current sound intensity from 0 (silent) to 255 (very loud).


The example plays a power up sound when a loud sound is detected. In a forever loop, it continuously charts the sound level using the chart block.

plays a power up sound when a loud sound is detected

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input.onLoudSound(function () {
loops.forever(function () {


Capacitive Touch

Capacitive Touch

Capacitive pins can be used as buttons similarly to buttons A and B. You can use pins A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and A7.


The input.onEvent block allows you to respond to clicks, double clicks and other classic button events. It can be mounted on any of the capacitive pins. You'd typically use croc-clips to create circuits connected to those pins.

Live data

You can read the live button status using input.isPressed or input.wasPressed.


  • The click event on pin A1 is used to play a sound
  • The state of button A7 is checked in a forever loop to switch between red and blue on the neopixels.

the click event on pin A1 is used to play a sound

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input.pinA1.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
loops.forever(function () {
if (input.buttonA.isPressed()) {
} else {

You do not have to ground the pins to get it to work!


Switch button

Switch button

The switch button is special kind of button with two positions: left or right. It is very useful to create on/off state in programs.


The on switch moved event runs code when the switch is moved left or right.

Live data

The switch right block indicates if the switch is in the right position.


The example below plays different animations when the switch is positioned left or right.

play animations when switch is positioned left/right

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input.onSwitchMoved(SwitchDirection.Left, function () {
light.pixels.showAnimation(light.animation(LightAnimation.Rainbow), 500)
input.onSwitchMoved(SwitchDirection.Right, function () {
light.pixels.showAnimation(light.animation(LightAnimation.Sparkle), 500)



The onboard thermometer provides an easy to track the ambient temperature. The MakeCode blocks support Celcius or Fahrenheit degrees.


The on temperature hot/cold event allows you to trigger code when hot or cold conditions are detected.

Live data

The temperature block returns the current temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees.


The example turns the LEDs to red when the temperature goes above 15. It also graphs the current temperature using the LEDs from 0 to 50°C.

turns LEDs to red when the temperature goes above 15

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loops.forever(function () {
input.onTemperatureConditionChanged(TemperatureCondition.Hot, 15, TemperatureUnit.Celsius, function () {
`red red red red red red red red red red`

Infrared Transceiver

Infrared Transceiver

The onboard Infrared transmitter and receiver diodes allow you to communicate small chunks of data between Circuit Playgrounds.

Sending data

The infrared send number send a number packet over IR. It may or may not be received.


The on infrared packet received event triggers when a packet has been received.


The example shows how an RGB color can be sent over IR and used to turn on the neopixel remotely. Button A sends blue, button B sends red.

shows how rgb color can be sent over IR

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network.onInfraredPacketReceived(function ({ receivedNumber }) {
music.playTone(262, music.beat(BeatFraction.Half))
input.buttonB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
music.playTone(175, music.beat(BeatFraction.Half))
input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
music.playTone(196, music.beat(BeatFraction.Half))

How does it work?

Long story short: it's pretty exciting stuff. Read the deep dive on the MakeCode blog.

制造商零件编号 3333
Adafruit Industries LLC
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