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Digital Nose Milk Freshness Checker

2024-09-27 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project Qwiic STEMMA

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by Carter Nelson



The classic method for testing for milk freshness is to give it a quick ‎sniff check. If it smells "bad", then it probably is. This is great, as long ‎as your sense of smell is working. But maybe covid, congenital ‎anosmia, a stuffy cold, or something else has reduced your sense of ‎smell. What then?‎

In this guide we investigate the potential for using a gas sensor as a ‎way to test for milk freshness. An SGP30 and a CLUE are used to ‎make a little "freshness checker" device. We then use this in a ‎simple experiment to see if it can detect spoiled milk.‎


This project does NOT require any soldering and is a great little ‎science experiment.‎


Here is a summary of the hardware needed for this project.‎

This is the battery shown in the guide:‎

but you can use any other similar lithium-ion battery option:‎

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Background Information

In this guide we use the phrase "covid" and/or "coronavirus" to refer ‎to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as caused by the severe ‎acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).‎

Covid Related Loss of Smell

The CDC list "New loss of taste or smell" as one the main symptoms ‎of covid. Sickness related loss of smell is nothing new, even the ‎common cold can cause it to happen. However, due to the global ‎pandemic scope of covid, this issue has received renewed and ‎increased significance. There have been various news stories ‎covering this issue and how it has impacted people's ability to "sniff" ‎for dirty laundry, rotten food, etc.‎

We thought this issue would make for some great science and ‎wanted to see if electrical sensors could be used. Here we share our ‎results on making a milk freshness tester.‎

How Milk Spoils

We use the term "bad" to describe "spoiled" milk, but really, it's just ‎nature doing its thing. There are numerous bacteria that love milk. ‎Unfortunately for us, their consumption of milk produces byproducts ‎that we find distasteful and can even be harmful.‎

Spoilage is also a vague term. As this paper (PDF) puts it:‎

Milk spoilage is an indefinite term and difficult to measure with ‎accuracy.‎

This paper summarizes various techniques that have been ‎investigated as a way to detect spoilage, including:‎

  • pH

  • electrical methods

  • magnetoelastic sensors

  • gas sensor arrays

  • infrared spectroscopy

  • protein count

It is the gas sensor based approach we are interested in here. This is ‎analogous to what we do when we sniff milk to check freshness. Our ‎noses are essentially gas sensors. But if covid (or something else) has ‎knocked out your sense of smell, then your gas sensor is broken. Can ‎we use an electrical gas sensor instead?‎

Electrical Nose

The general of idea of gas sensor-based milk spoilage detection has ‎been investigated by others.‎

There are various gases that are discussed amongst these papers, ‎but a common approach is to use microbial produced volatile ‎organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Well, ‎the SGP30 from Sensirion , as used on the Adafruit SGP30 STEMMA ‎QT breakout, can detect both of these.‎

So, can the SPG30 be used to create an "electric nose"? Well, let's ‎science this and find out.‎

Build the Checker

Let's start by putting together our CLUE Milk Freshness Checker. The ‎CLUE and SGP-30 are the key parts. For the other items, we used ‎some things that can hopefully be found lying around the house. If ‎not, feel free to substitute for whatever is available to achieve the ‎same general arrangement.‎

  • CLUE board

  • SGP-30 sensor‎

  • Battery

  • Stemma QT cable

  • Popsicle stick

  • Double sided tape

  • Rubber band


Put a piece of double-sided tape about the same size as the SGP-30 ‎at one end of the popsicle stick.‎


Place the SGP-30 firmly onto the double-sided tape and attach the ‎Stemma QT cable.‎


Use the rubber band to secure the CLUE and battery to the other ‎end of the popsicle stick.‎

Plug in the Stemma QT cable and battery.‎



Do NOT let the SGP-30 touch the milk. It is not a moisture proof ‎sensor.‎

Now move on to setting up the CLUE for CircuitPython usage and ‎loading the code. It comes with some preset values we determined ‎in our testing. We'll cover how you can alter these later.‎

CircuitPython on CLUE

CircuitPython is a derivative of MicroPython designed to simplify ‎experimentation and education on low-cost microcontrollers. It ‎makes it easier than ever to get prototyping by requiring no upfront ‎desktop software downloads. Simply copy and edit files on ‎the CIRCUITPY flash drive to iterate.‎

The following instructions will show you how to install CircuitPython. ‎If you've already installed CircuitPython but are looking to update it ‎or reinstall it, the same steps work for that as well!‎

Set up CircuitPython Quick Start!‎

Follow this quick step-by-step for super-fast Python power :)‎

Download the latest version of CircuitPython for CLUE from ‎

Click the link above to download the latest version of ‎CircuitPython for the CLUE.

Download and save it to your desktop (or wherever is handy).‎


Plug your CLUE into your computer using a known-good USB cable.‎

A lot of people end up using charge-only USB cables and it is very ‎frustrating! So make sure you have a USB cable you know is good ‎for data sync.‎

Double-click the Reset button on the top (magenta arrow) on your ‎board, and you will see the NeoPixel RGB LED (green arrow) turn ‎green. If it turns red, check the USB cable, try another USB port, ‎etc. Note: The little red LED next to the USB connector will pulse red. ‎That's ok!‎

If double-clicking doesn't work the first time, try again. Sometimes it ‎can take a few tries to get the rhythm right!‎


You will see a new disk drive appear called CLUEBOOT.‎

Drag the adafruit-circuitpython-clue-etc.uf2 file to CLUEBOOT.‎



The LED will flash. Then, the CLUEBOOT drive will disappear, and a ‎new disk drive called CIRCUITPY will appear.‎

If this is the first time, you're installing CircuitPython or you're doing ‎a completely fresh install after erasing the filesystem, you will have ‎two files - boot_out.txt, and, and one folder - lib on ‎your CIRCUITPY drive.‎

If CircuitPython was already installed, the files present before ‎reloading CircuitPython should still be present on ‎your CIRCUITPY drive. Loading CircuitPython will not create new ‎files if there was already a CircuitPython filesystem present.‎

That's it, you're done! :)‎


CLUE CircuitPython Libraries

The CLUE is packed full of features like a display and a ton of sensors. ‎Now that you have CircuitPython installed on your CLUE, you'll need ‎to install a base set of CircuitPython libraries to use the features of ‎the board with CircuitPython.‎

Follow these steps to get the necessary libraries installed.‎

Installing CircuitPython Libraries ‎on your CLUE

If you do not already have a lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive, ‎create one now.‎

Then, download the CircuitPython library bundle that matches your ‎version of CircuitPython from‎

Download the latest library bundle from

The bundle downloads as a .zip file. Extract the file. Open the ‎resulting folder.‎


Open the lib folder found within.‎


Once inside, you'll find a lengthy list of folders and .mpy files. To ‎install a CircuitPython library, you drag the file or folder from ‎the bundle lib folder to the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive.


Copy the following folders and files from the bundle lib ‎folder to the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive:‎

  • adafruit_apds9960

  • adafruit_bmp280.mpy

  • adafruit_bus_device

  • adafruit_clue.mpy

  • adafruit_display_shapes

  • adafruit_display_text

  • adafruit_lis3mdl.mpy

  • adafruit_lsm6ds

  • adafruit_register

  • adafruit_sht31d.mpy

  • adafruit_slideshow.mpy

  • neopixel.mpy


Your lib folder should look like the image on the left. These libraries ‎will let you run the demos in the CLUE guide.‎


Here's how to load the code and assets as well as some additional ‎libraries you'll need.‎

Additional Libraries

In addition to the main libraries needed for CLUE support covered in ‎the previous section, you'll also need to install the libraries listed here.‎

You can download the latest library bundle from the CircuitPython ‎webpage.‎

Make sure you have a copy of these in your CIRCUITPY/lib folder.‎

  • adafruit_bitmap_font

  • adafruit_imageload


Here's a summary:‎


Freshness Indication

The code below comes with preset values for TVOC_LEVELS used to ‎determine milk freshness. In the next section we discuss the ‎experiment we ran to determine these values as well as how you ‎can alter them. Once set, the CLUE display will indicate milk ‎‎"freshness" as follows:‎

  • GOOD + smiling cow = the TVOC levels are very low, so milk ‎should be good.‎


  • SUS? + confused cow = the TVOC levels are high enough that ‎the milk may be starting to turn.‎


  • BAD! + frowning cow = the TVOC level are high enough the ‎milk should be considered bad.‎



Use the Project ZIP link below to download the code as well as the ‎bitmaps and font files used in a single zip file.‎

Drag the entire bmps and fonts folders to your CIRCUITPY folder. ‎These assets will live in those subfolders.‎

Save the code listing as into your CIRCUITPY folder so it will ‎run automatically when powered up.‎

‎Download Project Bundle

Copy Code
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import time
import board
import displayio
import adafruit_sgp30
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
from adafruit_display_text import label
import adafruit_imageload
from adafruit_clue import clue

# --| User Config |-------------------------
TVOC_LEVELS = (80, 120)  # set two TVOC levels
MESSAGES = ("GOOD", "SUS?", "BAD!")  # set three messages (4 char max)
# ------------------------------------------

# setup UI
cow_bmp, cow_pal = adafruit_imageload.load("bmps/milk_bg.bmp")
background = displayio.TileGrid(cow_bmp, pixel_shader=cow_pal)

mouth_bmp, mouth_pal = adafruit_imageload.load("bmps/mouth_sheet.bmp")
mouth = displayio.TileGrid(

msg_font = bitmap_font.load_font("fonts/Alphakind_28.bdf")
message = label.Label(msg_font, text="WAIT", color=0x000000)
message.anchor_point = (0.5, 0.5)
message.anchored_position = (172, 38)

data_font = bitmap_font.load_font("fonts/F25_Bank_Printer_Bold_12.bdf")
tvoc = label.Label(data_font, text="TVOC=?????", color=0x000000)
tvoc.anchor_point = (0, 1)
tvoc.anchored_position = (5, 235)

eco2 = label.Label(data_font, text="eCO2=?????", color=0x000000)
eco2.anchor_point = (0, 1)
eco2.anchored_position = (130, 235)

splash = displayio.Group()
clue.display.root_group = splash

# setup SGP30 and wait for initial warm up
i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
# i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C()  # For using the built-in STEMMA QT connector on a microcontroller
sgp30 = adafruit_sgp30.Adafruit_SGP30(i2c)

# loop forever
while True:
    eCO2, TVOC = sgp30.iaq_measure()

    tvoc.text = "TVOC={:5d}".format(TVOC)
    eco2.text = "eCO2={:5d}".format(eCO2)

    level = 0
    for thresh in TVOC_LEVELS:
        if TVOC <= thresh:
        level += 1

    if level <= len(TVOC_LEVELS):
        message.text = MESSAGES[level]
        mouth[0] = level
        message.text = "????"



View on GitHub


Here is the simple experiment we ran to determine the specific SPG-‎‎30 sensor values used in the code.‎

The experiment was carried out during February 2021 with the milk ‎shown.‎

Data was collected February 28, 2021.‎


Each day, a small amount of milk was poured into a glass and ‎labeled with the current date. This was done for 5 days to produce a ‎series of milk of differing ages.‎


We used the code to provide a readout of the SGP-30's TVOC and ‎eCO2 - the values shown in the grass at the bottom of the display.‎

At this point, don't worry about what the cow says.‎


Do NOT let the SGP-30 touch the milk. It is not a moisture proof ‎sensor.‎

For each sample, we lowered the sensor into the glass without ‎touching the milk, slowly moved it around, and watched the ‎readings for about 1 minute.‎

We then wrote down the observed range for each gas reading.‎


Here is a summary of the readings we obtained:‎


Now we have values we can use in our code to determine milk ‎freshness. We considered there to be three levels:‎

  • GOOD - low readings very close to fresh milk

  • SUS? - the readings are slightly elevated, milk is sus

  • BAD! - milk that has obviously gone bad

Based on the values we observed, we decided on TVOC <= 80 as the ‎cutoff for GOOD, TVOC <= 120 as the cutoff for SUS, and anything ‎above that as BAD!‎

However, different milk may age in different ways. Different ‎environmental conditions, like temperature and humidity, may also ‎affect the readings. Further, your personal level of comfort on what ‎constitutes "bad" milk, may be different than others. Therefore, we ‎suggest you repeat the above experiment.‎

We suggest you repeat this experiment!‎

Adjusting the Code

You can easily adjust the code to change the cutoff TVOC levels used ‎for freshness detection. You can even customize what the cow says. ‎Just look for these lines at the top of the code:‎

‎Download File‎

Copy Code
# --| User Config |-------------------------
TVOC_LEVELS = (80, 120)  # set two TVOC levels
MESSAGES = ("GOOD", "SUS?", "BAD!")  # set three messages (4 char max)
# ------------------------------------------

and change as needed. Note there are only two TVOC levels to ‎specify for a total of three freshness levels.‎

Other Sensor Values

We decided to keep things simple and just use the SGP-30's TVOC ‎reading. But note in the data above that eCO2 also increased with ‎milk age. This production of CO2 is mentioned in the research papers ‎previously cited. Perhaps a more sophisticated approach could be ‎used that take both readings into account? We leave that up to any ‎intrepid scientist out there that wishes to investigate further.‎

Other Sensors

We tried a few other sensors as well, but they did not seem to have ‎any useful "milk freshness" related signal. At least nothing with as ‎‎000good a signal-to-noise ratio as the SGP-30.‎

Other Uses

We also thought this idea could be used for detecting dirty laundry. ‎However, that did not seem to work - at least not as easy as the ‎approach above for milk. This may be due to the various dyes used ‎to color clothing producing VOCs that mask any similar signal from ‎‎"dirty" smells.‎

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