Circuit Playground Express Piano in the Key of Lime
2017-11-06 | By Adafruit Industries
License: See Original Project
Courtesy of Adafruit
Guide by Kattni Rembor
This guide will introduce you to the Circuit Playground Express (CPX for short!) and CircuitPython. The Circuit Playground Express is a fantastic little board crammed full of all sorts of sensors, switches and lights. CircuitPython is an open-source derivative of MicroPython, designed specifically for use with Adafruit microcontroller boards like the CPX.
This project will teach you how to use CircuitPython to utilize the CPX capacitive touch pads, Neopixels, slide switch, and onboard speaker. Then you'll combine them to create a rainbow-lit tone piano!
Required Parts
This project will utilize the Circuit Playground Express, connected to a computer via a micro USB cable. Alligator clips will be used to connect to the capacitive touch pads, and jumper wires will be used to extend the cables.
Alligator clips with male jumper wire ends
Micro USB data cable
And, the finishing touch: key limes! Key limes are smaller than regular limes, and will make excellent piano keys.
The next sections will introduce you to the CPX and to CircuitPython. Let's get started!
Meet Circuit Playground Express
Circuit Playground Express is a microcontroller board that's packed with goodies. Check out this Guided Tour for all the details. It's designed to work with 3 different programming languages. There's so much to learn with this board!
This project code will be written using CircuitPython. On the CPX, will utilize the micro USB port, capacitive touch sensors, the slide switch, the 10 Neopixels and the onboard speaker.
Power using Micro USB
Plug your micro USB data cable into the micro USB port on your CPX. The port is at the top of the board to the right of the power indicator LED.
Capacitive Touch Pads
Around the outer edge of the CPX are a fourteen alligator-clip friendly pads. Within the fourteen, are the seven capacitive touch pads, labeled A1-A7. We'll use these to generate tones and lights.
The speaker is on the lower left side, above the music notes. We'll use this to generate the tones using the touch pads.
There are 10 NeoPixels in a ring, just inside the ring of pads. We'll light up these LEDs to go along with our tones.
Next, you'll install CircuitPython on your Circuit Playground Express and get started with CircuitPython.
print("Hello CircuitPython!")
CircuitPython is a derivative of MicroPython designed for a particular set of Adafruit microcontroller boards, including the Circuit Playground Express. It's a new language and is currently in development, so there will be changes to it in the future, including many things to make programming your CPX even more incredibly easy!
CircuitPython looks for a file called, and runs the code within automatically. It makes getting started quite straightforward. CircuitPython also allows you to connect to a serial REPL which provides you with a way to see your code working live as you save your files. It also provides you with a prompt where you can enter lines of code and execute them immediately.
In this part of the guide, we're going to cover how to get CircuitPython installed on your Circuit Playground Express and you'll write a little CircuitPython yourself!
Installing CircuitPython on the Circuit Playground Express
Installing CircuitPython is simple. Basically, you download the latest release of CircuitPython, double-tap the reset button to enter the bootloader on the CPX, drop the .uf2 file onto the board, and CircuitPython is installed. If this is the first time you've installed CircuitPython on your CPX, you only need to press the reset button once to ready the board for the installer.
For a thorough explanation, the Introduction to Circuit Playground Express guide offers a CircuitPython quick install walkthrough and, if desired, a CircuitPython detailed install walkthrough. Check them out if you need further information. They're really helpful!
Congratulations on installing CircuitPython onto your Circuit Playground Express! Way to go!
Installing the Circuit Playground Express Library
Once you've installed CircuitPython, you need to load the library. First, you'll want the latest release of the library bundle. Scroll down to "Downloads" and download the file starting with "adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-2.x" where 2.x is the most recent version of CircuitPython. It's currently 2.1! The file unzips into a folder called lib. Create a lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive, and drag the adafruit_circuitplayground directory from the bundle lib folder to the newly created CIRCUITPY/lib folder.
You will run into memory errors if you copy the entire contents of the lib folder to your CPX.
You can also checkout the Adafruit Library Bundle Quick Start Guide for more information.
The Serial REPL
CircuitPython sends data to the computer connected to the Circuit Playground Express. You can see the output of print statements and any errors you encounter along the way by connecting to the serial REPL.
To get started with the serial REPL, check out the tutorial here: Serial Console (REPL). This covers setup on Mac, Linux and Windows.
While this project can be completed without using the REPL, the code is written to give you live feedback through the serial connection. It can be really helpful for troubleshooting problems!
CircuitPython at Its Most Basic
Once you've gotten your serial connection, press Ctrl+C then any key to enter the REPL. You should have a prompt that looks like this:
This is a Python prompt. Here you can type any python code and have it run.
Every programmer in every programming language starts with a piece of code that says, "Hello, World." We're going to say hello to something else. Next to that prompt, type:
print("Hello CircuitPython!")
It returns:
Hello CircuitPython!
Welcome to programming!
Further Reading
To learn more, take a look at the Introduction to Circuit Playground Express Circuit Python section. The guide covers all the basics and provides plenty of examples to try and learn from. Check it out!
Light It Up
Circuit Playground Express has 10 Neopixels in a ring. They're numbered 0-9 starting at the top left pixel, next to the micro USB port, and going counter-clockwise around the board. Each pixel can be individually programmed to display any color, or they can be programmed together.
Each NeoPixel LED contains 3 colors: red, green and blue. The colors are collectively referred to as RGB. When working with colored lights, every color is created from these three being combined at different levels. If only the red is turned on, you'll see red. If red and blue are turned on equally, you'll see purple. If all are turned on equally, you get white. We're going to use this process to add a color of the rainbow to every note on our tone piano.
Let's start by turning on the first Neopixel. We'll turn it blue. Download the following file. Rename it to Copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
cpx.pixels[0] = ((0, 0, 3))
You will be rewarded with a blue pixel on your CPX.
Now let's take a look at the code.
The first line has two parts. The first part is the module. This is different for different types of hardware. As we're using the Circuit Playground Express, we're all good there! The second part of the first line imports the information from the module needed to make the code do what it does. This line will be part of all of the code we use for this project. It's necessary for the board to understand the rest of the code we write.
The second line is telling the CPX to turn on pixel 0, and to make it blue. The colors are written using RGB, which ranges from 0-255. It is the combination of the RGB numbers that change what color is displayed, based on the ratio of the three numbers. The higher the number, the brighter that individual color is.
If you change [0] to any number 0 through 9, you can turn on any one of the NeoPixels. If you change the numbers in ((0, 0, 3)) to any number 0-255, you'll change the color and brightness each NeoPixel displays.
You can include more than one NeoPixel by adding another line of code with the number of the desired pixel. The following code lights up the opposite pixel as well. Try editing your file to add the additional line of code.
from import cpx
cpx.pixels[0] = ((0, 0, 3))
cpx.pixels[5] = ((3, 0, 0))
You can add more pixels or change the colors of the two we've already lit. Have a little fun with it!
Light it up
For this project, we're going to turn all the NeoPixels the same color. We use a different color for each tone. For now, we'll start by turning them all blue.
If you made any changes to your code that you'd like to keep, rename your current first. Then, download the following file. Rename it to and copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 3))
The difference between this code and the first set of code is, instead of specifying an individual NeoPixel by number, we are programming them all at once to display the same color, by using cpx.pixels.fill.
You can experiment with different colors again by changing the ((0, 0, 3)) to numbers between 0-255.
Next, we'll learn about the slide switch.
Now Slide To The Left
It turns out, when you program the Circuit Playground Express to utilize the capacitive touch for sound, it makes sound pretty much every time you touch it. This is great for the project! However, it can be incredibly frustrating if you're simply trying to move the board or unplug it. To alleviate this issue, we're going to use the slide switch to have the option to mute the tones.
To begin, move the slide switch is to the left. This is the off or mute position, or as the board and code reads it, "True".
Rename your current if you made any changes you want to keep. Download the following file. Rename it to and copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
while True:
if cpx.switch:
print("Slide switch off!")
print("Slide switch on!")
We've again imported the module from the library file on the first line. Then we have something new: a while statement. while True: essentially means, "Forever do:".
while True: creates a loop. When there is a loop, the code will forever go through the code inside the loop. All code that is indented under while True: is "inside" the loop.
Inside our loop, we have an if statement. An if statement says, "if this event is happening, do the following." Our code says, if the switch is to the left, or True, print "Slide switch off!"
This is followed by an else statement. And else statement says, "Otherwise, do the following." An else typically follows an if. Together they say, "If this is happening, do this first thing, otherwise, do the second thing." Our code says, when the switch is to the right, or False, print "Slide switch on!"
The True and False are how the slide switch knows it's location, and do not necessarily reflect the purpose you may assign it.
Next, we're going to learn about the capacitive touch pads and adding sound.
Touch Tone
This section of the guide will bring touch and sound to our project. First, we're going to learn how to use the capacitive touch pads on the Circuit Playground Express. We'll have each one print a response so we know it's working.
We'll start with touch pad A1.
Rename your current if you'd like to keep it. Then, download the following file. Rename it to and copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
while True:
if cpx.touch_A1:
print('Touched 1!')
Now let's take a look at the code.
In this code, we create a loop. The board is constantly checking to see if you've touched A1, and prints a message for you in the serial REPL when you do. The code basically reads, "If you touch A1, print 'Touched 1!'" That's all there is to it.
The following file includes the rest of the touch pads. Download the following file. Rename it to and copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
while True:
if cpx.touch_A1:
print('Touched 1!')
elif cpx.touch_A2:
print('Touched 2!')
elif cpx.touch_A3:
print('Touched 3!')
elif cpx.touch_A4:
print('Touched 4!')
elif cpx.touch_A5:
print('Touched 5!')
elif cpx.touch_A6:
print('Touched 6!')
elif cpx.touch_A7:
print('Touched 7!')
Now you can touch any of the capacitive touch pads and the serial REPL will let you know which one you touch. Give it a try!
Let's look at the difference in the code.
while True:
if cpx.touch_A1:
print('touched 1!')
elif cpx.touch_A2:
print('touched 2!')
So far we've used while loops, if, and else statements. This code includes an elif statement. elif is combination of else and if, which essentially means, "Otherwise, if."
There are 7 touch pads. The board needs to know which one you're touching, and provide a response based on which pad you're touching. The code says, "If you're touching A1, I will print 'Touched 1!', otherwise, if you're touching A2, I will print 'Touched 2!', otherwise, if you're touching A3, I will print 'Touched 3!'" and so on for each touch pad. We cannot use else in this piece of code because this isn't simply an "on/off" situation. It's more granular with 7 possible states, one for each touch pad.
Make Some Noise
Now we'll learn how to make tones using the onboard speaker.
There are two ways to make tones using the onboard speaker. One is play_tone, which plays a given tone for a given duration. The other is start_tone and stop_tone, which require you to provide a trigger, such as pressing a button (or touching a touch pad!), to play a tone for the duration of the trigger event.
We'll start by making a single tone. Download the file. Rename it to and copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
cpx.play_tone(440, 1)
In the first example, we use play_tone, which requires you to provide a frequency (in Hz) and a duration (in seconds). We've provided 440 Hz (which is Middle A) and 1 second.
In this case, the tone plays as soon as the code runs, which, since there is no other code included, occurs as soon as the board starts up. This code doesn't repeat the tone - it plays it once. You can save your again, or reload the serial REPL to make it play the tone again.
You can change both the frequency and duration to change the pitch of the tone and the length for which it plays. If you're looking for specific pitches, check out an online tone generator. Have have fun with it!
Start Tone, Stop Tone
For our tone piano, we'll be using start_tone and stop_tone. For this example, we'll use touch pads A1 and A2 on your Circuit Playground Express.
Remember, if you made any changes to your code that you'd like to keep, rename your current Download the following file, rename it to and copy it to your CPX.
from import cpx
while True:
if cpx.touch_A1:
elif cpx.touch_A2:
This second example uses start_tone, which requires you to provide a frequency (in Hz), and stop_tone which does exactly that, stops the tone.
If you touch A1, you'll hear a tone until you stop touching A1. If you touch A2, you'll hear a tone until you stop touching A2. We've again used while, if, and elif and, this time, we included else. This code essentially means, "As long as you're touching A1, play the given tone, otherwise stop playing. Otherwise as long as you're touching A2, play the given tone, otherwise stop playing." The else statement applies to both the if and the elif separately.
This is the start of a touch tone piano! We're almost there. In the next section, we'll put together everything we've learned into the final project!
Piano in the Key of Lime
Now we'll take everything we learned and put it together!
Be sure to save your current if you've changed anything you'd like to keep. Download the following file. Rename it to and save it to your Circuit Playground Express.
from import cpx
while True:
if cpx.switch:
print("Slide switch off!")
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
if cpx.touch_A4:
print('Touched A4!')
cpx.pixels.fill((15, 0, 0))
elif cpx.touch_A5:
print('Touched A5!')
cpx.pixels.fill((15, 5, 0))
elif cpx.touch_A6:
print('Touched A6!')
cpx.pixels.fill((15, 15, 0))
elif cpx.touch_A7:
print('Touched A7!')
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 15, 0))
elif cpx.touch_A1:
print('Touched A1!')
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 15, 15))
elif cpx.touch_A2 and not cpx.touch_A3:
print('Touched A2!')
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 15))
elif cpx.touch_A3 and not cpx.touch_A2:
print('Touched A3!')
cpx.pixels.fill((5, 0, 15))
elif cpx.touch_A2 and cpx.touch_A3:
print('Touched "8"!')
cpx.pixels.fill((15, 0, 15))
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
Now, we're going to break down the code.
The first thing we do is setup the slide switch to be able to turn the project on and off.
while True:
if cpx.switch:
print("Slide switch off!")
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
This is the beginning code. All of the code in this project is inside this while loop. The first thing the code does inside the loop is check whether the slide switch is to the left. For the purposes of this project, left means "Off." If it is off, the code prints, "Slide switch off!", turns off the LEDs, and stops playing any sound. Then, continue ensures that the code doesn't stop here, and instead continues on to the next sections.
Next, we're going to code each touch pad to play a different tone and display a different color on the NeoPixels. We'll leave the print statements in so we have some feedback in the REPL.
A piano plays low to high from left to right. To allow our "keys" to be in the correct configuration using the alligator clip jumper wires to spread them out, we'll need to do things a bit out of order. We'll code the touch pads in the same order that we'll place the limes, starting on the left. We'll start with A4:
if cpx.touch_A4:
print('Touched A4!')
cpx.pixels.fill((15, 0, 0))
If you touch A4, the code prints "Touched A4!" to the REPL, lights up the NeoPixels red, and plays a tone at 262 Hz (which is Middle C). This is the first "key" in our touch piano! A5, A6, A7 and A1 are essentially the same. For each one, we change the message, color and tone. These will use elif statements instead of if.
There are 7 touch pads. We're going to include 8 tones to create a full scale. To simulate the 8th touch pad, you will touch both A2 and A3 at the same time. Therefore, we have to write the code to tell the difference between A2, A3 and both at the same time.
Let's take a look:
elif cpx.touch_A2 and not cpx.touch_A3:
print('Touched A2!')
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 15))
elif cpx.touch_A3 and not cpx.touch_A2:
print('Touched A3!')
cpx.pixels.fill((5, 0, 15))
If you touch A2 and not A3, the code prints, "Touched A3!", displays the given color and plays the given tone. If you touch A3 and not A2, the code prints, "Touched A2!", displays the given color and plays the given tone.
The simulated touch pad looks like this:
elif cpx.touch_A2 and cpx.touch_A3:
print('Touched "8"!')
cpx.pixels.fill((15, 0, 15))
If you are touching A2 and A3, the code prints "Touched "8"!", displays the final color and plays the final tone.
The last piece of the code says if you're not touching anything, turn off the lights and stop playing the tone.
cpx.pixels.fill((0, 0, 0))
Now, if you touch the pads, you'll hear all the tones and see all the colors we assigned!
Making the Key of Lime
Now we'll add our fruit keys!
Power off your Circuit Playground Express. Attach one alligator clip jumper wire to each touch pad.
The capacitive touch pads calibrate on startup, so if you leave your CPX powered on, you may need to hit the reset button after attaching the fruit.
You'll want to arrange them so they don't touch. You can slightly crease the wires on your clips to persuade them to stay in a particular place. If the wires are touching, they can cause the attached pads to act like they're being touched.
This arrangement works consistently:
The clips are attached in a way that allows them to fan out, and avoid interference from the other clips.
Note the clip attached to A7 is creased twice to shorten it up.
Now you'll attach the fruits. With key limes, it's easiest to simply choose a location and puncture the skin with the male jumper wire end.
Now arrange the limes in a line, but not too close together. As with the wires, placing the limes too close together can cause interference.
Plug in your Circuit Playground Express. You may need to press the reset button after initially powering it on if it's plugged into a battery.
Now it's time to play! This video shows a song being played on the Piano in the Key of Lime. Have fun playing!