This video introduces Connor Winfield's temperature sense enabled "smart" OCXO. When using with one of Connor Winfield's compensation modules, the resulting thermal stability is reduced to 0.25ppb over the full temperature range.
The EH320-TFC series can be used to support a high-stability frequency reference for use in wireless systems, IEEE 1588v2, and applications employing a 1PPS frequency source for high precision, long term time and frequency generation.
This product can be used to generate a high-stability frequency reference for use in wireless systems, Software Defined Radio systems, time stamping, IEEE 1588v2, and applications employing a 1PPS frequency source.
Introducing the FT9-TFC Time to Frequency Converter Module.
Connor-Winfield 的 OH20-TSE 10 MHz 固定频率 OCXO 模块为各种应用提供卓越的性能和多功能性。
Connor-Winfield 高度集成的 FT9-CC 系列模块将 NCO 系统与 APLL 系统相结合,可转换传入的 10 MHz 3.3 V MCLK 源信号。
Connor-Winfield 的 FT9-TFC 系列同步模块在锁定到来自 GNSS 接收器的传入 1PPS 信号时提供两个同步时钟输出。
Connor Winfield’s X213 crystal controlled oscillator is made for applications requiring tight frequency stability, wide temperature range, and low jitter.
Connor-Winfield VBLD861 系列 VCXO 在设计中采用了第 3 次泛音高 Q 值晶体,具有超低噪声和抖动的性能。
Connor Winfield 的 DOCAT 和 DOCSC 恒温补偿型振荡器 (OCXO) 提供多种高精度频率标准,是超高精度频率的标准,非常适合于蜂窝基站、测试设备、同步以太网和 VSAT 应用。
Connor-Winfield 的 OX200-DK 适用于需要 LVCMOS 输出、非常高的频率稳定性、低抖动和低相位噪声的应用。
Connor-Winfield 的 OH200 系列可提供 CMOS 逻辑或正弦波输出以及电压控制选择。这些振荡器提供出色的相位噪声,并随频率变化而变化。
In a world where precise timing is critical, the FTS500 Xenith TBR (Time Base Reference) from Connor-Winfield is the ultimate partner for your DVB/DAB, wireless communications, timestamping or any other timing vital application.
The techniques included in this Connor-Winfield application note will help to ensure successful printed circuit board layout using an oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO).