Discover why PULS PISA-B is the ideal solution for current distribution, overcurrent & short circuit protection & status monitoring in DC 24V systems. Features 8 channels, including + & – terminals, in a scalable, compact design only 52 mm wide.
PULS DC-UPS controllers increase system reliability and prevent unplanned and expensive downtime, as well as a loss of data. DC-UPS controllers are responsible for monitoring and charging the batteries.
PULS presents the DIMENSION CP10 Series DIN Rail Power Supplies, delivering a cost-effective solution with a focus on long lifespan and space efficiency.
Looking for a way to reduce system complexity & costs with your 1+1 or N+1 redundant system? Check out our latest video on a PULS Innovation: Power Supplies with Integrated Redundancy, which is unique in the industry.
PULS Dimension CP5 系列高效率 120 W AC/DC 和 DC/DC 电源采用小型封装。这些紧凑型、DIN 导轨安装的电源宽度仅为 32 mm,效率高达 94.3%。这些电源包括电子浪涌电流限制、有源功率因数校正和在高达 45 °C 的温度下工作的 PowerBoost 模式。此外,这些电源可以提供 12 ms 的三倍标称输出电流,这有助于断开故障输出支路上的保险丝。CP5 系列具有高抗瞬变性、低电磁辐射和用于远程监控的 DC-OK 继电器触点。
The Pulse Dimension CP5 high-efficiency 120 watt AC to DC and DC to DC power supplies fit in a small form factor.
PULS 的带敷形涂层覆膜 PCB 的电源在高空气湿度和高冷凝,或通常需要更多保护的导电颗粒和腐蚀性化学品浓度高的恶劣环境中具有高可靠性。敷形涂层覆膜的 PCB 可以防止由颗粒沉积、湿气和腐蚀性气体造成的短路。这些带敷形涂层覆膜 PCB 的电源提供 50 W 至 480 W 的多种型号。这些 DIN 导轨电源以市场上现有的最小外形尺寸,确保了在恶劣环境下系统的长期可靠性。该系列的一些型号具有集成去耦 MOSFET 的内置冗余,从而无需额外的隔离模块即可设计完全冗余的电源系统。
PULS’ power supplies with conformal coated PCBs provide high reliability in harsh environments such as high air humidity and condensation or concentration of conductive particles and corrosive chemicals that generally require even more protection.
This video provides an overview of DC-UPS Systems from PULS, LP North America that offers benefits of single battery monitoring and charging features.
Reliability and long lifetime - two key features in designing power supplies. PULS as a technology leader in power supply development and manufacturing is fully committed to these goals.
What is efficiency and what difference should it make to a customer? This video explains the importance of efficiency. PULS power supplies are the products in the market that achieve the highest efficiency rates.
PULS manufactures DIN-rail switched-mode power supplies with a high efficiency, long lifetime and ease of use. Learn more also about the other good reasons that make the difference to a customer.
PULS manufactures DIN-rail switched-mode power supplies with a high efficiency, long lifetime and the smallest footprint.