
Sensata Technologies introduces its Crydom Series 1 AC Panel Mount Solid State Relays, designed for heavy industrial loads.

Sensata PTE7100 压力传感器是对中、高压范围的一般工业应用中具有挑战性测量要求的客户的理想解决方案。PTE7100 采用了 Sensata 领先的自动化高精度微熔硅应变计(MSG),支持广泛的端口、连接器和模拟电气输出,可轻松集成到各种工业应用中。PTE7100 具有 0-50 bar 至 0-600 bar 的宽量程,存储和操作介质温度范围是 -40 °C 至 +125 °C。

The Sensata PTE7100 pressure sensor is the ideal solution for customers with challenging measuring requirements for general industrial applications in the mid and high pressure ranges.

IWTT 温度和 IWPT 无线压力传感器

与“传统”的硬接线系统相比,Sensata 的无线温度和压力传感器可实现更快、更简便的安装。无线温度(IWTT)和压力(IWPT)传感器的发射范围可达 500 m。它们可与单通道接收器通信,对于多测量系统,可与最多五通道接收器通信。这些传感器提供一系列丰富的输出,接收器清洁触头具有过程报警功能。更复杂的系统可使用免费的配置软件。当与 Sensata 的单通道或五通道工业无线接收器(IWR)结合使用时,这些传感器成为温度和压力测量应用的即插即用解决方案,同时提供远程监测的额外好处。

Sensata’s wireless temperature and pressure sensors allow for a quicker, simplified installation than ‘traditional’ hard-wired systems.

为了控制三相异步电动机,设计了Sensata Crydom的DRMS系列混合电动机起动器。

Sensata Solutions DR67

Check out Sensata's DR67 Series. It's a solid-state relay designed for heavy industrial needs.

Sensata University | DR67 & PM67 101

In this video, we will walk you through what the DR67 & PM 67 are, how they were developed, what value they bring and some application examples.

BEI Sensors脱身于Sensata Technologies,专门针对极端应用提供速度和位置传感器。 其MHM5和MHK5系列编码器旨在精确测量工业应用中的旋转匝数。 两个系列的防护等级均为IP65,采用不锈钢轴,以及由坚固塑料制成的编码盘。 产品具有13位的单匝分辨率和12位的匝数,并且可以与以太网或ProfitNet实现电气连接。

Check out Sensata's solutions for commercial beverage systems. Sensata manufactures many components that make beverage systems, smaller, more efficient and more autonomous.

Sensata Solutions | 116CP

Check out Sensata's 116CP series, a pressure sensor designed for commercial and industrial applications.

Sensata Solutions | 209 Series

Check out Sensata's 209 Series. Its a hydraulic-magnetic circuit breaker designed for HVAC applications.

Sensata Solutions | CD120

Check out Sensata's CD120 series, a draw wire encoder built for industrial applications.

Sensata University | CD120 101

In this video, learn what the CD120 is, how it was developed, what value it brings and some application examples. This is a new draw wire encoder that excels in applications that need to measure position from a distance.

Sensata Solutions | ACW/TCW

Check out Sensata's ACW4 & TCW4 series, a contactless Hall effect sensor designed for automation and industrial applications.

Sensata Solutions | 3NT

Check out Sensata's 3NT Series. Its an automatic reset thermostat designed for high moisture environments.

Sensata Solutions | 116CP

Check out Sensata's 116CP series, a pressure sensor designed for commercial and industrial applications.

Sensata Solutions | Multi-Turn Encoders

Check out Sensata's multi-turn absolute encoders, designed for industrial applications.

Sensata Solutions | SIL

Learn more about Sensata's functional safety encoders, rated up to SIL3/ PLe Cat 4.

Check out Sensata's solutions for commercial beverage systems. Sensata manufactures many components that make beverage systems, smaller, more efficient and more autonomous.