
TI - FR5969 Part 6: MSP430FR5969 MPU

This six part training walks though the usage of the MSP430FR5969 LaunchPad. The training explains the working of the demo code that is pre-programmed in the LaunchPad. You will also learn how to setup CCS projects and initialize and use key peripherals in the MSP430FR59xx family.

7/1/2014 6:18:41 PM

TI - FR5969 Part 6 MSP430FR5969 MPU

IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FRAM 48VQFNMSP430FR5969IRGZRIC MCU 16BIT 64KB FRAM 48VQFN13205 - 立即发货$42.74查看详情
IC MCU 16BIT 64KB FRAM 48VQFNMSP430FR5969IRGZTIC MCU 16BIT 64KB FRAM 48VQFN1651 - 立即发货$50.31查看详情