
Sensata University | Pressure Sensors and Switches 101

This gives a 9 minute overview of Pressure Sensors & Switches – what they are, what kinds Sensata makes, key elements to consider when considering a pressure sensor & switch, and application examples of Sensata’s pressure sensors & switches.

2/15/2019 7:48:37 PM

Part List

SENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-2-AX16PASENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货$467.40查看详情
SENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-5-AX16PASENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BIT43 - 立即发货$298.00查看详情
SENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-5MB-AX16PASENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BIT113 - 立即发货$298.00查看详情
SENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-12.5MB-AX16PASENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货$467.40查看详情
SENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-2-8X16PASENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
SENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-5-8X16PASENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
SENSOR 0.35PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-10-8X16PASENSOR 0.35PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
SENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-5MB-8X16PASENSOR 0.07PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
SENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-12.5MB-8X16PASENSOR 0.18PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
SENSOR 0.36PSID 0.08" 14BITP1J-25MB-8X16PASENSOR 0.36PSID 0.08" 14BIT0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情