
PAN1781 Bluetooth® 5.1 Low-Energy Module | Datasheet Preview

The Panasonic PAN1781 Bluetooth® 5.1 Low-Energy modules feature the Nordic nRF52820 single-chip controller for long-range IoT applications. The Bluetooth 5 features as the LE coded PHY for an elongated range or the high speed 2M PHY are supplemented by the support of angle of arrival and angle of departure direction finding using Bluetooth. The PAN1781 features an output power of up to 8 dBm, a high sensitivity, and supports Bluetooth Mesh, Thread and Zigbee Mesh protocols. With the integrated processor and flash memory, the PAN1781 Module can easily be used in standalone mode, thereby eliminating the need for an external processor. In addition, the ultra-low current consumption of this Bluetooth module makes the Module an ideal choice for battery powered devices where long range is required such as smart home, industrial, and many more.

5/4/2023 9:10:15 PM

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RF TXRX MOD 802.15.4 BT TH SMDENW-89857A1KFRF TXRX MOD 802.15.4 BT TH SMD1627 - 立即发货$108.02查看详情