
Atmel START Overview

Atmel START is a web-based, code configuration engine that helps users graphically configure and deploy embedded software, low-level drivers, middleware example applications, and reference designs.

12/11/2015 4:59:08 PM

Atmel START Overview

SENSOR INTERNAL -20C-125C 8WDFNAT30TS00-MAH-TSENSOR INTERNAL -20C-125C 8WDFN0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFPAT91M40800-33AU-999IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFP0 - 立即发货$68.78查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFPAT91M40800-33AUIC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFP265 - 立即发货$65.04查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFPAT91M42800A-33AU-999IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFP0 - 立即发货$102.65查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFPAT91M42800A-33AUIC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144LQFP138 - 立即发货$98.90查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGAAT91M42800A-33CJ-999IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGA0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGAAT91M42800A-33CJIC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 144BGA0 - 立即发货$96.38查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176LQFPAT91M55800A-33AUIC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176LQFP1385 - 立即发货$120.31查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176BGAAT91M55800A-33CJ-999IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176BGA0 - 立即发货$99.39查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176BGAAT91M55800A-33CJIC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 176BGA683 - 立即发货$131.30查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFPAT91R40008-66AU-999IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFP916 - 立即发货$111.76查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFPAT91R40008-66AUIC MCU 16/32BIT ROMLESS 100LQFP2229 - 立即发货$108.02查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB ROM 256BGAAT91RM9200-CJ-002IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB ROM 256BGA1018 - 立即发货$221.90查看详情
IC MCU 32BIT 128KB ROM 208PQFPAT91RM9200-QU-002IC MCU 32BIT 128KB ROM 208PQFP627 - 立即发货$208.63查看详情
IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLASH 64LQFPAT91SAM7S128D-AU-999IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLASH 64LQFP0 - 立即发货$28.65查看详情
IC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLASH 64LQFPAT91SAM7S128D-AUIC MCU 16/32B 128KB FLASH 64LQFP455 - 立即发货$74.48查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB FLSH 64QFNAT91SAM7S128D-MU-999IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB FLSH 64QFN0 - 立即发货$80.18查看详情
IC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB FLSH 64QFNAT91SAM7S128D-MUIC MCU 16/32BIT 128KB FLSH 64QFN50 - 立即发货$76.68查看详情
IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 64LQFPAT91SAM7S256D-AU-999IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 64LQFP2886 - 立即发货$95.48查看详情
IC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 64LQFPAT91SAM7S256D-AUIC MCU 16/32B 256KB FLASH 64LQFP980 - 立即发货$91.57查看详情