
Makeblock Ultimate 2.0 | DigiKey Daily

Makeblock offers their Ultimate 2.0, 10-in-1 robot kit, which includes assembly guides for ten different designs to serve as launch pads for other inventions. This kit includes more than 160 mechanical parts and modules, including a powerful MegaPi microcontroller, motors, wheels, tracks, a range of sensors, a Bluetooth module, cables, and other extension structures. The MegaPi microcontroller is based on the ATmega2560, capable of simultaneously driving up to ten servos, eight DC motors or four stepper motors. Also, it has four connection interfaces which give access to the different sensors. This kit’s block-based programming software enable users to program the Ultimate 2.0 by simply dragging and dropping function blocks, making this kit easy-to-use for users of all levels of programming experience.

11/9/2018 2:23:43 PM

Part List

ULTIMATE 2.0 - 10-IN-1 ROBOT KIT90040ULTIMATE 2.0 - 10-IN-1 ROBOT KIT0 - 立即发货$2,950.56查看详情