
The Industrial RevPi Connect 4, powered by the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4

The RevPi Connect 4, based on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4), is characterized by its modular design, its open source concept and its industrial suitability for a variety of applications, such as IPC, industrial control, edge device or IIoT gateway.

8/15/2024 5:25:43 PM

Part List

REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 8 GBPR100395REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 8 GB0 - 立即发货$7,253.68查看详情
REVPI CONNECT 4 8 GB 2 GBPR100376REVPI CONNECT 4 8 GB 2 GB7 - 立即发货$3,936.49查看详情
REVPI CONNECT 4 8 GB 2 GB WIFIPR100377REVPI CONNECT 4 8 GB 2 GB WIFI6 - 立即发货$4,571.41查看详情
REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 4 GBPR100378REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 4 GB6 - 立即发货$4,359.77查看详情
REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 4 GB WIFIPR100379REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 4 GB WIFI5 - 立即发货$4,571.41查看详情
REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 8 GB WIFIPR100380REVPI CONNECT 4 32 GB 8 GB WIFI0 - 立即发货$5,070.88查看详情