
Unboxing the CYW20822 Bluetooth® Module

The 20822 Bluetooth module is the perfect ready-to-use solution for those looking to streamline Bluetooth development in their products.

4/30/2024 6:06:55 PM

Part List

RF TXRX MOD BT TH SMDCYW20822P4TAI040XUMA1RF TXRX MOD BT TH SMD蓝牙蓝牙 v5.0-29 - 立即发货$55.26查看详情
EVAL KIT FOR CYW20822-P4TAI040CYW920822M2P4TAI040-EVKEVAL KIT FOR CYW20822-P4TAI040收发器;Bluetooth® 5.x-CYW20822–P4TAI0406 - 立即发货$912.27查看详情