
GHI Beaglebone Black Wireless | Maker Minute

The BeagleBone Black wireless brings integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to the BeagleBone Black platform. The board replaces the ethernet port with a 2.4 GHz TI WiLink 1835 module that provides 2x2 MIMO WiFi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Smart connections. The board also includes the Octavo OSD3358 system-in-package, which integrates the TI Sitara AM3358 as well as a TI PMIC and LDO. The board retains the HDMI output, 4GB eMMC and expansion via capes of the standard BeagleBone Black, giving professionals and makers an easy-to-use, modifiable platform for developing IoT applications with support for Android, Linux, and the Cloud9 IDE.

8/4/2017 7:17:05 PM