Espressif ESP-EYE | DigiKey Daily
The ESP-EYE, from Espressif, is an ESP32-based development board that integrates a digital microphone, 8 Megabytes of PSRAM and 4 Megabytes of flash, while also providing an external 2-Megapixel camera. These features make this development board well suited for applications relating to face detection, face recognition and speech recognition. Also, the board can support image transmission over Wi-Fi and debugging through a Micro-USB port, which enables the development of advanced AI solutions and AIoT applications. The ESP32 IC is a 2.4 Gigahertz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo chip. This development board also includes a CP2102 IC for converting the USB signals to UART signals, and an LDO power supply for providing the required power to the ESP32 chip, camera and LED indicators.