
Bourns Environmental Sensors | DigiKey Daily

Bourns Sensors and Controls’ BPS line of high accuracy pressure and humidity sensors deliver advanced sensing capabilities in harsh environments. The BPS110 and BPS120 pressure sensors are capable of accurately measuring non-corrosive dry gases at ultra-low pressures, with differential and gage options as well as analog or digital outputs. BPS130 pressure sensors address harsh air, liquid, and gas media in high pressure applications, while still providing high accuracy. All BPS series pressure sensors include an ASIC for signal processing and measurement compensation. The BPS230 humidity sensor provides highly accurate, stable performance. The sensor fits in a small 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.75 mm package and consumes very little current, making it ideal for use in portable applications.

1/14/2019 3:08:23 PM

Part List

SENSOR 1PSID 0.087BPS110-AD01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSID 0.087" 4.5V 8SMD0 - 立即发货$351.24查看详情
SENSOR 1PSID 0.087BPS110-AD01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSID 0.087" 4.5V 8SMD0 - 立即发货$351.24查看详情
SENSOR 1PSID 0.087BPS110-AD01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSID 0.087" 4.5V 8SMD0 - 立即发货$351.24查看详情
SENSOR 1PSIG 0.087BPS110-AG01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSIG 0.087" 4.5V 8SMD688 - 立即发货$351.24查看详情
SENSOR 1PSIG 0.087BPS110-AG01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSIG 0.087" 4.5V 8SMD688 - 立即发货$351.24查看详情
SENSOR 1PSIG 0.087BPS110-AG01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSIG 0.087" 4.5V 8SMD688 - 立即发货$351.24查看详情
SENSOR 1PSID 0.087BPS120-AD01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSID 0.087" 13BIT 8SMD199 - 立即发货$331.71查看详情
SENSOR 1PSID 0.087BPS120-AD01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSID 0.087" 13BIT 8SMD199 - 立即发货$331.71查看详情
SENSOR 1PSID 0.087BPS120-AD01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSID 0.087" 13BIT 8SMD199 - 立即发货$331.71查看详情
SENSOR 1PSIG 0.087BPS120-AG01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSIG 0.087" 13BIT 8SMD0 - 立即发货$354.74查看详情
SENSOR 1PSIG 0.087BPS120-AG01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSIG 0.087" 13BIT 8SMD0 - 立即发货$354.74查看详情
SENSOR 1PSIG 0.087BPS120-AG01P0-2DGSENSOR 1PSIG 0.087" 13BIT 8SMD0 - 立即发货$354.74查看详情
SENSOR 15PSIA 4.95VBPS130-HA015P-1MGSENSOR 15PSIA 4.95V254 - 立即发货$502.65查看详情
SENSOR 15PSIA 4.95VBPS130-HA015P-1MGSENSOR 15PSIA 4.95V254 - 立即发货$502.65查看详情
SENSOR 15PSIA 4.95VBPS130-HA015P-1MGSENSOR 15PSIA 4.95V254 - 立即发货$502.65查看详情
SENSOR 15PSIA 0.122BPS130-HA015P-1SGSENSOR 15PSIA 0.122" 4.95V237 - 立即发货$497.68查看详情
SENSOR 15PSIA 0.122BPS130-HA015P-1SGSENSOR 15PSIA 0.122" 4.95V237 - 立即发货$497.68查看详情
SENSOR 15PSIA 0.122BPS130-HA015P-1SGSENSOR 15PSIA 0.122" 4.95V237 - 立即发货$497.68查看详情
SENSOR 30PSIA 4.95VBPS130-HA030P-1MGSENSOR 30PSIA 4.95V0 - 立即发货$497.68查看详情
SENSOR 30PSIA 4.95VBPS130-HA030P-1MGSENSOR 30PSIA 4.95V0 - 立即发货$497.68查看详情