
Analog Devices 1647X Mini Mems IMUs | DigiKey Daily

Analog Devices offers their family of complete IMU systems. Each IMU system includes a digital triaxis gyroscope and triaxis accelerometer, each with signal conditioning that optimizes their dynamic performance up to a range of plus-or-minus 2000 degrees per second. These sensor systems are factory calibrated for sensitivity, bias, alignment, and linear acceleration. As a result, each sensor has its own dynamic compensation formulas that provide accurate sensor measurements. Housed in a small 44-pin BGA package that measures approximately 11 millimeters by 15 millimeters by 11 millimeters, these IMU systems provide a cost-effective method for integrating accurate, multi-axis inertial sensing into industrial systems. Ideal applications include smart agriculture and construction machinery, unmanned and autonomous vehicles, and virtual and augmented reality systems.

6/20/2018 1:26:59 PM