
SMPM/SMPS RF Terminations

SV Microwave has two lines of SMPM/SMPS terminations to absorb extra RF reflections within your system and prevent damage from blowback. Our Micro-miniature SMPM/SMPS terminations are protected with 1/2 watt power handling and in our smallest form factor.

4/29/2024 4:13:23 PM

Part List

SMPM VITA 67.3 FEMALE CONTACT TE8032-4025SMPM VITA 67.3 FEMALE CONTACT TE4 - 立即发货$1,878.32查看详情
SMPS VITA 67.3 FEMALE CONTACT TE8038-4009SMPS VITA 67.3 FEMALE CONTACT TE14 - 立即发货$2,558.75查看详情
SMPM MALE VITA 67.3 CONTACT REMO500-32-044SMPM MALE VITA 67.3 CONTACT REMO4 - 立即发货$2,333.10查看详情