TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties
近期 PTM
5 minutes
MHR Series LVDT and LVM-110 OEM Signal Conditioner
MHR LVDTs specifically designed for precision measurements in space restrictive applications.
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HTU-21D Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor
Requires no calibration and has very low power in a low profile DFN package. Ideal for battery powered systems in the automotive and office industries.
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TSYS01 Digital RTD Temperature Sensor
Temperature sensor offering highly accurate measurements at low power and a small overall size. Serves as an idea replacement for discrete temperature sensors.
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KMA36 Universal Magnetic Encoder
Universal non-contact position and motion encoder using magneto-resistive technology and features 13 bit resolution, a sleep mode, and is easy to use.
关于 TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties
- TE Connectivity (TE) Sensor Solutions 是全球最大的传感器公司之一, 提供创新型传感器产品,帮助用户将概念转换为智能化互联系统。随着成功收购 Measurement Specialties (MEAS),TE Connectivity Measurement Specialties (TE) 提供的连接和传感器解决方案门类齐全,令对手望尘莫及。TE Sensor Solutions 类型丰富的位置、温度、液体特性、液位、湿度、压力技术产品组合应用范围广,涵盖多个行业,从工业机械、HVAC、过程控制和自动化,到航空航天、防卫、医疗、消费和家电领域。