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用于 Jetson 的 reComputer 系列

Seeed 用于 Jetson 的 reComputer 系列采用 NVIDIA®️ Jetson 平台构建,适用于 AI、边缘计算等多种应用。

Odyssey® X86J4105/X86J4125 系列 SBC

Seeed 的 Odyssey® X86J4105/X86J4125 系列采用了四核 Intel® Celeron® J4105 和 J4125,并在单板计算机 (SBC) 中集成了多种功能。

Raspberry Pi®️ 设备提供商

Seeed Studio 通过标准化硬件和定制服务的组合提供独特的 Raspberry Pi®️ 解决方案。

XIAO 系列开发板

Seeed Studio XIAO 系列开发板采用单面组件,可轻松集成到其他开发板中。



Seeed - 人工智能在智能感知系统的应用 | 得捷时刻
Seeed - 人工智能在智能感知系统的应用 | 得捷时刻
Seeed 先进的智能物联网感知系统在行业中的应用 | 得捷时刻
Seeed 先进的智能物联网感知系统在行业中的应用 | 得捷时刻
Seeed - 边缘计算化趋势引领下的物联网 | 得捷时刻
Seeed - 边缘计算化趋势引领下的物联网 | 得捷时刻
Eric Pan with Seeed discusses sensors and the new reTerminal at embedded world
Eric Pan with Seeed discusses sensors and the new reTerminal at embedded world

近期 PTM

Image of Seeed Technology's ODYSSEY - X86J4105 Win10 Mini PC Overview
10 minutes
ODYSSEY - X86J4105 Win10 Mini PC Overview
Seeed's ODYSSEY - X86J4105, based on Intel® Celeron® J4105, is a quad-core, 1.5 GHz up to 2.5 GHz CPU that offers the features of a mini PC.
Image of Seeed Technology's Sipeed MAIX for RISC-V
10 minutes
Sipeed MAIX for RISC-V
The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the Sipeed MAIX series products. The tutorial will give an in-depth look at key features and application scenarios. It will also instruct users on how to get started, as well as discussing the benefits of developing with Sipeed MAIX.
Image of Seeed Technology's LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and the LinkIt Smart 7688
5 minutes
LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and the LinkIt Smart 7688
This presentation will provide an overview of the LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo and the LinkIt Smart 7688 features, customization options, design solutions and also discuss some application ideas.
Image of Seeed Technology's ReSpeaker mic array v2.0
5 minutes
ReSpeaker Mic Array v2.0
Overview of ReSpeaker Mic Array v2.0, including key features, application examples, and benefits of developing with this product.
Image of Seeed Technology's ReSpeaker Core v2.0
5 minutes
ReSpeaker Core v2.0
Overview of Seeed's ReSpeaker Core v2.0, including key features, application examples, and benefits of developing with the ReSpeaker Core v2.0.
Image of Seeed Technology's BeagleBoard single board computer
10 minutes
BeagleBone Green and BeagleBone Green Wireless
An overview of the BeagleBone Green and BeagleBone Green Wireless single board computers, including their key features, differences, applications, and design solutions.

关于 Seeed

Seeed 是物联网硬件的推动者,提供能够让开发人员迅速实现物联网项目的开源产品和服务。通过与从硬件到云的世界知名物联网生态系统公司合作,Seeed 提供了广泛的硬件平台和传感器模块,随时可与现有的物联网平台集成。公司在 2008 年创立于世界电子之都深圳,专门从事硬件创新,为创客提供灵感,帮助他们将创意变成差异化的产品。经过 10 年的努力,Seeed 在深圳打造了一个广泛而灵活的供应链,奠定了其敏捷制造服务和多元化定制服务的基础。目前,Seeed 在全球拥有近 300 名员工,在中国、日本和美国设有 5 个办事处。