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Sanyo Denki

Image of Sanyo Denki's High Static Fans

9HV 型高静压力风扇

随着冷却能力需求的不断增长,解决方法便是使用 Sanyo Denki 的高速系列风扇。这些 9HV 风扇的尺寸范围为 40 mm x 28 mm 至 120 mm x 38 mm。

Image of Sanyo Denki's Wide Temperature Fans

9GT 型宽温度范围风扇

Sanyo Denki 是业内首家推出 9GT 系列宽温度范围电子设备冷却风扇的公司。这些风扇的工作温度介于 -40°C 至 85°C 之间。

Image of Sanyo Denki's Silent Fans

9S 型静音风扇

Sanyo Denki 静音风扇可降低产品的噪声水平。这些风扇经过改良,能减少电机的开关、结构的振动和叶轮流体噪声。


特色产品 最新产品


Sanyo Denki 长寿命风扇性具有业界最长的 L10 寿命额定值,可提供高性能和耐用性的最佳组合。


Sanyo Denki 提供具有 IP54、IP55 和 IP68 额定值等多个尺寸的轴向和离心风扇,用于需要防潮和防尘保护的应用。




Sanyo Denki America, Inc. SANYO DENKI 60, 80, 92, & 120 mm Low Noise Fan 9RA type | Datasheet Preview
Sanyo Denki America, Inc. SANYO DENKI 60, 80, 92, & 120 mm Low Noise Fan 9RA type | Datasheet Preview
防水风扇 | Datasheet Preview
防水风扇 | Datasheet Preview
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Sanyo Denki Waterproof Fans | Datasheet Preview
Cooling effect of high static pressure fans installed in high-density equipment
Cooling effect of high static pressure fans installed in high-density equipment

近期 PTM

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Understanding Fan Life
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Reverse Rotation Prevention
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PWM Fan Controller
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Designing for Optimized Fan Acoustics
Explanations on how noise is generated in fans, as well as suggested ways to incorporate noise reduction techniques during the design of a chassis.
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Understanding System Curves and Operating Points
Explaining system curves and operating points in a chassis and how to use them to optimize fan selection.
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Air Mover Selection
This fan selection guide makes an attempt to lay out a logical approach to making the best choice on a cooling solution.

关于 Sanyo Denki

Sanyo Denki America 是您尖端热管理解决方案的终极来源。自 1927 年公司成立以来,Sanyo Denki 便一直提供业内领先的高可靠性和高性能的产品,始终超越全球客户日益增长的冷却需求。21 世纪,Sanyo Denki 持续蓬勃发展并始终走在行业前沿,不断致力于提升总体客户满意度,促进业务伙伴的成功。