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Image of Radiocrafts RIIM™ IP Mesh Network and RIIM Dashboard

RIIM™ IP 网状网络和 RIIM 仪表板

Radiocrafts 的 RIIM™ IP 网状网络用于创建工业级接入网络,可以使用 RIIM 仪表板进行监视和分析。

Image of Radiocrafts RC1180 MBUS3

RC1180-MBUS3 RF Module

Radiocrafts' world-leading 868 MHz Wireless M-Bus module is being used by many of the top-tier companies in the metering industry, with an installation base of more than 2 million units.

Image of Radiocrafts RC1882CEF-MIOTY1 RF Module

RC1882CEF-MIOTY1 RF Module

MIOTY is a low-power, wide-area network (LPWAN) protocol that was designed to have the best-in-class reliability and scalability of all available LPWAN technologies today to support massive industrial and commercial IoT deployments.


最新产品 特色产品

RCxxxx-DK 系列开发套件

Radiocrafts 的 RCxxxx-DK 系列开发套件旨在为其电源模块提供快速且易于使用的评估和原型开发解决方案。

RIIM™ 开发套件

Radiocrafts 的 RIIM 开发套件旨在提供快速且易于使用的评估和原型设计解决方案。

RCxxxxHP-DK 高功率系列开发套件

Radiocrafts 的 RCxxxxHP 是一种快速简便的评估和原型设计解决方案,适用于以 27 dBm 输出功率运行的高功率系列模块。

RC1701HP-WIZE-DK 开发套件

Radiocrafts 的 RC1701HP-WIZE-DK 开发套件为 RC1701HP-WIZE 模块提供快速且易于使用的评估和原型设计解决方案。


Tools and Support


169 MHz Wireless Solutions for Hard-to-Reach Places
169 MHz Wireless Solutions for Hard-to-Reach Places
State-of-the-Art IP Mesh for State-of-the-Art Street Lighting
State-of-the-Art IP Mesh for State-of-the-Art Street Lighting
MIOTY Alliance, The New Game-Changing LPWAN Solution For IIoT!
MIOTY Alliance, The New Game-Changing LPWAN Solution For IIoT!
The Wize Ecosystem: Wize Protocol and Products
The Wize Ecosystem: Wize Protocol and Products

近期 PTM

10 minutes
RIIM Series Overview
This presentation will review the challenges in reaching the performance needed for a good industrial network and show an existing solution that can be implemented with very little effort.
10 minutes
RIIoT™ Series Overview
Radiocrafts' RIIoT™ long range start network can run on low power with only a few weeks of development.

关于 Radiocrafts

Radiocrafts 设计、生产和销售高性能、高质量和高性价比标准射频模块,其产品适用于各种不同的短距离无线应用。这些模块的易用性有助于用户在减少投资和风险的同时,通过缩短开发时间,加快生产来提高市场成功率。