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Pokit Innovations


Pokit Innovations' Full-Featured Multimeter

Full-Featured Multimeter

Pokit is a full-featured Multimeter that accurately measures AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, resistance and ambient temperature.

Pokit Innovations' Monitor Parameters Long Term

Monitor Parameters Long Term

Pokit functions as a stand-alone data logger that logs temperature, voltage or current waveforms for periods up to 6 months without connection to a phone.


最新产品 特色产品

Pokit Pro 多合一万用表、示波器和记录器

Pokit Innovations 的 Pokit Pro 无线一体化万用表、示波器和记录器是移动测量应用的理想测量工具。


Tools and Support

Pokit Innovations' Pokit Meter

Pokit Meter

The Pokit Meter is the world’s smallest wireless multimeter, digital storage oscilloscope, and logger. Sporting retractable leads, the unit is small enough to fit on a keychain.


Pokit Meter Product Video
Pokit Meter Product Video
Pokit Digital Multimeter and Digi XBee Multi Programmers - New Product Discoveries Episode 301 | DigiKey
Pokit Digital Multimeter and Digi XBee Multi Programmers - New Product Discoveries Episode 301 | DigiKey

关于 Pokit Innovations

Pokit Innovations is an Australian-based company that strives to create the ultra-powerful electronic measurement tools in ultra-compact designs. Their goal is to remove the restrictions of common day measurement tools and provide their customers with the ability to perform complex tasks with freedom. Pokit designs and manufactures measurement products with similar functions of highly technical, complex, and expensive tools for a fraction of the cost. Many technicians, makers, and engineers all over the world are using Pokit to test their projects.