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Mallory Sonalert Products


23mm IEC 60601 1 8 Medical Alarms
23mm IEC 60601 1 8 Medical Alarms
Industrial 30mm Stacklight Product Video
Industrial 30mm Stacklight Product Video

近期 PTM

10 minutes
Sonalert 22mm Panel Alarm Series
Offering 90 new ultra-compact audible alarm models for industrial warning applications.
10 minutes
Sonalert Panel Mount SCE Series
Compact and rugged panel mount design, terminal block termination system, and four sound levels make the SCE series suitable for any industrial or outdoors use.
10 minutes
IEC60601-1-8 Compliant Medical Alarms
The main requirements of the IEC60601-1-8 and four compliant alarm devices from Mallory Sonalert.

关于 Mallory Sonalert Products

Mallory Sonalert Products, Inc. 是 Sonalert® 电子音频信号产品领域领先的制造商和开发商,公司总部位于美国印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯的新工厂,占地 22,000 平方英尺。公司经营 Sonalert 注册品牌产品线已有三十多年的历史。除了 Sonalert 产品外,Mallory 还经销全系列可闻信号设备,包括变送器、指示器、汽笛、蜂鸣器和相关硬件,拥有来自工业、军事和消费电子领域的庞大客户群。