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Machinechat 的 JEDI Pro 是一款低代码软件,旨在让用户在几天内以经济实惠、安全且快速的方式构建和部署物联网项目。

JEDI 一款适用于 BeagleBone® 和 Raspberry Pi 的一体化物联网软件
Machinechat 的 JEDI One 软件适用于 BeagleBone® 和 Raspberry Pi,可在几分钟内将物联网创意转化为已完成项目。

即用型专用 LoRaWAN-in-a-Box
即用型专用 LoRaWAN-in-a-box 将 Seeed 的 Studio® 工业级 SenseCAP 网关和传感器,与多合一 Machinechat JEDI Pro Seeed Studio Edition 软件结合在一起。
Tools and Support

JEDI Software Solutions
Add robust data collection, visualization, monitoring, and local storage management to any IoT project quickly. Ready-to-use, configurable IoT software for rapid prototyping.
了解详情关于 Machinechat
Machinechat is a Silicon Valley-based software company that is at the forefront of democratizing the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Machinechat develops innovative, user-friendly, and cost-effective software solutions that empower individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of their IoT data.