近期 PTM
5 minutes
S Series
The features and benefits of the LEMO S series connectors and the assembly instructions for the series.
5 minutes
M Series
LEMO M Series connectors maintain retention in space and weight restricted vibration environments via a design containing screw coupling with a ratchet.
10 minutes
REDEL 1P and 2P Series Overview
REDEL 1P & 2P connector series are circular push-pull, self-latching, have different keyways and colors for medical safety, and are dust and splash proof.
5 minutes
3K.93C HDTV Broadcast Connector Series
Explore features, specifications, and specialized equipment for LEMO's hybrid HDTV compliant Broadcast Connector Series.
LEMO 是设计、制造精密定制连接解决方案的全球领导者。LEMO 的高品质推拉式连接器已广泛应用在各种挑战性环境中,涵盖医疗、工业控制、测试与测量、音视频和电信领域。
LEMO 提供超过 50,000 种产品组合,并依靠专门的定制设计继续发展壮大。
LEMO 提供超过 50,000 种产品组合,并依靠专门的定制设计继续发展壮大。