
了解 LEM 旨在改善性能、减少停机时间并提高工业应用安全性的工业传感器。

了解 LEM 的产品组合如何应对汽车挑战,确保符合技术标准,同时提高安全性和效率。

Integrated Current Sensors
Explore LEM’s ICS range, designed to support the growing demand for smarter, more energy-efficient electronic solutions.

Integrated Current Sensors (ICSs)
LEM integrated current sensors (ICS) are designed to meet challenges by combining advanced sensing technology, signal processing, isolation, and system protection.

LESR 系列闭环霍尔效应电流传感器
LEM USA LESR 系列闭环霍尔效应电流传感器的性能达到磁通门技术的水平,同时具有精度和成本效益。

LES 系列闭环霍尔效应电流传感器
LEM USA LES 系列闭环霍尔效应电流传感器为广泛的工业应用提供经济高效的电流传感解决方案。

CKSR 系列磁通门电流传感器
LEM USA CKSR 系列磁通门电流传感器采用扩展的测量范围设计,适用于单极测量。
近期 PTM

5 minutes
GO Series Coreless Integrated Primary Current Transducer with Dual OCD
This presentation will introduce LEM’s GO series, a coreless integrated primary current transducer with dual over current detection output.

5 minutes
HOYS/HOYL Product Family Overview
This presentation will discuss the features, applications, and the open loop ASIC of LEM’s HOYS and HOYL open-loop current transducer families.

5 minutes
Digital Transducers with Sigma-Delta Output
LEM's ASIC with on-board second-order Sigma-Delta modulator provides a digital output to open-loop transducers.

5 minutes
LDSR Leakage Current Measurement for Safety
This presentation will introduce LEM's LDSR leakage current measurement for safety.
关于 LEM USA, Inc.
作为电气测量领域的领先公司,LEM 设计出最佳的能源和移动解决方案,确保客户系统的优化、可靠和安全。LEM 在 15 个国家拥有 1,500 名员工,致力于将技术潜力转化为超强答案,培养和招募全球最优秀的人才,站在可再生能源、移动性、自动化和数字化等大趋势的前沿。通过创新的电气解决方案,LEM 帮助客户和社会加速向可持续性未来转型。