近期 PTM
5 minutes
GO Series Coreless Integrated Primary Current Transducer with Dual OCD
This presentation will introduce LEM’s GO series, a coreless integrated primary current transducer with dual over current detection output.
5 minutes
HOYS/HOYL Product Family Overview
This presentation will discuss the features, applications, and the open loop ASIC of LEM’s HOYS and HOYL open-loop current transducer families.
5 minutes
Digital Transducers with Sigma-Delta Output
LEM's ASIC with on-board second-order Sigma-Delta modulator provides a digital output to open-loop transducers.
5 minutes
LDSR Leakage Current Measurement for Safety
This presentation will introduce LEM's LDSR leakage current measurement for safety.
关于 LEM USA, Inc.
作为电气测量领域的领先公司,LEM 设计出最佳的能源和移动解决方案,确保客户系统的优化、可靠和安全。LEM 在 15 个国家拥有 1,500 名员工,致力于将技术潜力转化为超强答案,培养和招募全球最优秀的人才,站在可再生能源、移动性、自动化和数字化等大趋势的前沿。通过创新的电气解决方案,LEM 帮助客户和社会加速向可持续性未来转型。