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Johanson Technology



LE Audio 和 Auracast™ 解决方案

Johanson Technology LE 音频和 Auracast™ 解决方案具有先进、紧凑的滤波解决方案,适用于下一代蓝牙音频应用。

7.22 GHz 射频片式天线

Johanson Technology 7.22 GHz RF 片式天线采用坚固的设计,可确保出色的 RF 性能。

Wi-Fi 6E 和 Wi-Fi 7 平衡不平衡转换器

Johanson 开发了两种经济高效的差分到单端平衡不平衡转换器(RF 变压器),适用于 5 GHz 和 6 GHz 带宽频谱。


Johanson Technology 的多频带单天线解决方案在约 360 mm 的 PCB 面积内提供了业界认可的辐射增益和效率。

Image of Johanson Technology Mounting Guidelines, Selection Info

使用 Johanson 的交互式天线选型指南为您的设计选择合适的射频天线

查看此选型指南,获取产品信息、数据表、S 参数等。


Johanson Technology 多层高 Q 值 SMD 电容器 | Datasheet Preview
Johanson Technology 多层高 Q 值 SMD 电容器 | Datasheet Preview
Johanson Technology Multi-Layer High-Q SMD Capacitors | Datasheet Preview
Johanson Technology Multi-Layer High-Q SMD Capacitors | Datasheet Preview
Dialog and Johanson New Product Discoveries with Randall Restle Episode 11
Dialog and Johanson New Product Discoveries with Randall Restle Episode 11

近期 PTM

Filter Bandpass 5.5GHz WiFi
5 minutes
Benefits of using Integrated Passive Components over a Discrete Solution
By investing in an integrated passive component, any given design can have a 2 dB improvement over manufacturing tolerances, increasing system yields.
EIA1111 Silver Series
5 minutes
EIA 1111 Silver Series S42E MLCCs
Silver Series S42E High Q MLCCs advantages include high temperature dissipation, high dielectric stability, low ESR, and competitive pricing.
Ceramic Chip Antennas
15 minutes
RF Ceramic Chip Antennas
Explanation of application and theory of chip antennas, general antenna layout considerations and guidelines, and antenna selection criteria.
RF Capacitor Modeling Software
5 minutes
RF Capacitor Modeling Software
The MLCsoft interface allows the user to select one of six MLCC sizes plus other part variables and displays the complete Johanson part number.
Fixed Inductor 15NH 250mA 600 mOHM
5 minutes
Inductor Coupling Effects, Reduction and Orientation Schemes
Reduce coupling by facing orientation marks in the same direction. Thus, the performance consistency and complete system yield from board to board will improve.

关于 Johanson Technology

Johanson Technology 从成立之初便专注于射频、微波和光学市场。依靠经验丰富的设计团队,他们通过优化陶瓷、油墨和 RF 电路设计来生产出色的高频陶瓷解决方案。在高频领域的专注使得 Johanson 能够提供拥有了超凡高频性能的产品。

Johanson Technology 专门为蓝牙、WiFi、UWB、射频/微波、毫米波和光纤等一系列应用提供高频陶瓷解决方案,同时还提供根据特定需求定制的解决方案。他们的产品线范围广泛,包括多层电容器、单层电容器、RF 电感器、射频绕线电感器、片式天线、平衡不平衡转换器、平衡滤波器、带通滤波器、高通滤波器、低通滤波器、耦合器和双工器。

此外,他们通过了 ISO9001-2000 标准认证,进一步证明了他们对品质的承诺。在 Johanson Technology,他们致力于在运营的各个方面追求卓越,以满足客户不断变化的需求。