• Preferred Supplier

Johanson Dielectrics, Inc.

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Introduction to X2Y® Capacitors
Yields low inductance and tight balance despite its simple structure. Versatile and suitable for decoupling, bypassing, and EMI filtering applications.
10 minutes
High Voltage PCB Design for Arc Prevention
PCB layout recommendations given to improve the arching performance of mounted high voltage ceramic capacitors and discuss results from PCB design tests.
10 minutes
MLCC Basics
The manufacturing process, materials systems, basic specifications of ceramic capacitors, and characteristics of ceramic chip capacitors are explained.
5 minutes
Introduction to Safety Certified Capacitors
Designed for surge and impulse protection, safety certified capacitors shunt impulse energy to ground and protect the circuit and user from high voltage surges.

关于 Johanson Dielectrics, Inc.

Johanson Dielectrics, Inc. 拥有 30 多年向全球客户供应优质陶瓷片式电容器的行业经验。我们的经营理念很简单:通过完全满足客户对高品质和技术先进的陶瓷电子元件的需求,获得持续增长和盈利。

