JAE Electronics
近期 PTM
5 minutes
MX80 Series of Compact Waterproof Automotive In-Line Connectors
JAE Electronics’ high-performance MX80 series of sealed miniature relay connectors meet the needs of the automotive and transportation market.
10 minutes
AN01 Series Stamped High-Performance Antennas
This presentation will provide an overview of the applications, features, and specifications for the AN01 series of stamped antennas from JAE Electronics.
5 minutes
MA01 Series Connectors
This presentation will provide information on JAE’s MA01 Series of floating board-to-board connectors.
5 minutes
AX01 Series Floating Board-to-Board Connectors
This presentation will discuss the features, applications, and specifications for the AX01 series of connectors from JAE Electronics.
关于 JAE Electronics
JAE Electronics 位列全球互连器件供应商前十强,是公认的细间距板对板、板对电缆(包括 LVDS 产品)、FPC(板对柔性元件)、存储卡、输入/输出、圆形、汽车/运输和防水级连接器的技术领导者。