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Image of Bulgin's M Series

M 系列

为了满足对工业自动化和过程控制系统日益增长的需求,Bulgin 开发出 M 系列 Buccaneer 连接器。

Image of Bulgin's Buccanner Series

Buccaneer 系列

Bulgin 的 Buccaneer 系列提供广泛的数据连接器,及其广受欢迎的电源连接器变型。

Image of Bulgin's Rectangular Power Connector


Bulgin 矩形电源连接器系列为恶劣环境中的线对线应用提供了一个可靠、坚固的解决方案。


Bulgin Rectangular Connector Wiring Instructions
Bulgin Rectangular Connector Wiring Instructions
Bulgin Sensors Available at DigiKey
Bulgin Sensors Available at DigiKey
Bulgin Rectangular Connectors Available at DigiKey
Bulgin Rectangular Connectors Available at DigiKey
Bulgin and Arcoelectric Switches Available at DigiKey
Bulgin and Arcoelectric Switches Available at DigiKey

近期 PTM

5 minutes
Switch Overview
Bulgin’s line of vandal resistant switches feature rating up to 5A, 250Vac, are high quality stainless steel, and are available in various styles and profiles.
5 minutes
Buccaneer® Data Connectors
Quick, simple solution ideal protection against dust and water and provides a secure connection for Ethernet, SMB, Firewire, USB, and USB mini applications.
5 minutes
Buccaneer Power Connectors Overview
A full range of IP68 rated environmentally sealed circular connectors designed to provide secure and safe connectors in harsh or hostile conditions.
5 minutes
6000 Series Metal and Plastic Push-Pull Connectors
Bulgin's 6000 series line of metal and plastic push-pull connectors offer rapid connections, compact footprint, and full set IP ratings.
5 minutes
Antimicrobial Switches
The antimicrobial switches' BioCote protection will not break down or wear off and will retain its antimicrobial efficiency throughout the life of the switch.
5 minutes
Bulgin's line of switches include rocker, toggle, pushbutton, and refrigerator door switches. All parts are certified compliant with UL, CSA, CE and RoHS.

关于 Bulgin

Bulgin 是一家全球连接咨询公司,是公认的环保密封连接器和组件的领先制造商。凭借超过 95 年的行业经验,Bulgin 的愿景是继续创新和开发产品和服务,以满足其涵盖全球各个领域的客户群。

Bulgin Components 专注于设计、制造高品质圆形防水连接器(Buccaneer IP68 级防水连接器产品线)、市电连接器、电池座、EMI 滤波器、保险丝座、指示灯、防破坏 LED、防破坏开关、按钮开关、拨动开关和电压选择开关。

所有产品均在我们获得 ISO 9001 认证的工厂制造,并获各种国际认可。Bulgin Components 技术先进,能提升多种应用中电子和电气设备的性能和能效,这些应用涵盖汽车、消费电子、计算机/外设、工业、船舶、电信、石化和照明领域。