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Companies can easily spend months of time and upwards of $87,000 to get their cellular products certified and approved by government agencies (such as the FCC), regulatory groups (such as PTCRB), and cellular carriers. The regulations are time-consuming, complex, and ever-changing. Applicants need to understand what is required, plus have the M2M wireless expertise and competency to successfully pass. Passing on the first attempt is difficult to do. The embedded certification story outlined on this slide demonstrates the two paths that can be taken to get a cellular product to market. Both paths will get the designer to the same end-goal of their end-device certified product, but the paths to get there are different. One path outlines placing a radio module on a board and the other outlines using a Multi-Tech End-Certified embedded product. The red path on top demonstrates taking a radio module and outlines the regulatory, government, and carrier certifications necessary to gain approval to use a product on the cellular network. As the arrows demonstrate, if the design does not pass, the designer will need to make adjustments, thereby adding additional time, expense, and risk to the project. The green path demonstrates using an end-certified embedded product from Multi-Tech. Multi-Tech takes on the end-device certification and approval work for their products so the users do not have to. This quickens the path to market and minimizes up-front expense to the user. With either approach, they still need system-level testing on the final design for safety and EMC, but these are minor in scope and cost.
PTM Published on: 2014-03-27