Image of Intel® Enpirion® EZ6301QI/EZ6303QI Triple Output Fully Integrated PowerSoC Synchronous Buck Converters

Enpirion® EZ6301QI/EZ6303QI Triple Output Fully Integrated PowerSoC Synchronous Buck Converters


This presentation will introduce Altera’s® footprint-compatible triple channel devices for point-of-load applications. There will be a review of features and benefits, as well as a discussion on some key performance metrics.

Related Parts

图片制造商零件编号描述电压/电流 - 输出 3可供货数量价格查看详情
IC REG TRPL BCK/LNR 2.5MHZ 40QFNEZ6301QIIC REG TRPL BCK/LNR 2.5MHZ 40QFN0.9V ~ 3.3V,300mA0 - 立即发货See Page for Pricing查看详情
IC REG TRPL BCK/LNR 2.5MHZ 40QFNEZ6303QIIC REG TRPL BCK/LNR 2.5MHZ 40QFN0.9V ~ 3.3V,300mA500 - 立即发货$248.35查看详情

Evaluation Boards

图片制造商零件编号描述电流 - 输出电压 - 输入可供货数量价格查看详情
EVAL BOARD FOR EZ6301QIEVB-EZ6301QIEVAL BOARD FOR EZ6301QI1.5A,300mA,300mA2.7V ~ 6.6V10 - 立即发货$561.66查看详情
EVAL BOARD FOR EZ6303QIEVB-EZ6303QIEVAL BOARD FOR EZ6303QI2.2A,300mA,300mA2.7V ~ 3.6V12 - 立即发货$561.66查看详情
PTM Published on: 2020-04-23