Digital Power Insight™ Tools

OmniOn Power's Digital Power Insight kit provides power engineers with a user interface that delivers control flexibility over their digital products

Image of OmniOn Power's Digital Power Insight™ ToolsOmniOn Power's DPI GUI communicates with PMBus™ enabled products, specifically DLynx POLs and Barracuda Bus Converters, via a USB to I2C adapter. The software features continuous monitoring (polling) of input voltage, output voltage, and current, as well as module status. Status changes are automatically time stamped and logged by the software and easily exported. A Command Line Interface (CLI) is also available for a more in-depth analysis of the transmitted data across the I2C bus. The CLI is a useful tool for creating and executing user-defined routines and scripts, as well as the logging of data for future review or plotting.

In addition to its monitoring capabilities, designers can use the Digital Power Insight to configure and reconfigure voltages, thresholds, warnings, and settings for individual power modules, as well as save configuration specs. Users can also use the software's built-in auto-detect functionality to identify modules on the I2C bus.

The software enables engineers to create custom configuration files and to fine-tune and optimize a variety of parameters to ensure the highest levels of performance and efficiency. The DPI Software Tool Set is distributed as a zip file that can be downloaded from a link on the OmniOn Power website.

Digital Power Insight

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发布日期: 2012-06-29