ADI's ADP7183 is a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), low dropout (LDO) linear regulator that operates from -2.0 V to -5.5 V and provides up to -300 mA of output current. This LDO regulator is ideal for regulation of high performance analog and mixed-signal circuits operating from -0.5 V down to -4.5 V. Using an advanced proprietary architecture, the ADP7183 provides high PSRR and low noise, and achieves excellent line and load transient response with a small 4.7 μF ceramic output capacitor.
Features |
- Input voltage range: -2.0 V to -5.5 V
- Maximum output current: -300 mA
- Fixed output voltage options: -0.5 V to -4.5 V
- Adjustable output from -0.5 V to -VIN +0.5 V
- Low output noise: 4 µVRMS from 100 Hz to 100 kHz
- Low dropout voltage: -130 mV typical at -300 mA load
- Operating supply current (IGND): -0.6 mA typical at no load
- Initial output voltage accuracy (VOUT): ±0.5% at IOUT = -10 mA
- Output voltage accuracy over line, load, and temperature: ±2.6%
- Low shutdown current: -2 µA typical at VIN = -5.5 V
- 8-lead, 2 mm x 2 mm LFCSP package
- Supported by ADIsimPOWER™ voltage regulator design tool