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BBC micro:bit Powered Halo-ween Fancy Dress

By Kitronik Maker

Halloween offers the perfect opportunity for some fancy dress fun. In this tutorial, we will show you how this can easily be done using the Kitronik ZIP Halo for the BBC microbit.


Build a Clap-Activated Light with microbit!

By Pimoroni

Did you ever see in the movies when someone claps their hands twice and all the lights turn off?? I thought that was the coolest thing ever! Now, with the micro:bit, an enviro:bit, and some NeoPixel lights you can recreate that same effect!


ZIP Hex Lightsaber – May the 4th Be with You

By Kitronik Maker

Here we show how to create a lightsaber using a micro:bit and addressable RGB LEDs in this solder free project.


Fun Kitronik Halloween Project Ideas

By Kitronik Maker

We've got fancy dress modifications, fancy dress props, moving Halloween decorations, and some great Halloween themed add-ons for the Kitronik :MOVE mini.


Revamped Dollar Store Items for the 4th of July


With a few inexpensive parts, and some simple programming, you can also take your dollar store wearables to the next level.


Kitronik ZIP Halo Coasters Using Micro:bit


This series of slides will demonstrate how to pair a Micro:bit with a cell phone, how to program it, and complete the coaster project using the ZIP Halo.