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How To Homebrew Game Boy Games

2025-01-21 | By Adafruit Industries

License: See Original Project

Courtesy of Adafruit

Guide by John Park





Creating your own Game Boy games and playing them on real ‎hardware has never been easier. This guide will show you what you ‎need get started creating games with GB Studio.‎

You can export game ROM files to play in an emulator, on the web, ‎or even better, flash your own Game Boy cartridge to play on a ‎Game Boy, Game Boy Color, or Game Boy Advance!‎

If you want to try it out, here's a link to the playable game on ‎ Dorky Demustard.‎


This guide was inspired by the Green Day Dookie Demastered ‎project, which re-imagined the album for obsolete/inconvenient ‎playback methods. But since they only made 25 copies of the Game ‎Boy cartridge with Welcome to Paradise on it, we decided to build ‎our own take on it.


Game Authoring Tools

GB Studio

You'll need to download and install GB Studio, the free, open-source ‎Game Boy development application for macOS, Windows, and Linux.‎


Pixel Editors

You will probably want to use a pixel art program such ‎as Aseprite for editing sprites and backgrounds.‎

For more advanced backgrounds, the Tiled map editor is ‎indispensable.



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GB Studio


GB Studio is a modern, GUI-based authoring tool for making Game ‎Boy games. It's available for MacOS, Windows, and a few flavors of ‎Linux.‎

In it, you manage the flow of your game with "scenes" that contain ‎game levels (as well as menus, a splash screen, and a title screen) ‎and define the look and behavior of assets within the game levels.‎


Game Events

Using drag-and-drop tools, you can adjust properties and events to ‎define interactions and game play.


Music Tracker

GB Studio contains an internal music tracker you can use to create ‎songs in your game, or you can import tracker files created ‎externally.


Game Assets

Visual game assets such as backgrounds and sprites are created ‎with an external pixel art tool, such as Aseprite, but you can also ‎download asset packs from online repositories such as


Testing and Debugging

While you're working on your game you can test it with a one-button ‎compiler, which launches a debugger and emulator.‎


ROM Export

Once you're ready to play your game or distribute it to others, you ‎can export a ROM file (for use on flash cartridges or software ‎emulators).‎

You can also export .pocket files for the GB Studio player ‎on Analogue Pocket handhelds.‎

And, for even wider audiences, you can export your game for web ‎play as an HTML game on‎


Once you've downloaded and installed GB Studio, use these docs to ‎get started creating a basic project.‎

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Pixel Art Fundamentals


What is pixel art? Pixel is a word for individual “picture elements” on ‎a screen, such as your computer monitor or your handheld gaming ‎device. They are essentially the smallest unique element of a display ‎that is comprised of a single color (this is true of most all displays ‎other than vector scopes). If you look really, really closely at your ‎screen, you’ll see lots of individual pixels that make up the images ‎you normally see when you step back and take it all in.‎

Here's a closeup of a section of this very webpage so you can see the ‎individual pixel that make up the guide's main graphic.‎


Pixel Art

For our purposes, pixel art refers to a type of graphics made for use ‎in games, where the individual pieces of art (sometimes referred to ‎as sprites) are small enough to be created by hand, one pixel at a ‎time. This is as opposed to graphics made from pre-rendered or real-‎time 3D models, or graphics of sufficient complexity and size that it’s ‎impractical to create the art at the individual pixel level.‎

Here, we see pixel art from the game Celeste. The backgrounds and ‎characters are artfully constructed pixel art. And incredibly appealing!‎


Scene from the game Celeste

Software and Resources

On the next page we'll use the pixel art editor that's built right into ‎MakeCode Arcade. However, if you'd like to explore other pixel art ‎software, here are some good ones to check out:‎

These pixel art tutorials by MiniBoss are excellent (they created the ‎fantastic artwork for Celeste). In them, they cover both static and ‎animated sprites (and a whole lot more!)‎


For a deeper dive into creating graphics for the Nintendo ‎Entertainment System (NES) have a look here.‎

This Game Development magazine article on creating retro styled ‎games has a great look at different retro art styles.‎

Color Palette

Pixel art also tends to imply the use of a limited color palette, such as ‎‎1-bit (monochrome), 4-bit (16 colors), or 8-bit (256 colors) graphics ‎seen in game consoles of yesteryear. Modern games tend to use 16-‎bit (65,536 colors) or 24-bit (16,777,216 colors).‎

Not to say that pixel art with limited color palettes isn’t thriving now! ‎But these color restrictions are now often chosen for stylistic reasons, ‎not technological ones when using the latest, most powerful ‎computers and consoles.‎

If we look closely at the Celeste character sprite from the scene ‎above, we can see that she is made up of only twelve colors ‎‎(including transparency as one "color").‎


On handheld systems, such as the PyBadge and PyGamer, we can ‎create pixel art that will look great on the small screens when ‎compared to the relative busy-ness of higher color depth graphics. ‎‎(More on aliasing in a bit.)‎

Want to check out some excellent examples of pixel art ‎palettes? Have a look over here at LOSPEC!‎

The Canvas

When creating pixel art characters, one of the first decisions you'll ‎make is the size of the image sprite you're going to make. Here's a ‎typical canvas set up for a 16-pixel wide, by 16 pixel high image.‎


Here's a similar canvas, except this time it’s set for a 32x32 pixel ‎image.‎


Each cell of the canvas can have a single pixel drawn into it, or no ‎pixel at all. Cells with no pixel are treated as a transparent part of the ‎image by the game engine.‎

First, we have Mario from the NES Super Mario Bros. game He's ‎made in a 16 x 16-pixel canvas and has a four color palette (one color ‎being transparency).‎

NES Super Mario Bros


Next, we have a 32x32 pixel Mario from SNES Super Mario World. ‎He's now sporting a 16-color palette!‎



Finally, here's a 32x32 pixel sprite from New Super Mario Bros. for ‎Nintendo DS. The sprite looks like it was not handmade, pixel by ‎pixel, so much as rendered from a 3D model, since the shading is so ‎complex. The color palette is virtually unrestricted, as evidenced by ‎the huge number of different shades of blue, red, Mario's skin-tone, ‎and more.‎



Sprite Sheets

If you'd like to look at examples of pixel art from existing games, ‎search online for "sprite sheets". For example, "Mario sprite sheets" ‎turns up images such as these, which are pulled directly from the in-‎game resources:‎



Drawing Sprites

In this example, we see a palette of 16 colors (the first one isn’t a ‎color, it allows you to make a transparent pixel) and then we have a ‎grid of 16 x 16 pixels for the art. You can pick a color and then use the ‎pencil tool, for example, to click and place pixels where you like.‎


Here's a very nice example from the MiniBoss Studio tutorials. In this ‎sprite art progression for a shovel, note how the limited color palette ‎is still enough to

  • first, create the basic form of the object

  • then, "shade" it (add dimension) using additional colors

  • finally, to round off the appearance of the corners using anti-‎aliasing techniques



Aliasing is the name given to the rough, stair-stepping effect that's ‎seen when pixels are used to create curved or diagonal lines. While ‎we can't change the basic problem of square (or rectangular on ‎some screens) pixels being used to represent curved or diagonal ‎shapes, we can lessen the effect by using a technique known ‎as anti-aliasing.‎

Typically, anti-aliasing is achieved by adding medium contrast pixels ‎at the problem areas. In other words, an aliased black line on a white ‎background can be anti-aliased by the addition of grey pixels to help ‎fool the eye.‎

In this example, we start with two colors, black and white. To fix the ‎aliasing, we add pixels in four shades of gray.‎


This can look a bit strange and fuzzy up close but look at these same ‎images at actual scale to see how effective the anti-aliasing is at ‎removing the "jaggies".‎


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Dorky Demustard Game

Template Project

The Dorky Demustard game starts with the GB Studio Sample ‎Project (GBS 1.0). This is described as "A short 4 color top-down ‎game".‎

Give your project a name and path, then click Create Project.


You may download the final project zip file here:‎

Default Game World

Here's the default Game World view from the template. You can see ‎the eight scenes available as well as their connections.‎

For example, the Logo scene flows to the Title Screen scene which ‎then flows to the Outside scene when the player presses Start.‎


The Game Boy screen is 160 x 144 pixels. A game tile is 8 x 8 pixels, ‎the smallest unit that fits into graphic memory. So, a single screen ‎level is 20 x 18 tiles.‎

Scene Pruning

To create Dorky Demustard, we'll delete a few un-needed scenes an ‎adjust the scene flow.‎

The Outside scene is large, 32x32 tiles (a tile is 16x16 pixels). It covers ‎roughly 4 times the area of the Game Boy screen, which means the ‎game camera pans and scans as the character moves.‎

Click and drag the player start icon from the Outside scene to ‎the House scene.‎



Then, click and delete the Outside scene, we won't be using it.‎


In fact, let's get ruthless -- delete the Stars and Underground scenes, ‎too!‎



Try out the game now by clicking the Game > Run menu item.‎

The game compiles and you can then play it using keyboard keys ‎‎(arrow keys +z will get you pretty far) .‎


Try out the game now by clicking the Game > Run menu item.‎

The game compiles and you can then play it using keyboard keys ‎‎(arrow keys +z will get you pretty far) .‎

You may notice that if you try to walk through the doorway, you ‎don't go anywhere. Stuck! Next, let's create a trigger to move ‎between scenes.‎

Quit the emulated run test.



Click the orange Trigger block in the House scene doorway.‎

In the properties panel select the Cave scene from the drop-down ‎menu. This will add a player position connection to the scene. You ‎can drag it where you like and adjust the direction arrow in the ‎properties panel.‎

Now, if you test the game, walking to the door in the House scene ‎will trigger moving the player Actor to the Cave scene.‎



Return Trip

Repeat this process to set the Cave door trigger to send the player ‎Actor back to the House scene.‎


Room Backgrounds

The process of designing your levels can be a back and forth ‎between the pixel art and level functions, such as collision areas and ‎triggers. Let's swap in a couple of backgrounds now.‎

Asset Folders

Since we started with the sample project, we have a number of pre-‎made assets to work with. Save your projects and head to the project ‎directory to find the assets > backgrounds folder.‎


House Art

Open the house.png file in your pixel editor (Aseprite shown here).‎

Feel free to draw a new background, add to the existing one, or add ‎designs from a downloadable asset pack, such as the one I ‎purchased, the DVA tileset Town 'n' Around. (You can also find free ‎sets, but I thought this one was great and was happy to pay for it.)‎




Work with layers in your pixel editor so you can move elements ‎around to arrange them just so.‎

Save your file as a PNG file named living_room.png in the ‎backgrounds folder. You can download the one I made below if you ‎like.‎



Swap BG

In GB Studio, click on the House scene and then pick the ‎new living_room option from the drop-down in ‎the Background section as shown here.‎

Delete the four sign sprites, we won't be using them, then use ‎the Eraser and Collision brushes to fine-tune the wall and object ‎collisions.‎




Swap out the Actor1 sprite for the lars.png attached below, placed in ‎the assets > sprites folder of your project directory.‎

You can reuse some of the previous settings but adjust them for your ‎game. I've set Lars's dialog to display "Lars: You should play some ‎music."‎

You can also check out the GB Studio file for the project to see how ‎the $Gotbattery and $Gotcassettetape variables are used to ‎determine which text prompts to display.‎



We convert the sample Cave scene into the Bedroom -- this is the ‎second scene the player can enter. Check out the GB Studio project ‎to see how the trigger heads back to the Living Room scene.‎

You'll also see two sprites to interact with -- the Battery and the Tape.‎


Actor Interactions

The Battery actor is set to interact with the Player when there is an ‎‎"On Hit" collision. This causes a sound effect to play, a text display to ‎pop up, the Deactivation of the Battery, and ‎the $Gotbattery variable state to flip to True.‎

The Tape actor is initially out of reach. When the battery has been ‎grabbed, the Tape "On Update" loop sees the change in ‎the $Gotbattery variable.‎

This causes the Tape to Self-Move To{} a location on the screen ‎where it can be reached.‎





Pick the radio Actor2 sprite that was in the sample scene and swap ‎out the sprite art for the boombox2.png using the same method as ‎we did with Lars.‎

Again, we will use the $Gotbattery and $Gotcassettetape variables ‎to create the logic for dialoge box display.‎

When those two conditions have been met, with batteries and tape ‎in hand, the Boombox will play upon interaction! Just walk up to it and ‎press A.‎

You'll see in the GB Studio project that when both variables are true ‎‎(after collecting the necessary battery and tape objects) a Play Music ‎Track event launches a song. We'll have a look next at the music ‎tracker interface.‎


Music Tracker

Click on the GB Studio mode dropdown to switch from Game ‎World to Music.‎

This is where you can create four track music, using a spreadsheet-‎like interface called a music tracker. Rather than re-invent the wheel, ‎check out the excellent GB Studio docs on the music editor here.‎

There are four different tracks for different instruments (two PWM, ‎one waveform, one noise, often used for drums and percussion) ‎which correspond to the four synth tracks of the Game Boy ‎hardware.‎

The tracker represents time vertically, with 1/8th note steps. Here we ‎can see and hear a bass line playing on Duty 2 with an A#, G#, D# ‎pattern, and the drums on the Noise track.‎


End Game

We use the glass actor to end the game. On Hit will cause a two-‎choice menu dialog box to pop up.‎

The Continue choice will close the menu and make no changes to ‎game state.‎

By picking the Quit choice, the following happens:‎

  • Stop Music event stops the music

  • ‎$Gotcassettetape variable is set back to False

  • $Gotbattery variable is set back to False

  • Change Scene is set to the game title screen

The game is now ready to be played anew, with everything put back ‎in its place!‎


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Cartridge Flashing

Game Export

You can now export the game ROM for play in a software emulator ‎or on hardware. In GB Studio click Game > Export As > Export ROM.‎

The software will compile the ROM and export it to the game ‎project's build directory.‎



Cartridges and Flashers

If you'd like to play your game on an original Game Boy, Game Boy ‎Color, or Game Boy Advance you'll need a cartridge flasher and ‎some ROM cartridges.‎

There is a number of different cart reader/writer devices out there. ‎They can be used for reading and saving your game ROMs (known ‎as 'ROM dumping'), backing up your game saves (particularly useful ‎when you need to change the coin cell battery on an old cart), and ‎writing game ROMs to flash cartridges.‎

Flash cartridges come in many different configurations and ROM ‎sizes. Some original Game Boy games, such as Tetris, fit in 32KB of ‎memory, which is the maximum size the Game Boy can address ‎directly on a cartridge without the help of a Memory Block Controller ‎‎(MBC) to manage grabbing date from larger ROM chips.‎

Games made with GB Studio will be much bigger than 32KB -- ‎usually somewhere from 138KB and up, so a 512KB, 1MB, 2MB, or ‎‎4MB flash cart with an MBC (or FPGA/CPLB facsimile thereof) will be ‎necessary.‎

The GBxCart RW is an excellent choice for a cart flasher. It plugs into ‎your computer via USB C and then you plug your cartridge to be ‎read or flashed into it.‎

There are loads of different flashable carts out there, a few I've used ‎successfully include Ferrante Crafts 512KB, the Funnyplaying Flash ‎Cart V2, and cheap "reproduction" carts from AliExpress like this one. ‎Your mileage may vary with random repro carts, but they are ‎incredibly inexpensive, so may be worth a shot.




Flashing Software

Using the GBxCart RW requires you to plug it into a computer and ‎run some software that can read from and write to the cart. I've ‎found the open source FlashGBX works perfectly and is simple to ‎use.‎

  • Plug in the flasher and cartridge

  • Click Connect

  • Pick Game Boy mode

  • Click Write ROM

  • Select the game .gb file from the build directory using the file ‎browser

  • The game is written to the cartridge

  • Click Disconnect and remove your cart for play




Now, pop the cart into your Game Boy and give it a play!‎


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