CLUE Rock, Paper, Scissors Game using Bluetooth
2024-10-11 | By Adafruit Industries
License: See Original Project Bluetooth / BLE Circuit Playground
Courtesy of Adafruit
Guide by Kevin Walters
This project features three versions of a rock, paper, scissors game in CircuitPython. The first is a very simple, single-player text game showing the basic logic of the game. The second is a two-player game using Bluetooth Low Energy advertising to exchange the players' choices. The third is a multi-player game building on the foundation of the second version, adding displayio graphics and sound. It has been tested with six players and potentially can work with far more.
The programs are written in CircuitPython for version 5.3.0 or later. The code runs on the CLUE and the Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB) with TFT (LCD) Gizmo screen. The third version of the game can also be used on just a CPB with the NeoPixels for output.
Thank-you to Matilda for recording the sound samples for the announcer in the third version of the game and the TMS5220 chip for inspiring the post-processing on these.
The rules of rock, paper, scissors from Nominet's Networking with The micro:bit, copyright Nominet.
To play the game:
Each of the two players make an independent decision and reveal that to each other simultaneously
The rules to determine the winner are shown in the diagram above. If the two players make the same choice, then the game is a draw (tie).
More than Two Players
The game is normally a two-player game but can be extended to multiple players by simply using the player's choice against each opponent. The diagram above can also serve to demonstrate how a three player game works, with each arrow representing a game:
green player (scissors)
win vs blue,
lose vs red;
blue player (paper),
win vs red,
lose vs green;
red player (rock),
win vs green,
lose vs blue.
Flow Diagram
The flowchart below shows a high-level view of a multi-round game. This broadly matches the Advanced game, although the final implementation deviates from this playing games indefinitely.
Simplified flow diagram for the Advanced rock, player, scissors game.
The next pages discuss some aspects of the design of the different versions of the game. These include the user interface (UI), how the TFT Gizmo on a Circuit Playground Bluefruit can be detected, how the players' choices are exchanged between multiple devices and how the scores are presented at the end of each game.
User Interface
Advanced Game on Circuit Playground Bluefruit using three NeoPixels to display the player's selection. The NeoPixels appear less colourful due to over-exposure in the photograph.
User Interface
Choice selection
The game needs:
a method for the player to select a choice and
a method to declare that choice is the final choice and exchange it with other player(s).
A three-button interface could combine those two actions. The CLUE has two buttons and three touch-capable pads. The Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB) has two buttons, a switch and seven touch-capable pads.
A player needs to keep their choice secret from the other player(s) until they are exchanged. While it is easy to prevent others from spying on the choice directly there is the possibility of exposing this value if the opponent(s) can see an indirect indication of the choice. This could be from observing which touch pad a finger press or by counting the number of presses on a button from finger movements or hearing button clicks. This is a form of side-channel attack.
Avoiding the use of the touch pads for a one pad-per-choice selection helps to reduce the risk of overlooking. This also allows the boards to be used with a case that covers the touch pads, keeps the button actions identical between the CLUE and the CPB and maintains a consistent button layout.
Using a single button to cycle through the selections still needs some caution to avoid revealing the choice. It must
not reset the player's choice to a fixed value per round
and must not leave the player's choice on their last selected value
The Simple and Advanced versions of the game both use the left button to select the choice and the right button to send it to the other players. The Advanced version deals with the issue of "button press counting" by randomising the player's choice each round.
Display on NeoPixels
The Advanced game can be played on a display-less Circuit Playground Bluefruit. The NeoPixels are used to show output to the player. These can be very bright and reflected light might be visible to others indicating the player's choice. The risk of this is reduced by using very low brightness values for the selected value indicated by the NeoPixels.
The NeoPixel position in addition to the colour is also used to represent the player's choice. It's tempting to use the default order of the NeoPixels but this would result in the third NeoPixel being underneath/near the player's left finger/thumb. The NeoPixels at the top of the Circuit Playground Bluefruit are used as they are clear of any fingers using buttons. The clockwise representation is:
rock, red on NeoPixel 0;
paper, purple on NeoPixel 9;
scissors, sapphire blue on NeoPixel 8.
These can be seen in the animated image at the top of screen which cycles through the three.
The game number and round number are shown at the start of each round using the NeoPixels. They briefly light up in green with the number of NeoPixels illuminated indicating the game number. One NeoPixel then flashes white, the position indicates the round number.
The scores for the game are shown for each player in turn by illuminating the NeoPixels gradually in a circle. For 1-10 orange is used. For values larger than 10 a new colour is used after orange has been lit: yellow for 11-20, green for 21-30, blue for 31-40, indigo for 41-50 and violet for 51-60.
A game may have different phases. The Advanced game warrants:
A title screen
A brief user guide
A player list for the assembling players
The local player's selection for the current round including information about the round number and a summary of the results so far
The score at the end of each game for all players
Screen Transitions
The transition between screens could just be implemented with an immediate change like a cut in a film but there are other options to transition to a subsequent screen and provide a visual cue that something significant has changed or occurred.
The CLUE and TFT Gizmo's screens use liquid-crystal display (LCD) technology. These displays use a backlight for illumination. Fortunately, this backlight has a brightness control, and this provides a very efficient way to implement a smooth fade to black and back.
Video (dithered animated gif) showing fades using backlight. Fade to black in 3 seconds and fade up in 1 second with 20 steps in each. The fade to black might look better with more steps.
The displayio library includes a TileGrid object which can be used together with the adafruit_imageload library to load a sprite sheet into memory. A sprite sheet is an ordered set of sprites contained in a single image file.
The Advanced game makes intentional use of low resolution 16x16 pixel images with a very limited palette for a retro feel. The three sprites representing the rock, paper and scissors yield a 48x16 sprite sheet. These were:
Drawn in the basic sprite editor in MakeCode Arcade
Displayed on screen to allow them to be saved from the editor. MakeCode Arcade is unusual in embedding its source code inside a png file which is its native file format
Cropped and converted to an indexed bmp in GIMP
The rock is inspired by classic Arcade games and the paper by the Xerox Star Document Icon. The pictorial form of an icon is a conventional feature of a graphical user interface (GUI). It also provides a language-neutral representation for the choice reducing the work for internationalization (i18n) of a program or product.
The enlarged sprite sheet is shown below with a blue border.
TFT Gizmo Detection
Circuit Playground TFT Gizmo schematic showing A3 controlling the backlight with a MOSFET transistor. A 10k pull-down resistor is present on A3.
There are two approaches to supporting the optional TFT Gizmo display on a Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB):
Provide configuration data to turn on (enable) the display. For a board with an attached display the enable would be manually set in the configuration for that board
Detect the presence of the attached display
The configuration approach could be implemented with a configuration file to cleanly separate the per-instance data from the code. Detection of the screen can either be an alternative approach or the two can be combined.
The Challenge of Detecting the TFT Gizmo
The TFT Gizmo connects to a Circuit Playground Bluefruit (or Circuit Playground Express) using four of the pads for the display interface and one other pad for the backlight control. All of those pads are set as outputs making the interface unidirectional as a whole. This is known as simplex communication. Unfortunately, this means there is no method via standard signaling to detect whether the TFT Gizmo is present or not.
The 10k pull-down resistor in the backlight circuitry shown in the schematic at the top of the page luckily provides a crude way to detect the presence of that resistor. The A3 pad can momentarily be configured as an input with the processor's internal weaker (higher resistance) pull-up competing with the pull-down resistor. The external pull-down resistor is likely to win, and this provides a method of detecting the TFT Gizmo. It can be fooled by other things attached to A3, but this is good enough to differentiate between nothing and the TFT Gizmo.
A sample CircuitPython function to detect the TFT Gizmo is shown below.
def tftGizmoPresent(): """Determine if the TFT Gizmo is attached. The TFT's Gizmo circuitry for backlight features a 10k pull-down resistor. This attempts to verify the presence of the pull-down to determine if TFT Gizmo is present. This is likely to get confused if anything else is connected to pad A3. Only use this on Circuit Playground Express or Circuit Playground Bluefruit boards.""" present = True try: with digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.A3) as backlight_pin: backlight_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP present = not backlight_pin.value except ValueError: ### The Gizmo is already initialised, i.e. showing console output pass return present
This assumes that if A3 is already in use then the display is already active. Once the TFT Gizmo is used on a CPB (or CPX) it remains active until the power is removed.
Exchanging Choices
Ishikawa Oku Laboratory robot version 2 cheating at rock, player, scissors at University of Tokyo. Video runs at 0.25 speed.
The classic game between human players uses a style of play where both players present their choice at the same time to reduce the possibility of cheating by reacting to the other player's choice. Human reaction times make this a reasonable approach.
If there is not an agreed time to exchange choices, then this allows a nefarious player to observe/receive an opponent's choice and then react to it. The video above shows a crafty, custom robot which carefully watches the opponent's hand and rapidly reacts with a winning choice within the human hand's movement time.
The game can be written to avoid immediately revealing the opponent's choice. This would prevent a player waiting and then reacting to that opponent. Unfortunately, a modified game could still reveal this and facilitate cheating. This could be solved with:
some method for preventing modification of the code or robustly verifying its integrity;
a truly simultaneous exchange;
a trusted third party, an arbitrator, collecting and then distributing the choices or wins together;
an approach where the choices are exchanged in some form but cannot be read until all are received.
The first option isn't feasible as CircuitPython, and the associated hardware don't support this feature and code modification is intentionally trivial. The second option seems tempting, but it is difficult to synchronise the devices to exchange data precisely enough. The exchange could only be near simultaneous with more than two devices and even two devices would struggle to achieve this with the busy radio spectrum used by Bluetooth.
The fourth option is desirable and practical as it removes the need in the third option for a referee or asymmetric roles for the players. It also doesn't place any constraints on the timing of communication between devices.
Simultaneous Exchange of Player Choices
The players could send an encrypted version of their choice and then send the key only when they have received the choices from all of the opponents. Since the key is revealed, it cannot be reused making it a per-message key.
First Idea
An encryption algorithm E might produce the following with a certain key k:
Ek(rock) = chey
Ek(paper) = ennem
Ek(scissors) = roncttla
It only takes a few seconds to see the flaw in this approach. The length of the output ciphertext gives away the choice because the input plainttext has a known format with a well-known, small set of possible values with unique lengths. This is a very simple form of traffic analysis.
Second Idea
Adding some characters to the messages to make them the same length removes the ability to deduce the choice in this case. This is referred to as padding.
The one-time pad (also known as Vernam cipher) is a cipher which has the useful property of being unbreakable when used correctly. It should not be confused with padding mentioned in the previous paragraph. Given the short plaintext it is a very tempting choice here. An example of this is shown below.
>>> random.seed(0) >>> plaintext = "rock....".encode("ascii") >>> key = bytes([random.randrange(256) for _ in range(len(plaintext))]) >>> ciphertext = bytes([pt ^ k for pt, k in zip(plaintext, key)]) >>> ciphertext b'\x9e\x1c4\x8b\x93~w\xb0'
There are two issues here. The first is hinted at by the inclusion of a superfluous looking execution of random.seed(), the second is a bit more subtle and discussed later.
Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.
John Von Neumann (1951)
The seed sets where a random library starts its random number sequence, and that sequence will be predictable from a seed value. CircuitPython running on nRF52840-based boards like the CLUE and Circuit Playground Bluefruit initialise the seed with a number from the os.random() function. os.random() provides true random numbers from a hardware generator.
Third Idea
The one-time pad seems suitable if the seed is initialised with a true random number. Unfortunately for cryptography, the pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) commonly found in libraries produces a predictable stream of values. This is clearly noted in both the Python and CircuitPython documentation.
Numbers from this module are not cryptographically strong! Use bytes from os.urandom directly for true randomness.
The values from a standard PRNG must not be used for proper cryptography. In this case the key is intentionally revealed to everyone by the design of the protocol including any eavesdroppers. Over time, this provides an attacker with a sequence of consecutive numbers from the PRNG which is a very useful aid to determine the seed.
Fourth Idea
The solution looks robust in terms of the key if a true random number generator is used to generate that key.
>>> plaintext = "rock....".encode("ascii") >>> key = os.urandom(len(plaintext)) >>> ciphertext = bytes([pt ^ k for pt, k in zip(plaintext, key)]) >>> ciphertext b'\x82\x0e\xe7\xf4\xe3y]\x9c'
The CircuitPython ^ (xor) operator applies the key to the plaintext and is a classic final step for stream ciphers to create the ciphertext. This creates the more subtle problem raised previously as it makes discovering a new alternative key for a different plaintext trivial and very fast. This alternative key can be given to an opponent who will decrypt the message producing a plaintext which is different to the original one.
An example is shown below where the player has chosen rock and sent the encrypted rock, but the player can then send an alternative key to convince an opponent that paper was their choice.
>>> desiredpt = "paper...".encode("ascii") >>> newkey = bytes([dpt ^ ct for dpt, ct in zip(desiredpt, ciphertext)]) >>> newkey b'\xf2o\x97\x91\x91Ws\xb2' >>> bytes([ct ^ k for ct, k in zip(ciphertext, key)]) b'rock....' >>> bytes([ct ^ nk for ct, nk in zip(ciphertext, newkey)]) b'paper...'
“We Rolled Our Own Crypto” from Classic Programmer Paintings. Also known as The Triumph of Death (1562-1563) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
Fifth Idea
The one-time pad cannot be used with this simple protocol for the aforementioned reason. An essential property for all other encryption algorithms is the key cannot be selected or found easily to provide a chosen output for encryption or decryption. Hence, one of the common algorithms is likely to solve this issue.
AES (Rijndael) is a modern, widely-used block cipher but it is not currently offered by the standard CircuitPython libraries. Its block size is 128bit (16 bytes) which is a little coarse for direct use with short messages. The Chacha20 stream cipher is easy to implement in Python and was selected for this program. Its key length was shortened as this is just for fun. A short key makes a system vulnerable to brute-force attacks.
The number of flaws quickly found here shows how mistakes can easily be made with cryptography. A slightly more complex and more robust protocol for doing this can be found in the Simultaneous Exchange of Secrets section of Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography.
Applications using encryption need to use well-known, mature protocols, high-quality libraries, have a thorough implementation review by experts and be operated as prescribed to achieve good security.
Identity and Authentication
For a game over Bluetooth, the players can be identified by the network (MAC) hardware address if the address privacy feature is not in use or by a Bluetooth name. The issue of player and message authentication has not been covered. For a rock, paper, scissors game outside of a formal competition this seems reasonable!
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) typically has limited range, often around 5-10m (16-33ft) which can be perceived as a privacy feature. The range can be far higher with sensitive receivers or powerful transmitters. Exploring Bluetooth 5 - Going the Distance cites an example of 350m (1150ft) range for BLE!
Advanced game discovering other players shown in cyan font alongside the RSSI value.
Connection-oriented and Connection-less Communication
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) allows a device to make a connection to another device. In BLE terminology, a device with the central role connects to one with a peripheral role. The connection provides reliable, bidirectional data exchange between two devices.
The BLE advertising mechanism which as its name suggests is used by a device to advertise its presence can also be used to transmit a small amount of data. Bluetooth's use of (omnidirectional) radio as a medium makes it inherently a broadcast based technology. BLE advertising uses the term broadcasting in the sense that all nearby devices receive and process the packet if they are in scanning mode. Advertising uses three disparate channels (radio frequencies) to transmit data to increase the reliability of transmission.
The original BLE advertising format was limited to 31 bytes of AdvData data. This is now sometimes referred to as the legacy format as Bluetooth 5 introduced an extended format for longer packets, shown below.
Format of Bluetooth 4 advertising packets and extended advertising packets from Bluetooth 5. Figure from 'A Survey on Bluetooth 5.0 and Mesh: New Milestones of IoT'.
Broadcasting data is attractive as an efficient mechanism for sensors or BLE beacons to send data to multiple nearby devices - the BLE roles here are broadcaster and observer. This can also be used for other forms of communication like simple multi-player games. However, if there is a requirement for reliable communication then the application or a library needs to add features to provide that.
Protocols like TCP check for lost packets and re-transmit these even on LANs which when lightly-loaded can be almost loss-free. The unlicensed Bluetooth spectrum is shared with other systems like Wi-Fi and is often very busy in areas crowded with people and their devices. This creates a high degree of packet loss. For advertising, a lower layer in BLE discards corrupted packets detected by a 3 byte (24 bit) CRC but it needs additional features for a sender to detect end-to-end loss and re-transmit.
Custom Advertisement Packets using ManufacturerData
AdafruitColor is an example of an Advertisement class in CircuitPython. The source file mentions how classes can be created for other applications using the ManufacturerDataField field and Adafruit's Bluetooth company identifier (0x0822):
Adafruit manufacturing data is key encoded like advertisement data and the Apple manufacturing data. However, the keys are 16-bits to enable many different uses. Keys above 0xf000 can be used by Adafruit customers for their own data.
This game uses values in that range for each field in the Advertisement sub-classes. There is currently no registry for allocation of these values, so they were chosen at random for this game.
Simple Game
This version of the game is a two-player game which makes the exchange of players' choices relatively straightforward. A simple approach in the face of packet loss is to send the packets lots of times with the expectation that one will get through. This is a crude form of low-performance forward error correction (FEC).
The diagram below shows how two players exchange data. Time runs downwards in the diagram. Player 1 presses their button first to transmit their choice followed by Player 2.
A simplified pseudo-sequence diagram showing how the Simple rock, paper, scissors game exchanges players' choices between two programs using a single Advertisement type. The advertising period is far longer than shown and terminates after a fixed duration when the first packet is received or an upper maximum timeout. The lightning flashes indicate collisions or other forms of packet loss.
This diagram is not a true sequence diagram as it does not show the complete algorithm with all the timeouts, rather it's showing a specific, abbreviated example of unsynchronised players and some packet loss.
The start_scan() method returns an iterable object returning any received advertising packets in real-time until the (optional) specified timeout value. The returned packets which are parsed into an Advertisement class or sub-class are represented on the diagram with the dotted lines.
The advertising interval is set to the minimum value of 20 milliseconds with the hardware adding a random 0-10ms to the interval. This jitter is added to reduce the chance of a prolonged clash with another device advertising at the same interval and starting at the same time.
The algorithm is transmitting packets using start_advertising() for a specified maximum amount of time, this is shortened to a fixed duration when a packet is received from the other player. A single application-specific type of packet is used by both players which holds a text representation of the player's choice. These duration values need to be chosen to:
allow for the time difference between players sending their choice by pressing their right button;
provide enough time for the volume of packets sent to provide a very high probability of receiving at least one;
keep the overall time low enough for players not to get bored or frustrated.
The final implementation uses 20 seconds for the maximum advertising duration reduced to 6 seconds when the other player's choice is received. The minimum permissible advertising interval of 20ms is used. Apple recommends this very short advertising interval in the context of a peripheral advertising for a connection in Accessory Design Guidelines for Apple Devices:
The accessory should first use the recommended advertising interval of 20 ms for at least 30 seconds.
If it is not discovered within the initial 30 seconds, Apple recommends using one of the following longer intervals to increase chances of discovery by the device: 152.5ms, 211.25ms, 318.75ms, 417.5ms, 546.25ms, 760ms, 852.5ms, 1022.5ms, 1285ms.
This short advertising interval should only be used for brief periods particularly when multiple devices are advertising simultaneously in a coordinated fashion.
Connection-based communication is likely to be a better choice for most two player games using Bluetooth.
Advanced Game
This version of the game allows multiple players to play and has a more sophisticated protocol featuring four types of messages represented by different Advertisement sub-classes.
Making the List of Players
The Advanced game first has to determine who is playing. This could be part of the configuration data but that's not a very flexible approach.
The game advertises itself once at start-up using JoinGameAdvertisement packets. Up to eight players are shown on the display as they are discovered together with the first received signal strength indicator (RSSI) value. The names and RSSI come from the default scan response.
The RSSI isn't strictly needed but it's interesting to see the value. It provides an approximate indication of proximity and reliability. Typical values will be between -30 for very close and -90 for distant (~6m/20ft) and unreliable.
For those interested in signal strength, there are some links for articles and research on attempts at using RSSI for range-finding in Adafruit Forums: Proximity estimation using BLE.
Exchanging Data between Players
The diagram below shows how two players exchange data. The sequence and algorithm are the same for more players. The essence of this per-round exchange is:
Each program encrypts the player's choice and sends it in an RpsEncDataAdvertisement message. When the same message is received from all of the opponents then an acknowledgement (ack) field is added or updated in the sent message.
Each program then sends their encryption key in an RpsKeyDataAdvertisement message when they have received all the encrypted values from the opponents.
The final RpsRoundEndAdvertisement message is sent. Its main purpose is to provide a reasonable assurance that the ack has been received by all for the previous message.
All of these messages also contain the round number of the game to ensure the players agree on the current round number.
The diagram below could show more players, but it would get even more crowded! Time runs downward with Player 1 pressing their button, then Player 2.
A simplified pseudo-sequence diagram showing how the Advanced rock, paper, scissors game exchanges players' choices between two programs using three Advertisement types. The advertising period completes when acknowledgements are received from all other games. The lightning flashes indicate collisions or other forms of packet loss.
Again, this is not a true sequence diagram as a lot of the logic in the algorithm is not shown and it shows a particular sequence of transmissions reacting to packet loss indicated by the lightning symbols.
The arrows between the CLUE 1 and CLUE 2 are showing the BLE advertising broadcasts with a representation of the data inside each packet. The first one, RpsEncDataAd(cipherText, round), has a value of "xxxxxxxx:2:4:3" which is representing:
xxxxxxxx - 8 bytes of cipherText,
a round number of 2,
a message sequence number of 4 and
an ack of message 3 from the previous round.
When Player 1 first transmits, Player 2 is not yet scanning for the messages. Player 1 re-transmits the message at the advertising interval. A similar thing happens when there is packet loss. The diagram shows how the ack values are only incremented when the packet is actually received.
If there were more than two players, this can take a lot longer as the message needs to be received by every opponent before the next message is sent in this simple protocol.
The advertising interval is increased when there are more than four players to reduce the use and congestion on the BLE advertising channels.
Practical and efficient reliable multicast protocols are complex and difficult to design particularly in the face of high or uneven packet loss. There are lots of improvements that could be made in this protocol, but this is a functioning starting point and one that can be refined in further work. Bluetooth Mesh offers some features for basic reliable multicast but this is not currently supported by CircuitPython.
Score table at the end of each Advanced game with visible bubble sort. A grey question mark indicates comparison of two scores and orange right arrow indicates they are being swapped.
Scores are fundamental to many competitive games. A two-player rock, paper, scissors game is normally scored with a simple tally of the wins. The scoring can be extended for a multi-player game to something more akin to a league.
Multi-player Scoring
The Advanced game allows more than two players, and this means the draw can become more significant as a tie-breaker between players with the same number of wins. To recognise this, this version of the game uses a score of
2 for a win and
1 for a draw.
For comparison, some sports have moved to three points for a win system.
Score Table Presentation
The final scores are initially presented with the local player (yellow) at the top followed by the remote players (cyan) in the order in which they joined the game. CircuitPython has the sorted() function and sort() method from Python but for novelty, the scores are visually sorted with a bubble sort. The swapping of the elements is intentionally slow enough to be able to observe the algorithm at work. The video at the top of the page shows four players being sorted into descending score order.
The CircuitPython built-in sorts use the quicksort algorithm. As an O(n log n) algorithm, this is more efficient than the bubble sort's O(n2).
CircuitPython on CLUE
CircuitPython is a derivative of MicroPython designed to simplify experimentation and education on low-cost microcontrollers. It makes it easier than ever to get prototyping by requiring no upfront desktop software downloads. Simply copy and edit files on the CIRCUITPY flash drive to iterate.
The following instructions will show you how to install CircuitPython. If you've already installed CircuitPython but are looking to update it or reinstall it, the same steps work for that as well!
Set up CircuitPython Quick Start!
Follow this quick step-by-step for super-fast Python power :)
Download the latest version of CircuitPython for CLUE from
Click the link above to download the latest version of CircuitPython for the CLUE.
Download and save it to your desktop (or wherever is handy).
Plug your CLUE into your computer using a known-good USB cable.
A lot of people end up using charge-only USB cables and it is very frustrating! So, make sure you have a USB cable you know is good for data sync.
Double-click the Reset button on the top (magenta arrow) on your board, and you will see the NeoPixel RGB LED (green arrow) turn green. If it turns red, check the USB cable, try another USB port, etc. Note: The little red LED next to the USB connector will pulse red. That's ok!
If double-clicking doesn't work the first time, try again. Sometimes it can take a few tries to get the rhythm right!
You will see a new disk drive appear called CLUEBOOT.
Drag the adafruit-circuitpython-clue-etc.uf2 file to CLUEBOOT.
The LED will flash. Then, the CLUEBOOT drive will disappear, and a new disk drive called CIRCUITPY will appear.
If this is the first time, you're installing CircuitPython or you're doing a completely fresh install after erasing the filesystem, you will have two files - boot_out.txt, and, and one folder - lib on your CIRCUITPY drive.
If CircuitPython was already installed, the files present before reloading CircuitPython should still be present on your CIRCUITPY drive. Loading CircuitPython will not create new files if there was already a CircuitPython filesystem present.
That's it, you're done! :)
CircuitPython on Circuit Playground Bluefruit
Install or Update CircuitPython
Follow this quick step-by-step to install or update CircuitPython on your Circuit Playground Bluefruit.
Download the latest version of CircuitPython for this board via
Click the link above and download the latest UF2 file
Download and save it to your Desktop (or wherever is handy).
Plug your Circuit Playground Bluefruit into your computer using a known-good data-capable USB cable.
A lot of people end up using charge-only USB cables and it is very frustrating! So, make sure you have a USB cable you know is good for data sync.
Double-click the small Reset button in the middle of the CPB (indicated by the red arrow in the image). The ten NeoPixel LEDs will all turn red, and then will all turn green. If they turn all red and stay red, check the USB cable, try another USB port, etc. The little red LED next to the USB connector will pulse red - this is ok!
If double-clicking doesn't work the first time, try again. Sometimes it can take a few tries to get the rhythm right!
(If double-clicking doesn't do it, try a single-click!)
You will see a new disk drive appear called CPLAYBTBOOT.
Drag the adafruit_circuitpython_etc.uf2 file to CPLAYBTBOOT.
The LEDs will turn red. Then, the CPLAYBTBOOT drive will disappear, and a new disk drive called CIRCUITPY will appear.
That's it, you're done! :)
Once you've gotten CircuitPython onto your CLUE or Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB) board, it's time to add some libraries. You can follow this guide page for the basics of downloading and transferring libraries to the board.
Download the latest library bundle from
Libraries for Very Simple Game
No libraries are required from the bundle for this version.
The random library is used but this library is built into the CircuitPython interpreter.
Libraries for Simple Game
From the library bundle you downloaded in that guide page, transfer the following libraries onto the CLUE board's /lib directory:
The adafruit_imageload and neopixel.mpy aren't used by this version but are needed later for the Advanced game...
The adafruit_ble library must be from a bundle later or equal to 20200825.
Libraries for Advanced Game for CLUE
From the library bundle you downloaded in that guide page, transfer the following libraries onto the CLUE board's /lib directory:
Libraries for Advanced Game for Circuit Playground Bluefruit with TFT Gizmo
From the library bundle you downloaded in that guide page, transfer the following libraries onto the CPB board's /lib directory:
Libraries for Advanced Game for Circuit Playground Bluefruit only
From the library bundle you downloaded in that guide page, transfer the following libraries onto the CPB board's /lib directory:
The adafruit_display_text is not actively used but is needed due to how the implementation uses and imports libraries.
Development Testing
During development, the application was tested on the CLUE and CPB boards using CircuitPython 5.3.1 with libraries from the bundle. It should work on subsequent versions, the latest version is recommended for the CLUE and CPB.
Very Simple Game
Video of terminal playing Very Simple version of rock, paper, scissors.
This is a very simple, single-player version of the rock, paper, scissor game written by Chris Bradfield at KidsCanCode which demonstrates the essence of the game in a remarkably short program.
It is a text game which plays over the USB serial console, harking back to the teleprinters and terminals from the early days of computing. The video (animated gif) above shows the game being played.
This runs on any board that supports CircuitPython and can also run on CPython.
Installing Project Code
To use with CircuitPython, you need to first install a few libraries, into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Then you need to update with the example script.
Thankfully, we can do this in one go. In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory CLUE_Rock_Paper_Scissors/very-simple/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Kevin J Walters for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # clue-verysimple-rpsgame v1.0 # CircuitPython rock paper scissors game simple text game # based on # Tested with CLUE and Circuit Playground Bluefruit (Alpha) # and CircuitPython and 5.3.0 # copy this file to CLUE/CPB board as # MIT License # Copyright (c) 2015 Chris Bradfield, KidsCanCode LLC # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import random moves = ["r", "p", "s"] player_wins = ["pr", "sp", "rs"] print("Rock, paper scissors game: enter first letter for move or q for quit") while True: player_move = input("Your move: ") if player_move == "q": break computer_move = random.choice(moves) print("You:", player_move) print("Me:", computer_move) if player_move == computer_move: print("Tie") elif player_move + computer_move in player_wins: print("You win!") else: print("You lose!")
Code Discussion
The code uses a while loop which runs forever repeating game after game. The player's text input is compared against the computer's random choice with the following code.
# Logic to determine winner if player_move == computer_move: print("Tie") elif player_move + computer_move in player_wins: print("You win!") else: print("You lose!")
The if is checking for a draw (tie) with a straightforward comparison. The elif is using a different technique, it concatenates the two players' values with + and uses in to check if they are present in the player_wins list. Note: this is different to the in used with for statements.
player_wins = ["pr", "sp", "rs"]
This is a form of lookup table where the data is stored in a Python list. The winning combinations are stored without any accompanying additional data - their presence indicates a win. If draws have already been eliminated, then the only remaining result if it is not a win is a loss. The else statement efficiently implements this.
In this case, the hybrid use of the equality test plus a lookup table keeps the code very compact. Lookup tables are often used to increase performance with the trade-off of some additional memory/storage use. They can be used in hardware too and are sometimes known by the acronym LUT.
There are a few features missing from this game. One notable absence is the lack of data validation on the player's typed input. Invalid input is not reported and causes the player to lose.
Evolving the Game and some History
While very old multi-user computers are often associated with green screen terminals, many of the first electrical computers in the 1950s did have graphical screens and inevitably some games were written for these.
The console screens were small cathode-ray tubes.These were related to a type of dynamic memory technology from that era, the Williams-Kilburn tube.
Christopher Strachey's photographs of his noughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe) game on the EDSAC and draughts (checkers) on the Ferranti Mark I from 1952 are shown here.
Alvy Ray Smith's photograph is from a replica of the Manchester Baby (SSEM) proving that simple animation of images was possible in 1948.
The images here are from The Dawn of Digital Light.
The next version of the game uses the TFT LCD screen on the CLUE or TFT Gizmo attached to a Circuit Playground Bluefruit for a display. It is a two-player game using Bluetooth Low Energy for communication.
Simple Game
The Simple version of the rock, paper, scissors game on a CLUE. This player has just won with rock-blunts-scissors indicated by the inverted colours on rock and cyan cursor indicating the opponent's losing choice, scissors.
This is a two-player version of rock, paper, scissors game which uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertising packets to exchange the players' choices and presents them on a graphical screen. It uses text to keep the program relatively short and simple.
Example Video
The video below shows the game being played on a pair of devices side-by-side. The two players would normally hide their choices. Bluetooth facilitates this as the game works well up to 4m (13ft) apart. The boards have been placed next to each other in this demonstration to ease the video recording.
The sequence of events in the video:
00:03 The program has already started before the video. The choices are selected on the two boards with the left button
00:06 The right buttons are pressed starting the exchange of choices over BLE
00:12 The appearance of the cyan cursor on the right indicates the opponent's choice has been received. The winning choice is evaluated and flashes (inverts foreground/background) on screen. In this case, rock blunts scissors
00:23 Start of second round
00:29 Paper wraps rock, paper flashes
00:39 Start of third round
00:46 Cyan cursor without any flashing indicates both players have chosen paper - a draw (tie).
Installing Project Code
To use with CircuitPython, you need to first install a few libraries, into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Then you need to update with the example script.
Thankfully, we can do this in one go. In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory CLUE_Rock_Paper_Scissors/simple/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Kevin J Walters for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # clue-simple-rpsgame v1.3 # CircuitPython rock paper scissors game over Bluetooth LE # Tested with CLUE and Circuit Playground Bluefruit Alpha with TFT Gizmo # and CircuitPython and 5.3.0 # copy this file to CLUE/CPB board as # MIT License # Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin J. Walters # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import time import os import struct import sys import board from displayio import Group import terminalio import digitalio from adafruit_ble import BLERadio from adafruit_ble.advertising import Advertisement, LazyObjectField from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import ManufacturerData, ManufacturerDataField from adafruit_display_text.label import Label debug = 3 def d_print(level, *args, **kwargs): """A simple conditional print for debugging based on global debug level.""" if not isinstance(level, int): print(level, *args, **kwargs) elif debug >= level: print(*args, **kwargs) def tftGizmoPresent(): """Determine if the TFT Gizmo is attached. The TFT's Gizmo circuitry for backlight features a 10k pull-down resistor. This attempts to verify the presence of the pull-down to determine if TFT Gizmo is present. Only use this on Circuit Playground Express (CPX) or Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB) boards.""" present = True try: with digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.A3) as backlight_pin: backlight_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP present = not backlight_pin.value except ValueError: # The Gizmo is already initialised, i.e. showing console output pass return present # Assuming CLUE if it's not a Circuit Playround (Bluefruit) clue_less = "Circuit Playground" in os.uname().machine # Note: difference in pull-up and pull-down # and not use for buttons if clue_less: # CPB with TFT Gizmo (240x240) # Outputs if tftGizmoPresent(): from adafruit_gizmo import tft_gizmo display = tft_gizmo.TFT_Gizmo() else: display = None # Inputs # buttons reversed if it is used upside-down with Gizmo _button_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) _button_a.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.DOWN) _button_b = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_B) _button_b.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.DOWN) if display is None: def button_left(): return _button_a.value def button_right(): return _button_b.value else: def button_left(): return _button_b.value def button_right(): return _button_a.value else: # CLUE with builtin screen (240x240) # Outputs display = board.DISPLAY # Inputs _button_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) _button_a.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) _button_b = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_B) _button_b.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) def button_left(): return not _button_a.value def button_right(): return not _button_b.value if display is None: print("FATAL:", "This version of program only works with a display") sys.exit(1) choices = ("rock", "paper", "scissors") my_choice_idx = 0 # Top y position of first choice and pixel separate between choices top_y_pos = 60 choice_sep = 60 DIM_TXT_COL_FG = 0x505050 DEFAULT_TXT_COL_FG = 0xa0a0a0 DEFAULT_TXT_COL_BG = 0x000000 CURSOR_COL_FG = 0xc0c000 OPP_CURSOR_COL_FG = 0x00c0c0 def setCursor(c_idx, who, visibility=None): """Set the position of the cursor on-screen to indicate the player's selection.""" char = None if visibility == "show": char = ">" elif visibility == "hide": char = " " if 0 <= c_idx < len(choices): dob = cursor_dob if who == "mine" else opp_cursor_dob dob.y = top_y_pos + choice_sep * c_idx if char is not None: dob.text = char def flashWinner(c_idx, who): """Invert foreground/background colour a few times to indicate the winning choice.""" if who == "mine": sg_idx = rps_dob_idx[0] + c_idx elif who == "opp": sg_idx = rps_dob_idx[1] + c_idx else: raise ValueError("who is mine or opp") # An even number will leave colours on original values for _ in range(5 * 2): tmp_col = screen_group[sg_idx].color screen_group[sg_idx].color = screen_group[sg_idx].background_color screen_group[sg_idx].background_color = tmp_col time.sleep(0.5) # The 6x14 terminalio classic font FONT_WIDTH, FONT_HEIGHT = terminalio.FONT.get_bounding_box() screen_group = Group() # The position of the two players RPS Label objects inside screen_group rps_dob_idx = [] # Create the simple arrow cursors left_col = 20 right_col = display.width // 2 + left_col for x_pos in (left_col, right_col): y_pos = top_y_pos rps_dob_idx.append(len(screen_group)) for label_text in choices: rps_dob = Label(terminalio.FONT, text=label_text, scale=2, color=DEFAULT_TXT_COL_FG, background_color=DEFAULT_TXT_COL_BG) rps_dob.x = x_pos rps_dob.y = y_pos y_pos += 60 screen_group.append(rps_dob) cursor_dob = Label(terminalio.FONT, text=">", scale=3, color=CURSOR_COL_FG) cursor_dob.x = left_col - 20 setCursor(my_choice_idx, "mine") cursor_dob.y = top_y_pos screen_group.append(cursor_dob) # Initially set to a space to not show it opp_cursor_dob = Label(terminalio.FONT, text=" ", scale=3, color=OPP_CURSOR_COL_FG, background_color=DEFAULT_TXT_COL_BG) opp_cursor_dob.x = right_col - 20 setCursor(my_choice_idx, "your") opp_cursor_dob.y = top_y_pos screen_group.append(opp_cursor_dob) display.root_group = screen_group # From adafruit_ble.advertising MANUFACTURING_DATA_ADT = 0xFF ADAFRUIT_COMPANY_ID = 0x0822 # pylint: disable=line-too-long # According to # 0xf000 (to 0xffff) is for range for Adafruit customers RPS_ACK_ID = 0xfe30 RPS_DATA_ID = 0xfe31 class RpsAdvertisement(Advertisement): """Broadcast an RPS message. This is not connectable and elicits no scan_response based on defaults in Advertisement parent class.""" flags = None _PREFIX_FMT = "<BHBH" _DATA_FMT = "8s" # this NUL pads if necessary # match_prefixes tuple replaces deprecated prefix # comma for 1 element is very important! match_prefixes = ( struct.pack( _PREFIX_FMT, MANUFACTURING_DATA_ADT, ADAFRUIT_COMPANY_ID, struct.calcsize("<H" + _DATA_FMT), RPS_DATA_ID ), ) manufacturer_data = LazyObjectField( ManufacturerData, "manufacturer_data", advertising_data_type=MANUFACTURING_DATA_ADT, company_id=ADAFRUIT_COMPANY_ID, key_encoding="<H", ) test_string = ManufacturerDataField(RPS_DATA_ID, "<" + _DATA_FMT) """RPS choice.""" NS_IN_S = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 MIN_SEND_TIME_NS = 6 * NS_IN_S MAX_SEND_TIME_S = 20 MAX_SEND_TIME_NS = MAX_SEND_TIME_S * NS_IN_S # 20ms is the minimum delay between advertising packets # in Bluetooth Low Energy # extra 10us deals with API floating point rounding issues MIN_AD_INTERVAL = 0.02001 ble = BLERadio() opponent_choice = None timeout = False round_no = 1 wins = 0 losses = 0 draws = 0 voids = 0 TOTAL_ROUND = 5 def evaluate_game(mine, yours): """Determine who won the game based on the two strings mine and yours_lc. Returns three booleans (win, draw, void).""" # Return with void at True if any input is None try: mine_lc = mine.lower() yours_lc = yours.lower() except AttributeError: return (False, False, True) r_win = r_draw = r_void = False # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "rock" or mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "paper" or mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "scissors"): r_draw = True elif (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "paper"): pass # r_win default is False elif (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "scissors"): r_win = True elif (mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "rock"): r_win = True elif (mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "scissors"): pass # r_win default is False elif (mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "rock"): pass # r_win default is False elif (mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "paper"): r_win = True else: r_void = True return (r_win, r_draw, r_void) # Advertise for 20 seconds maximum and if a packet is received # for 5 seconds after that while True: if round_no > TOTAL_ROUND: print("Summary: ", "wins {:d}, losses {:d}, draws {:d}, void {:d}".format(wins, losses, draws, voids)) # Reset variables for another game round_no = 1 wins = 0 losses = 0 draws = 0 voids = 0 round_no = 1 if button_left(): while button_left(): pass my_choice_idx = (my_choice_idx + 1) % len(choices) setCursor(my_choice_idx, "mine") if button_right(): tx_message = RpsAdvertisement() choice = choices[my_choice_idx] tx_message.test_string = choice d_print(2, "TXing RTA", choice) opponent_choice = None ble.start_advertising(tx_message, interval=MIN_AD_INTERVAL) sending_ns = time.monotonic_ns() # Timeout value is in seconds # RSSI -100 is probably minimum, -128 would be 8bit signed min # window and interval are 0.1 by default - same value means # continuous scanning (sending Advertisement will interrupt this) for adv in ble.start_scan(RpsAdvertisement, minimum_rssi=-90, timeout=MAX_SEND_TIME_S): received_ns = time.monotonic_ns() d_print(2, "RXed RTA", adv.test_string) opponent_choice_bytes = adv.test_string # Trim trailing NUL chars from bytes idx = 0 while idx < len(opponent_choice_bytes): if opponent_choice_bytes[idx] == 0: break idx += 1 opponent_choice = opponent_choice_bytes[0:idx].decode("utf-8") break # We have received one message or exceeded MAX_SEND_TIME_S ble.stop_scan() # Ensure we send our message for a minimum period of time # constrained by the ultimate duration cap if opponent_choice is not None: timeout = False remaining_ns = MAX_SEND_TIME_NS - (received_ns - sending_ns) extra_ad_time_ns = min(remaining_ns, MIN_SEND_TIME_NS) # Only sleep if we need to, the value here could be a small # negative one too so this caters for this if extra_ad_time_ns > 0: sleep_t = extra_ad_time_ns / NS_IN_S d_print(2, "Additional {:f} seconds of advertising".format(sleep_t)) time.sleep(sleep_t) else: timeout = True ble.stop_advertising() d_print(1, "ROUND", round_no, "MINE", choice, "| OPPONENT", opponent_choice) win, draw, void = evaluate_game(choice, opponent_choice) if void: voids += 1 else: opp_choice_idx = choices.index(opponent_choice) setCursor(opp_choice_idx, "opp", visibility="show") if draw: time.sleep(4) draws += 1 elif win: flashWinner(my_choice_idx, "mine") wins += 1 else: flashWinner(opp_choice_idx, "opp") losses += 1 setCursor(opp_choice_idx, "opp", visibility="hide") d_print(1, "wins {:d}, losses {:d}, draws {:d}, void {:d}".format(wins, losses, draws, voids)) round_no += 1
Code Discussion
The main loop runs forever checking for three conditions.
while True: if round_no > TOTAL_ROUND: print("Summary: ", "wins {:d}, losses {:d}, draws {:d}, void {:d}".format(wins, losses, draws, voids)) ### Reset variables for another game round_no = 1 wins = 0 losses = 0 draws = 0 voids = 0 round_no = 1 if button_left(): while button_left(): pass my_choice_idx = (my_choice_idx + 1) % len(choices) setCursor(my_choice_idx, "mine") if button_right():
The first if checks to see if the last round of the game has occurred in order to print a summary to the serial console and resets the per-round counters. The astute reader will spot an unintentional repetition of round_no = 1 - this is harmless but does waste a few bytes of memory.
The second if checks to see if the left button has been pressed. A function is used here to allow the button to be customised for the board being used. The short while loop is waiting for the finger to release the button and then the my_choice_idx is incremented. This wraps around the three choices, the value after 2 is 0. setCursor() updates the display, the second parameter is controlling whose selection needs updating. The success of waiting for button_left() not to be True (pressed) as a debounce mechanism is discussed further down.
The first part of the code inside the third if is shown below.
# Right button code excerpt 1/3 if button_right(): tx_message = RpsAdvertisement() choice = choices[my_choice_idx] tx_message.test_string = choice d_print(2, "TXing RTA", choice) opponent_choice = None ble.start_advertising(tx_message, interval=MIN_AD_INTERVAL) sending_ns = time.monotonic_ns() # Timeout value is in seconds # RSSI -100 is probably minimum, -128 would be 8bit signed min # window and interval are 0.1 by default - same value means # continuous scanning (sending Advertisement will interrupt this) for adv in ble.start_scan(RpsAdvertisement, minimum_rssi=-90, timeout=MAX_SEND_TIME_S): received_ns = time.monotonic_ns() d_print(2, "RXed RTA", adv.test_string) opponent_choice_bytes = adv.test_string # Trim trailing NUL chars from bytes idx = 0 while idx < len(opponent_choice_bytes): if opponent_choice_bytes[idx] == 0: break idx += 1 opponent_choice = opponent_choice_bytes[0:idx].decode("utf-8") break # We have received one message or exceeded MAX_SEND_TIME_S ble.stop_scan()
This is creating a message using the RpsAdvertisement class and setting test_string (a poor name leftover from a prototype!) to the lower-case text representation of the player's choice. start_advertising() then starts sending that data repeatedly by broadcasting an advertising packet - this occurs in the background until it's explicitly stopped. Advertisements are received with the use of start_scan() which is commonly used in a loop to iterate over each packet as it arrives. For a two-player game the code is only waiting for the opponent's choice. As soon as the first RpsAdvertisement packet is received it's complete in terms of receiving data, hence the break to terminate the for loop. A stop_scan() then terminates the scanning.
The data needs to be converted from the underlying fixed-size bytes type back to a text string and this involves removing any NUL padding. There's no guarantee this data is from a trusted source since it's an unauthenticated packet received over the air. A robust program would validate this data as soon as possible. A few other programming languages have a feature to tag risky data from less trusted sources which has not been validated, for example taint checking.
The code then continues to send advertising packets as it does not know if these have been received. This is shown in the next code excerpt below.
# Right button code excerpt 2/3 # Ensure we send our message for a minimum period of time # constrained by the ultimate duration cap if opponent_choice is not None: timeout = False remaining_ns = MAX_SEND_TIME_NS - (received_ns - sending_ns) extra_ad_time_ns = min(remaining_ns, MIN_SEND_TIME_NS) # Only sleep if we need to, the value here could be a small # negative one too so this caters for this if extra_ad_time_ns > 0: sleep_t = extra_ad_time_ns / NS_IN_S d_print(2, "Additional {:f} seconds of advertising".format(sleep_t)) time.sleep(sleep_t) else: timeout = True ble.stop_advertising() d_print(1, "ROUND", round_no, "MINE", choice, "| OPPONENT", opponent_choice)
It does this for MIN_SEND_TIME_NS or less if that would exceed MAX_SEND_TIME_NS in total. NS stands for nanoseconds, billionths of a second. Nanosecond precision is not required here, it's simply the units returned by time.monotonic_ns() which is the most precise time function available. The advertising packets are sent in the background, the code only needs to sleep for the calculated duration and then run stop_advertising().
The final part of the code
checks who have won,
shows the opponent's choice on the display with setCursor(),
indicates a win or lose with flashWinner() and
then finally increments the integer variable round_no.
# Right button code excerpt 3/3 win, draw, void = evaluate_game(choice, opponent_choice) if void: voids += 1 else: opp_choice_idx = choices.index(opponent_choice) setCursor(opp_choice_idx, "opp", visibility="show") if draw: time.sleep(4) draws += 1 elif win: flashWinner(my_choice_idx, "mine") wins += 1 else: flashWinner(opp_choice_idx, "opp") losses += 1 setCursor(opp_choice_idx, "opp", visibility="hide") d_print(1, "wins {:d}, losses {:d}, draws {:d}, void {:d}".format(wins, losses, draws, voids)) round_no += 1
The tempting variable name round should be avoided as this clashes with CircuitPython's round() function. The code would be valid and would run but it would be likely to cause confusion, bugs, or both.
The evaluate_game() function is a little different to the technique used in the Very Simple game for deciding the winner. This version makes no use of lookup tables and is far longer to the extent that pylint doesn't like it. The else is only reached if the inputs are invalid - this is indicated by the void variable in the returned tuple being set to True. C/C++ programmers would instinctively avoid the use of void as a variable name as it's a reserved word in those languages but Python does not use it.
def evaluate_game(mine, yours): """Determine who won the game based on the two strings mine and yours_lc. Returns three booleans (win, draw, void).""" # Return with void at True if any input is None try: mine_lc = mine.lower() yours_lc = yours.lower() except AttributeError: return (False, False, True) r_win = r_draw = r_void = False # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "rock" or mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "paper" or mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "scissors"): r_draw = True elif (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "paper"): pass # r_win default is False elif (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "scissors"): r_win = True elif (mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "rock"): r_win = True elif (mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "scissors"): pass # r_win default is False elif (mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "rock"): pass # r_win default is False elif (mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "paper"): r_win = True else: r_void = True return (r_win, r_draw, r_void)
The return type permits some "illegal" combinations of values. The first and second elements in the tuple could be True which means the player has both won and drawn. The current implementation is small enough to verify and will never return this combination. This would be more risky in a larger or more complex function.
A less typical form of assignment is used in evaluate_game().
r_win = r_draw = r_void = False
This is a compact way to assign the same value to several variables. It works because Python is like many other languages and has a right-associative = operator. This means r_void = False occurs first, and then the result of this is the value False which is assigned to r_draw and then r_win.
Current Issues
A user who plays the game for a while will notice that occasionally the selection advances by two choices rather than one. This happens infrequently and it would be easy to dismiss this as a mysterious glitch but in this case it is a straightforward case of switch bounce.
For this program the main while loop can iterate very rapidly as there's only a small amount of code to be run for the case of a left button press. If the display updates were immediate then this processing would probably take long enough for the button's contacts to stop bouncing but displayio updates are part of a background task - they happen soon after but not necessarily immediately.
This could be fixed with the help of the adafruit_debouncer library.
BLE - Advertising vs Connections
If a game is inherently a two-player game or there is no requirement or future possibility of a multi-player game, then the more common connection-based approach is going to be superior in most cases.
Evolving the Game
The game's look is a bit dull and it doesn't make much use of the 240x240 graphical display. It also has a slow feel to the exchange of player's choices over BLE. The next version adds some graphics, sound and has a more sophisticated networking protocol for the exchange improving the responsiveness and facilitating more than two players.
Advanced Game
The introduction screen with button guide for the Advanced rock, paper, scissors game.
This is a multi-player version of rock, paper, scissors with:
Simple displayio graphics
An announcer and sound effects implemented with sound samples in the wav format
A dynamic group for the players, formed after the button guide appears when the program starts at power-up (or reset)
A more sophisticated data exchange protocol providing anti-cheat features and a more responsive feel
Configurable name for each player
A sorted score table per game for the players
This has been tested with up to six players.
Example Video
The video below shows the game being played on four devices. Each player would normally hide their choice. Bluetooth facilitates this as the game works well up to 4m (13ft) apart. The boards have been placed near each other in this demonstration to ease the video recording.
The sequence of events in the video:
00:00 The program has started running on three of the boards as those boards were reset about 2 seconds before the video starts
00:04 The introduction screen on the three boards with screens
00:08 One click on reset button of the Circuit Playground Bluefruit with no display. The introduction is shorter without a display, hence the staggered start
00:10 The button guide scrolls into view
00:21 The join game phase, the boards send and receive packets to establish the group for the game
00:23 The names of the players and the rssi of the first advertising packet received are shown on the devices with screens. All devices briefly flash blue (this is disabled by default in the code) on the NeoPixels when an advertising packet is received in the join game phase
00:44 The boards conclude their search for other players and then commence a four-player game with three rounds per game
01:00 All four players have made their choice and are exchanging them, the game announces "Ready" and hums during transmission
01:14 Exchange of data concludes and results from the first round are shown and announced on each device
01:56 Second round begins
02:38 Third and final round begins
02:53 The Circuit Playground Bluefruit shows the scores on the NeoPixels
03:07 The other three boards with displays show the scores for the game and sort them into descending order
Installing Project Code
To use with CircuitPython, you need to first install a few libraries, into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Then you need to update with the example script.
Thankfully, we can do this in one go. In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory CLUE_Rock_Paper_Scissors/advanced/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Kevin J Walters for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # clue-multi-rpsgame v1.20 # CircuitPython massively multiplayer rock paper scissors game over Bluetooth LE # Tested with CLUE and Circuit Playground Bluefruit Alpha with TFT Gizmo # using CircuitPython and 5.3.0 # copy this file to CLUE/CPB board as # MIT License # Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin J. Walters # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import gc import os import random from micropython import const import board import digitalio import neopixel from adafruit_ble import BLERadio # These imports works on CLUE, CPB (and CPX on 5.x) try: from audioio import AudioOut except ImportError: from audiopwmio import PWMAudioOut as AudioOut # RPS module files from rps_advertisements import JoinGameAdvertisement, \ RpsEncDataAdvertisement, \ RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, \ RpsRoundEndAdvertisement from rps_audio import SampleJukebox from rps_comms import broadcastAndReceive, addrToText, MIN_AD_INTERVAL from rps_crypto import bytesPad, strUnpad, generateOTPadKey, \ enlargeKey, encrypt, decrypt from rps_display import RPSDisplay, blankScreen # Look for our name in file if present ble_name = None try: from secrets import secrets ble_name = secrets.get("rps_name") if ble_name is None: ble_name = secrets.get("ble_name") if ble_name is None: print("INFO: No rps_name or ble_name entry found in secrets dict") except ImportError: pass # File is optional, reaching here is not a program error debug = 1 def d_print(level, *args, **kwargs): """A simple conditional print for debugging based on global debug level.""" if not isinstance(level, int): print(level, *args, **kwargs) elif debug >= level: print(*args, **kwargs) def tftGizmoPresent(): """Determine if the TFT Gizmo is attached. The TFT's Gizmo circuitry for backlight features a 10k pull-down resistor. This attempts to verify the presence of the pull-down to determine if TFT Gizmo is present. This is likely to get confused if anything else is connected to pad A3. Only use this on Circuit Playground Express (CPX) or Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB) boards.""" present = True try: with digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.A3) as backlight_pin: backlight_pin.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP present = not backlight_pin.value except ValueError: # The Gizmo is already initialised, i.e. showing console output pass return present # Assuming CLUE if it's not a Circuit Playround (Bluefruit) clue_less = "Circuit Playground" in os.uname().machine # Note: difference in pull-up and pull-down # and logical not use for buttons if clue_less: # CPB with TFT Gizmo (240x240) # from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp # Avoiding to save memory # Outputs if tftGizmoPresent(): from adafruit_gizmo import tft_gizmo display = tft_gizmo.TFT_Gizmo() JG_RX_COL = 0x0000ff BUTTON_Y_POS = 120 else: display = None JG_RX_COL = 0x000030 # dimmer blue for upward facing CPB NeoPixels BUTTON_Y_POS = None audio_out = AudioOut(board.SPEAKER) #pixels = cp.pixels pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 10) # Enable the onboard amplifier for speaker #cp._speaker_enable.value = True # pylint: disable=protected-access speaker_enable = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.SPEAKER_ENABLE) speaker_enable.switch_to_output(value=False) speaker_enable.value = True # Inputs # buttons reversed if it is used upside-down with Gizmo _button_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) _button_a.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.DOWN) _button_b = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_B) _button_b.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.DOWN) if display is None: def button_left(): return _button_a.value def button_right(): return _button_b.value else: def button_left(): return _button_b.value def button_right(): return _button_a.value else: # CLUE with builtin screen (240x240) # from adafruit_clue import clue # Avoiding to save memory # Outputs display = board.DISPLAY audio_out = AudioOut(board.SPEAKER) #pixels = clue.pixel pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1) JG_RX_COL = 0x0000ff BUTTON_Y_POS = 152 # Inputs _button_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) _button_a.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) _button_b = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_B) _button_b.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) def button_left(): return not _button_a.value def button_right(): return not _button_b.value blankScreen(display, pixels) # Set to True for blue flashing when devices are joining the playing group JG_FLASH = False IMAGE_DIR = "rps/images" AUDIO_DIR = "rps/audio" audio_files = (("searching", "welcome-to", "arena", "ready") + ("rock", "paper", "scissors") + ("start-tx", "end-tx", "txing") + ("rock-scissors", "paper-rock", "scissors-paper") + ("you-win", "draw", "you-lose", "error") + ("humiliation", "excellent")) gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC before SJ", gc.mem_free()) sample = SampleJukebox(audio_out, audio_files, directory=AUDIO_DIR) del audio_files # not needed anymore gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC after SJ", gc.mem_free()) # A lookup table in Dict form for win/lose, each value is a sample name # Does not need to cater for draw (tie) condition WAV_VICTORY_NAME = { "rp": "paper-rock", "pr": "paper-rock", "ps": "scissors-paper", "sp": "scissors-paper", "sr": "rock-scissors", "rs": "rock-scissors"} # This limit is based on displaying names on screen with scale=2 font MAX_PLAYERS = 8 # Some code is dependent on these being lower-case CHOICES = ("rock", "paper", "scissors") rps_display = RPSDisplay(display, pixels, CHOICES, sample, WAV_VICTORY_NAME, MAX_PLAYERS, BUTTON_Y_POS, IMAGE_DIR + "/rps-sprites-ind4.bmp", ble_color=JG_RX_COL) # Transmit maximum times in seconds JG_MSG_TIME_S = 20 FIRST_MSG_TIME_S = 12 STD_MSG_TIME_S = 4 LAST_ACK_TIME_S = 1.5 # Intro screen with audio rps_display.introductionScreen() # Enable the Bluetooth LE radio and set player's name (from ble = BLERadio() if ble_name is not None: = ble_name game_no = 1 round_no = 1 wins = losses = draws = voids = 0 # TOTAL_ROUNDS = 5 TOTAL_ROUNDS = 3 CRYPTO_ALGO = "chacha20" KEY_SIZE = 8 # in bytes KEY_ENLARGE = 256 // KEY_SIZE // 8 # Scoring values POINTS_WIN = 2 POINTS_DRAW = 1 WIN = const(1) DRAW = const(2) # AKA tie LOSE = const(3) INVALID = const(4) def evaluateRound(mine, yours): """Determine who won the round in this game based on the two strings mine and yours. Returns WIN, DRAW, LOSE or INVALID for bad input.""" # Return INVALID if any input is None try: mine_lc = mine.lower() yours_lc = yours.lower() except AttributeError: return INVALID if mine_lc not in CHOICES or yours_lc not in CHOICES: return INVALID # Both inputs are valid choices if we got this far # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if mine_lc == yours_lc: return DRAW elif (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "scissors" or mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "rock" or mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "paper"): return WIN return LOSE rps_display.playerListScreen() def addPlayer(name, addr_text, address, ad): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # address is part of call back """Add the player name and mac address to players global variable and the name and rssi (if present) to on-screen list.""" rssi = ad.rssi if ad else None players.append((name, addr_text)) rps_display.addPlayer(name, rssi=rssi) # Make a list of all the player's (name, mac address as text) # where both are strings with this player as first entry players = [] my_name = rps_display.fadeUpDown("down") addPlayer(my_name, addrToText(ble.address_bytes), None, None) # These two functions mainly serve to adapt the call back arguments # to the called functions which do not use them def jgAdCallbackFlashBLE(_a, _b, _c): """Used in broadcastAndReceive to flash the NeoPixels when advertising messages are received.""" return rps_display.flashBLE() def jgEndscanCallback(_a, _b, _c): """Used in broadcastAndReceive to allow early termination of the scanning when the left button is pressed. Button may need to be held down for a second.""" return button_left() # Join Game gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC before JG", gc.mem_free())"searching", loop=True) rps_display.fadeUpDown("up") jg_msg = JoinGameAdvertisement(game="RPS") (_, _, _) = broadcastAndReceive(ble, jg_msg, scan_time=JG_MSG_TIME_S, scan_response_request=True, ad_cb=(jgAdCallbackFlashBLE if JG_FLASH else None), endscan_cb=jgEndscanCallback, name_cb=addPlayer) del _ # To clean-up with GC below sample.stop() gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC after JG", gc.mem_free()) # Wait for button release - this stops a long press # being acted upon in the main loop further down while button_left(): pass scores = [0] * len(players) num_other_players = len(players) - 1 # Set the advertising interval to the minimum for four or fewer players # and above that extend value by players multiplied by 7ms ad_interval = MIN_AD_INTERVAL if len(players) <= 4 else len(players) * 0.007 d_print(1, "PLAYERS", players) # Sequence numbers - real packets start range between 1-255 inclusive seq_tx = [1] # The next number to send new_round_init = True # A nonce by definition must not be reused but here a random key is # generated per round and this is used once per round so this is ok static_nonce = bytes(range(12, 0, -1)) while True: if round_no > TOTAL_ROUNDS: print("Summary: ", "wins {:d}, losses {:d}," " draws {:d}, void {:d}\n\n".format(wins, losses, draws, voids)) rps_display.showGameResult(players, scores, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS) # Reset variables for another game round_no = 1 wins = losses = draws = voids = 0 scores = [0] * len(players) game_no += 1 if new_round_init: rps_display.showGameRound(game_no=game_no, round_no=round_no, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS) # Make a new initial random choice for the player and show it my_choice_idx = random.randrange(len(CHOICES)) rps_display.fadeUpDown("down") rps_display.showChoice(my_choice_idx, game_no=game_no, round_no=round_no, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS, won_sf=wins, drew_sf=draws, lost_sf=losses) rps_display.fadeUpDown("up") new_round_init = False if button_left(): while button_left(): # Wait for button release pass my_choice_idx = (my_choice_idx + 1) % len(CHOICES) rps_display.showChoice(my_choice_idx, game_no=game_no, round_no=round_no, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS, won_sf=wins, drew_sf=draws, lost_sf=losses) if button_right(): gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC before comms", gc.mem_free()) # This sound cue is really for other players"ready") my_choice = CHOICES[my_choice_idx] player_choices = [my_choice] # Repeating key four times to make key for ChaCha20 short_key = generateOTPadKey(KEY_SIZE) key = enlargeKey(short_key, KEY_ENLARGE) d_print(3, "KEY", key) plain_bytes = bytesPad(my_choice, size=8, pad=0) cipher_bytes = encrypt(plain_bytes, key, CRYPTO_ALGO, nonce=static_nonce) enc_data_msg = RpsEncDataAdvertisement(enc_data=cipher_bytes, round_no=round_no) # Wait for ready sound sample to stop playing sample.wait()"start-tx") sample.wait()"txing", loop=True) # Players will not be synchronised at this point as they do not # have to make their choices simultaneously - much longer 12 second # time to accomodate this _, enc_data_by_addr, _ = broadcastAndReceive(ble, enc_data_msg, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, scan_time=FIRST_MSG_TIME_S, ad_interval=ad_interval, receive_n=num_other_players, seq_tx=seq_tx) key_data_msg = RpsKeyDataAdvertisement(key_data=short_key, round_no=round_no) # All of the programs will be loosely synchronised now _, key_data_by_addr, _ = broadcastAndReceive(ble, key_data_msg, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, RpsRoundEndAdvertisement, scan_time=STD_MSG_TIME_S, ad_interval=ad_interval, receive_n=num_other_players, seq_tx=seq_tx, ads_by_addr=enc_data_by_addr) del enc_data_by_addr # Play end transmit sound while doing next decrypt bit"end-tx") re_msg = RpsRoundEndAdvertisement(round_no=round_no) # The round end message is really about acknowledging receipt of # the key_data_msg by sending a non-critical message with the ack _, re_by_addr, _ = broadcastAndReceive(ble, re_msg, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, RpsRoundEndAdvertisement, scan_time=LAST_ACK_TIME_S, ad_interval=ad_interval, receive_n=num_other_players, seq_tx=seq_tx, ads_by_addr=key_data_by_addr) del key_data_by_addr, _ # To allow GC # This will have accumulated all the messages for this round allmsg_by_addr = re_by_addr del re_by_addr # Decrypt results # If any data is incorrect the opponent_choice is left as None for p_idx1 in range(1, len(players)): print("DECRYPT GC", p_idx1, gc.mem_free()) opponent_name = players[p_idx1][0] opponent_macaddr = players[p_idx1][1] opponent_choice = None opponent_msgs = allmsg_by_addr.get(opponent_macaddr) if opponent_msgs is None: opponent_msgs = [] cipher_ad = cipher_bytes = cipher_round = None key_ad = key_bytes = key_round = None # There should be either one or two messges per type # two occurs when there for msg_idx in range(len(opponent_msgs)): if (cipher_ad is None and isinstance(opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0], RpsEncDataAdvertisement)): cipher_ad = opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0] cipher_bytes = cipher_ad.enc_data cipher_round = cipher_ad.round_no elif (key_ad is None and isinstance(opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0], RpsKeyDataAdvertisement)): key_ad = opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0] key_bytes = key_ad.key_data key_round = key_ad.round_no if cipher_ad and key_ad: if round_no == cipher_round == key_round: key = enlargeKey(key_bytes, KEY_ENLARGE) plain_bytes = decrypt(cipher_bytes, key, CRYPTO_ALGO, nonce=static_nonce) opponent_choice = strUnpad(plain_bytes) else: print("Received wrong round for {:d} {:d}: {:d} {:d}", opponent_name, round_no, cipher_round, key_round) else: print("Missing packets: RpsEncDataAdvertisement " "and RpsKeyDataAdvertisement:", cipher_ad, key_ad) player_choices.append(opponent_choice) # Free up some memory by deleting any data that's no longer needed del allmsg_by_addr gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC after comms", gc.mem_free()) sample.wait() # Ensure end-tx has completed # Chalk up wins and losses - checks this player but also has to # check other players against each other to calculate all the # scores for the high score table at the end of game for p_idx0, (p0_name, _) in enumerate(players[:len(players) - 1]): for p_idx1, (p1_name, _) in enumerate(players[p_idx0 + 1:], p_idx0 + 1): # evaluateRound takes text strings for RPS result = evaluateRound(player_choices[p_idx0], player_choices[p_idx1]) # this_player is used to control incrementing the summary # for the tally for this local player this_player = 0 void = False if p_idx0 == 0: this_player = 1 p0_ch_idx = None p1_ch_idx = None try: p0_ch_idx = CHOICES.index(player_choices[p_idx0]) p1_ch_idx = CHOICES.index(player_choices[p_idx1]) except ValueError: void = True # Ensure this is marked void print("ERROR", "failed to decode", player_choices[p_idx0], player_choices[p_idx1]) # showPlayerVPlayer takes int index values for RPS rps_display.showPlayerVPlayer(p0_name, p1_name, p_idx1, p0_ch_idx, p1_ch_idx, result == WIN, result == DRAW, result == INVALID or void) if result == INVALID or void: voids += this_player elif result == DRAW: draws += this_player scores[p_idx0] += POINTS_DRAW scores[p_idx1] += POINTS_DRAW elif result == WIN: wins += this_player scores[p_idx0] += POINTS_WIN else: losses += this_player scores[p_idx1] += POINTS_WIN d_print(2, p0_name, player_choices[p_idx0], "vs", p1_name, player_choices[p_idx1], "result", result) print("Game {:d}, round {:d}, wins {:d}, losses {:d}, draws {:d}, " "void {:d}".format(game_no, round_no, wins, losses, draws, voids)) round_no += 1 new_round_init = True
If you wish, the player's name can be set by adding an entry to the secrets dict in an optional file. This can be either "rps_name" or "ble_name", for example:
secrets = { "rps_name": "Huey" }
The file is typically used by projects for confidential information like credentials. Here, it's just a useful file to reuse as it keeps the configuration separate from the code.
Code Discussion
This is a much larger program. It's split into a number of files with related functions and there's some limited use of classes.
The clue and cpb Objects
This program does not use the clue and cpb objects from the libraries adafruit_clue and adafruit_circuitplayground.bluefruit, respectively. These are very useful for interactive experimentation and small programs, but they do import a lot of libraries. For larger programs like the Advanced game that do not use most of the functionality, it is more economical on memory to import the specific libraries used in the program.
Join Game
After the introduction screen and button guide, the game establishes the group playing with a JoinGameAdvertisement message sent amongst all the boards that want to play the game. The code is show below.
def addPlayer(name, addr_text, address, ad): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # address is part of call back """Add the player name and mac address to players global variable and the name and rssi (if present) to on-screen list.""" rssi = ad.rssi if ad else None players.append((name, addr_text)) rps_display.addPlayer(name, rssi=rssi) # Make a list of all the player's (name, mac address as text) # where both are strings with this player as first entry players = [] my_name = rps_display.fadeUpDown("down") addPlayer(my_name, addrToText(ble.address_bytes), None, None) # These two functions mainly serve to adapt the call back arguments # to the called functions which do not use them def jgAdCallbackFlashBLE(_a, _b, _c): """Used in broadcastAndReceive to flash the NeoPixels when advertising messages are received.""" return rps_display.flashBLE() def jgEndscanCallback(_a, _b, _c): """Used in broadcastAndReceive to allow early termination of the scanning when the left button is pressed. Button may need to be held down for a second.""" return button_left() # Join Game gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC before JG", gc.mem_free())"searching", loop=True) rps_display.fadeUpDown("up") jg_msg = JoinGameAdvertisement(game="RPS") (_, _, _) = broadcastAndReceive(ble, jg_msg, scan_time=JG_MSG_TIME_S, scan_response_request=True, ad_cb=(jgAdCallbackFlashBLE if JG_FLASH else None), endscan_cb=jgEndscanCallback, name_cb=addPlayer) del _ # To clean-up with GC below sample.stop() gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC after JG", gc.mem_free())
The addPlayer() function adds a player to the the players list, a global variable, and calls the addPlayer() method on the (global) rps_display object to add the player's details to the list on the display. This is used once to add the local player and then passed as a callback to broadcastAndReceive() to add the remote players as the device receives JoinGameAdvertisement from other players. The use of the callback means the return values are not needed from broadcastAndReceive() - a Python convention is to assign these to the _ variable and in this case only the third element in the tuple will survive, the rest are over-written. This isn't needed and in order to minimise memory in use it is deleted. This makes the variable's previous value available for garbage collection by the subsequent gc.collect().
Some other callbacks are used here:
ad_cb is called whenever an Advertisement is received and is used for flashing the NeoPixel's blue if JG_FLASH is True (code currently has it set to False);
endscan_db is called periodically and will terminate the scanning if it returns a True value, a left button press returns True here.
A sound effect is playing continuously during this part of the program, the sample object is a SampleJukebox which is described further down.
Main Loop
The main loop has the same three conditional statements as the previous game plus one extra one to deal with rounds per game.
The first if checks for the end of each game, displaying the score on the display or NeoPixels using rps_display.showGameResult() and then resetting all the variables for the next game.
# Main loop code excerpt 1/8 - end of a game while True: if round_no > TOTAL_ROUNDS: print("Summary: ", "wins {:d}, losses {:d}," " draws {:d}, void {:d}\n\n".format(wins, losses, draws, voids)) rps_display.showGameResult(players, scores, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS) # Reset variables for another game round_no = 1 wins = 0 losses = 0 draws = 0 voids = 0 scores = [0] * len(players) game_no += 1
The second if checks a boolean to see if it is the start of a new round. The game and round number are updated with rps_display.showGameRound() and then a random starting choice is made for the player and displayed on screen using the rps_display.showChoice() with surrounding fades for a visually pleasant transition.
# Main loop code excerpt 2/8 - end of a round if new_round_init: rps_display.showGameRound(game_no=game_no, round_no=round_no, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS) # Make a new initial random choice for the player and show it my_choice_idx = random.randrange(len(CHOICES)) rps_display.fadeUpDown("down") rps_display.showChoice(my_choice_idx, game_no=game_no, round_no=round_no, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS, won_sf=wins, drew_sf=draws, lost_sf=losses) rps_display.fadeUpDown("up") new_round_init = False
The if for the left button is very similar to the Simple game with the rps_display. Here, showChoice() takes the place of setCursor() from the Simple game.
# Main loop code excerpt 3/8 - left button press if button_left(): while button_left(): ### Wait for button release pass my_choice_idx = (my_choice_idx + 1) % len(CHOICES) rps_display.showChoice(my_choice_idx, game_no=game_no, round_no=round_no, rounds_tot=TOTAL_ROUNDS, won_sf=wins, drew_sf=draws, lost_sf=losses)
The final if for the right button contains a lot of code for the exchange of choices between all the players. This would be better if it was split into some functions to make the code easier to read and understand.
The first part creates a short, per-message 8-byte encryption key with generateOTPPadKey() stretched with enlargeKey(). The player's choice is padded and and encrypted and incorporated into the RpsEncDataAdvertisement object. The padding here just adds NUL characters to ensure the message is 8 bytes long.
Padding schemes like PKCS#5 are used for real applications using encryption.
# Main loop code excerpt 5/8 - right button press i if button_right(): gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC before comms", gc.mem_free()) # This sound cue is really for other players"ready") my_choice = CHOICES[my_choice_idx] player_choices = [my_choice] # Repeating key four times to make key for ChaCha20 short_key = generateOTPadKey(KEY_SIZE) key = enlargeKey(short_key, KEY_ENLARGE) d_print(3, "KEY", key) plain_bytes = bytesPad(my_choice, size=8, pad=0) cipher_bytes = encrypt(plain_bytes, key, CRYPTO_ALGO, nonce=static_nonce) enc_data_msg = RpsEncDataAdvertisement(enc_data=cipher_bytes, round_no=round_no) # Wait for ready sound sample to stop playing sample.wait()
The next part, shown below, starts the humming sound sample which runs while the program is sending messages. The three messages, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement and RpsRoundEndAdvertisement, are sent in that order and only when the prior message has been received from all other players. The data from the other players' messages is accumulated and left in allmsg_by_addr.
# Main loop code excerpt 6/8 - right button press ii"start-tx") sample.wait()"txing", loop=True) # Players will not be synchronised at this point as they do not # have to make their choices simultaneously - much longer 12 second # time to accomodate this _, enc_data_by_addr, _ = broadcastAndReceive(ble, enc_data_msg, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, scan_time=FIRST_MSG_TIME_S, ad_interval=ad_interval, receive_n=num_other_players, seq_tx=seq_tx) key_data_msg = RpsKeyDataAdvertisement(key_data=short_key, round_no=round_no) # All of the programs will be loosely synchronised now _, key_data_by_addr, _ = broadcastAndReceive(ble, key_data_msg, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, RpsRoundEndAdvertisement, scan_time=STD_MSG_TIME_S, ad_interval=ad_interval, receive_n=num_other_players, seq_tx=seq_tx, ads_by_addr=enc_data_by_addr) del enc_data_by_addr # Play end transmit sound while doing next decrypt bit"end-tx") re_msg = RpsRoundEndAdvertisement(round_no=round_no) # The round end message is really about acknowledging receipt of # the key_data_msg by sending a non-critical message with the ack _, re_by_addr, _ = broadcastAndReceive(ble, re_msg, RpsEncDataAdvertisement, RpsKeyDataAdvertisement, RpsRoundEndAdvertisement, scan_time=LAST_ACK_TIME_S, ad_interval=ad_interval, receive_n=num_other_players, seq_tx=seq_tx, ads_by_addr=key_data_by_addr) del key_data_by_addr, _ # To allow GC # This will have accumulated all the messages for this round allmsg_by_addr = re_by_addr del re_by_addr
To free up as much memory as possible any data structures not needed at this point are del'ed. The other players' message(s) are then decrypted.
# Main loop code excerpt 6/8 - right button press iii # Decrypt results # If any data is incorrect the opponent_choice is left as None for p_idx1 in range(1, len(players)): print("DECRYPT GC", p_idx1, gc.mem_free()) opponent_name = players[p_idx1][0] opponent_macaddr = players[p_idx1][1] opponent_choice = None opponent_msgs = allmsg_by_addr.get(opponent_macaddr) if opponent_msgs is None: opponent_msgs = [] cipher_ad = cipher_bytes = cipher_round = None key_ad = key_bytes = key_round = None # There should be either one or two messges per type # two occurs when there for msg_idx in range(len(opponent_msgs)): if (cipher_ad is None and isinstance(opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0], RpsEncDataAdvertisement)): cipher_ad = opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0] cipher_bytes = cipher_ad.enc_data cipher_round = cipher_ad.round_no elif (key_ad is None and isinstance(opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0], RpsKeyDataAdvertisement)): key_ad = opponent_msgs[msg_idx][0] key_bytes = key_ad.key_data key_round = key_ad.round_no if cipher_ad and key_ad: if round_no == cipher_round == key_round: key = enlargeKey(key_bytes, KEY_ENLARGE) plain_bytes = decrypt(cipher_bytes, key, CRYPTO_ALGO, nonce=static_nonce) opponent_choice = strUnpad(plain_bytes) else: print("Received wrong round for {:d} {:d}: {:d} {:d}", opponent_name, round_no, cipher_round, key_round) else: print("Missing packets: RpsEncDataAdvertisement " "and RpsKeyDataAdvertisement:", cipher_ad, key_ad) player_choices.append(opponent_choice) # Free up some memory by deleting any data that's no longer needed del allmsg_by_addr gc.collect() d_print(2, "GC after comms", gc.mem_free())
The decrypted choices of the opponents are now checked against the local player's choice to show who has won. Perhaps surprisingly if there's more than one opponent then they are checked against each other. This is required to calculate the complete score table for all the players shown at the end of each game.
# Main loop code excerpt 7/8 - right button press iv sample.wait() # Ensure end-tx has completed # Chalk up wins and losses - checks this player but also has to # check other players against each other to calculate all the # scores for the high score table at the end of game for p_idx0, (p0_name, _) in enumerate(players[:len(players) - 1]): for p_idx1, (p1_name, _) in enumerate(players[p_idx0 + 1:], p_idx0 + 1): # evaluateRound takes text strings for RPS result = evaluateRound(player_choices[p_idx0], player_choices[p_idx1]) # this_player is used to control incrementing the summary # for the tally for this local player this_player = 0 void = False if p_idx0 == 0: this_player = 1 p0_ch_idx = None p1_ch_idx = None try: p0_ch_idx = CHOICES.index(player_choices[p_idx0]) p1_ch_idx = CHOICES.index(player_choices[p_idx1]) except ValueError: void = True # Ensure this is marked void print("ERROR", "failed to decode", player_choices[p_idx0], player_choices[p_idx1]) # showPlayerVPlayer takes int index values for RPS rps_display.showPlayerVPlayer(p0_name, p1_name, p_idx1, p0_ch_idx, p1_ch_idx, result == WIN, result == DRAW, result == INVALID or void)
Finally, the results from the round are added to the sub-totals.
# Main loop code excerpt 8/8 - right button press v if result == INVALID or void: voids += this_player elif result == DRAW: draws += this_player scores[p_idx0] += POINTS_DRAW scores[p_idx1] += POINTS_DRAW elif result == WIN: wins += this_player scores[p_idx0] += POINTS_WIN else: losses += this_player scores[p_idx1] += POINTS_WIN d_print(2, p0_name, player_choices[p_idx0], "vs", p1_name, player_choices[p_idx1], "result", result) print("Game {:d}, round {:d}, wins {:d}, losses {:d}, draws {:d}, " "void {:d}".format(game_no, round_no, wins, losses, draws, voids)) round_no += 1 new_round_init = True
The evaluateRound() function has a different style of implementation compared to the Simple version.
def evaluateRound(mine, yours): """Determine who won the round in this game based on the two strings mine and yours. Returns WIN, DRAW, LOSE or INVALID for bad input.""" # Return INVALID if any input is None try: mine_lc = mine.lower() yours_lc = yours.lower() except AttributeError: return INVALID if mine_lc not in CHOICES or yours_lc not in CHOICES: return INVALID # Both inputs are valid choices if we got this far if mine_lc == yours_lc: return DRAW elif (mine_lc == "rock" and yours_lc == "scissors" or mine_lc == "paper" and yours_lc == "rock" or mine_lc == "scissors" and yours_lc == "paper"): return WIN return LOSE
This more compact version makes use of Python's in operator to check if the inputs are present in the tuple of valid CHOICES for data validation. The CHOICES variable could be a list or a tuple. A tuple is used as form of defensive programming since tuples are immutable (read-only) in Python - this prevents accidental modification to this constant sequence.
The return type has changed and is now a form of enumerated type using const() global variables. CircuitPython's const() can only be used for integers but that's sufficient here. CPython offers the useful Enum class for enumerations but this is not currently present in CircuitPython.
The long expression in elif uses a mixture of and and or boolean operators. The and expressions are evaluated first as the programmer intended due to Python's precedence rules, placing and higher than or.
SampleJukebox class
Using a separate class for playing the sound samples tidies up the code a little but the main motivation for creating this class was to add a workaround to reduce the chance of fatal MemoryError exceptions, possibly related to memory fragmentation. The PWMAudioOut library currently allocates memory dynamically under the covers. The SampleJukebox class attempts to use the library in a way where the 2048-byte buffer is immediately re-allocated just after it is de-allocated. This means the code is almost guaranteed to be able to reuse the previous 2048 contiguous section of memory.
RPSDisplay class
This is a large class containing all the code to send output to the display and/or to the NeoPixels for each of the screens in the game. Its constructor takes the sample object to let it play samples during some of the simple animations.
Dynamic Advertising Interval
The advertising interval seen in the code above is set just before the main loop using.
ad_interval = MIN_AD_INTERVAL if len(players) <= 4 else len(players) * 0.007
This increases the interval for five or more players, 5 players will be 35 milliseconds, 6 players will be 42ms. This is an attempt to keep the collisions at a low level to maintain good efficiency.
MIN_AD_INTERVAL would be expected to be 0.02 seconds (20ms) for Bluetooth Low Energy. The actual value used in the code is 0.02001. This is needed to work around a minor bug in adadfruit_ble library's start_advertising() which relates to the fundamental limited precision of floating-point. Some general background on this can be found in the Number Representation section of Clue Sensor Plotter in CircuitPython.
Advertisement Matching
The adafruit_ble library provides a feature for efficiently filtering advertising packets including any scan responses in start_scan(). If any classes are passed as arguments, then only packets matching those classes will be returned. This is implemented with a simple prefix mechanism where a list of 1 or more prefix byte sequences are checked against the advertising data.
For RpsRoundEndAdvertisement the class sets match_prefixes attribute which the library code then uses to construct the prefix.
# match_prefixes tuple replaces deprecated prefix match_prefixes = ( struct.pack( _PREFIX_FMT, MANUFACTURING_DATA_ADT, ADAFRUIT_COMPANY_ID, struct.calcsize("<H" + _DATA_FMT_ROUND), RPS_ROUND_ID ), )
The MANUFACTURING_DATA_ADT has a value of 0xff, the ADAFRUIT_COMPANY_ID is 0x0822 and the RPS_ROUND_ID is 0xfe43. The prefix ends up as the bytes (in hex) 0bff22080343fe. The 0b is a length field and automatically prepended by the library. Some values appear "reversed", this is due to BLE values being encoded in little-endian order. Python's struct library uses "<" to represent this. The example below shows how this prefix will match the data in the RpsRoundEndAdvertisement packet regardless of the per-instance field values and correctly doesn't match a different packet.
An example of prefix matching for two RpsRoundEndAdvertisement messages with different values and a JoinGameAdvertisement message which differs and does not match. The length fields for the Manufacturer's Data field and within it are shown with a darker background.
The order of the round_no and sequence_number is critical for this prefix matching to work as the identifier number associated with round_no (0xfe43) is being used as part of the prefix to identify the class.
Current Issues
The game works well but in common with almost all large codebases there are a number of issues.
Flicker when Changing Player's Choice
There is a noticeable flicker when a player presses the left button to advance the choice between the rock, paper, and scissors icons. This is a common problem with simple or naive graphics code and was left in the code on purpose to demonstrate the phenomena.
The implementation of the showChoice() method replaces all the screen objects and then recreates them including ones that have not been updated like the text at the top and bottom of the display. The extra display updates from these unnecessary changes are slow enough for the player to see the transition as flicker. This flicker can be reduced or eliminated by only changing the displayio objects which need to be updated.
In general, if lots of changes are made to displayio objects and if these are best displayed at once then briefly turning auto_refresh off is an option. This will coalesce the changes into one display update.
Another occurrence of this type of flashing/flicker has been discussed in the Adafruit CircuitPython and MicroPython forum.
Dependency on dict Key Ordering - Now Fixed
The four custom Advertisement sub-classes were dependent on the behaviour of CircuitPython's dict type for the identifier numbers to match the prefixes for each message.
A simple example on CircuitPython 5.3.0's REPL below shows the nature of this issue.
>>> letters = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c" :3} >>> letters {'c': 3, 'a': 1, 'b': 2}
The order of the keys is not maintained in CircuitPython, "a" is the first key in letters as it is constructed but "c" is returned as the first one. This is a common feature for data types built upon a rudimentary hash table. Depending on order which is not specified is a common source of pernicious, latent bugs.
CPython started returning dict keys in insert-order from version 3.6 and this formed part of the specification in version 3.7.
A few languages also randomly vary their hash tables to counter denial attacks, see Daniel Lemire: Use random hashing if you care about security?
This was fixed with a new feature in the adafruit_ble library to maintain the order of fields within a ManufacturerData field based on the order of assignment. CircuitPython offers an OrderedDict data type which was used to implement this.
CPB Only Needs adafruit_display_text Library
The RPSDisplay class uses Group and Label. This creates the unfortunate, unnecessary dependency on having the adafruit_display_text library even when the Circuit Playground Bluefruit is used without a display. This could be fixed with some sub-classes that implement the relevant code for each type of output in separate files and conditional import statements for those sub-classes.
Sequence Number Wraparound
The sequence number used in advertising messages starts at 1 and is transmitted as an unsigned 8bit number giving it a maximum of 255. The code currently does not deal with exceeding 255 and will probably break in the 28th game.
It's common for packet identifier and sequence numbers to use a fairly small data size as the number only needs to span the maximum number of packets which are "in flight" and can wraparound back to 0. For comparison, IPv4 has a 16bit identifier for each packet and TCP has a 32bit sequence number per connection.
Protocol Versioning
The messages do not have a version number. For a simple game this isn't a serious problem but for any software where there's an expectation of new features or different versions of the software in use concurrently then having a version number in the protocol/messages is useful to be able to detect or support old/new message formats, possibly concurrently.
BLE advertising packets are self-describing to some extent in the sense they have types in the fields, so this is not as problematic as with some other formats.
Very Infrequent MemoryError Allocating 65536 or 42441 Bytes
A MemoryError exception is raised when a program runs out of memory from the heap. In CircuitPython the accompanying stack trace is printed to the serial console. There is an elusive bug somewhere that causes an allocation attempt for a relatively large amount of memory.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 448, in <module> File "", line 340, in broadcastAndReceive File "", line 115, in startScan File "adafruit_ble/", line 263, in start_scan MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 65536 bytes
The program here does not do anything obvious which needs such a large amount of memory particularly around the call to start_scan(). The sizes are suspicious:
both values appear far larger than any piece of data in the program;
42441 only has two factors, 53 * 797, suggesting it is not a simple repeated data type;
65536 is 216.
There's no obvious pattern so far for when this occurs although it does appear to always happen on the third call to broadcastAndReceive(). The frequency of occurrence is approximately 1 round in 500. It may occur more frequently when many (5+) players are playing. This is logged as issue in GitHub.
Going Further
Ideas for Areas to Explore
Customise the game:
Replace the sound samples (16k, 8bit mono) with your own. Microcontroller Compatible Audio File Conversion can help with this
Replace the three sprites - the 48x16 bmp file can be changed without changing the code if the dimensions are preserved
Enhance the game:
Use the accelerometer to detect shaking as an alternate way to start the transmission of the player's choice
Add a cumulative high score table to the Advanced game
Enhance the Circuit Playground Bluefruit only version to show players joining on the NeoPixels
Port the Simple game to the Circuit Playground Express using infrared for communication - this is very directional and would need careful alignment making the game finickety to play.
Bluetooth related:
Update the RSSI number on the player list screen as new Bluetooth packets arrive if you are interested in this value
Write a distance estimation function and add a feature for the right button to toggle between RSSI and a distance estimate
Test different communication conditions to see how the RSSI varies and how the game degrades or fails. Distance, different types of obstacles and close proximity to busy Wireless Access Points are all interesting factors to experiment with.
Try implementing another multi-player game. Note: A connection-based approach is likely to be a better solution for two-player games and may also suit card games featuring a dealer.
Investigate lots of players. The Advanced game has been tested and works well with six players. It would be interesting to see how well it works in a classroom environment with 20+ devices. The MAX_PLAYERS will need increasing as it's currently set to 8 but this is only because it's how many players fit on the joining screen with the chosen font size. This can be increased, and they should just overspill harmlessly.
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