Circuits Central Inc.


Circuits Central Inc. provides advanced electronics design, manufacturing and test services to a broad range of industries. Our strengths lie in our knowledge, experience, and stability.

The strong association with our clients has been based on the conscious development of long-term relationships. Our dedication to service excellence has been greatly appreciated.

Circuits Central Inc. is a private company founded in 1996 with a single mandate: to put leading edge electronics manufacturing technology at the disposal of companies and organizations competing in the global market. The sustained solid growth in customer base since 1996 is a clear indication of the high level of service and dedication to quality, and the competence of our highly trained personnel in meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Through an advanced Research and Development program, regular training of the personnel, and the incorporation of the most advanced equipment our customers have been provided with the latest technology at highest quality level. Our R&D team of engineers is focused on breaking technological barriers and creating new frontiers in design, assembly and test processes.

  • General Digital/Analog
  • PCB Design/Layout
  • Schematic Capture
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • High-Volume Production
  • Low to Medium Volume Production
  • Prototype Assembly
  • Prototype Testing
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Turnkey Volume Production
  • PCB and Component 3D Modeling
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Government
  • Industrial
  • IoT
  • Lighting
  • Marine
  • Medical
  • Military
  • Oil and Gas
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation


169 Idema Road, Markham, Ontario, L3R1A9 Canada
Hooman Javdan
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