Boundary Devices


Boundary Devices is a leading global supplier of ARM-based Single Board Computers and System on Modules for the general embedded market. Founded in 2003, our corporate headquarters is located in Lake Forest.

We specialize in creating Custom Solutions tailored to the exact specifications of the customer. By using the core layout of existing development systems, we can produce custom designs on time and on budget.

Boundary Devices is an NXP Proven Partner that has completed countless successful projects with the NXP i.MX family of processors. Because we design only i.MX-based boards, we are the industry leader in i.MX custom designs. All of our products are designed, tested, and manufactured in the USA.

  • Audio
  • Ethernet
  • PCB Design/Layout
  • USB
  • Video
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • High Volume Production
  • Low to Medium Volume Production
  • Prototype Testing
  • Test Fixture Development
  • Enclosure Design
  • PCB and Component 3D Modeling
  • Android
  • Linux
  • Antennas
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • Agriculture
  • Consumer
  • Food and Beverage
  • Industrial
  • IoT
  • Medical
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • NXP
  • NXP


7 Orchard Rd, Suite 102, Lake Forest, California 92630 USA
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