Boulder Engineering Studio


Boulder Engineering Studio is an engineering design firm providing mechanical, electrical, and software consulting services for rapid, cost-effective physical product development. We have helped guide hundreds of product ideas along the path from concept to market.

Developing new technologies can require a range of skills and services, and BES is well suited to support commercial and institutional R&D efforts. Our team is experienced in studying the state of the art and pushing forward into new territory. We have worked with test labs, regulatory agencies, and other research groups across the world to study and develop technologies for commercial and academic projects, and are excited by the opportunity to discover something new. Whether a project calls for in-depth iterative development or a quick review of recent or pending publications, BES can help research projects succeed.

BES has extensive experience developing projects from initial concept through prototyping, deployment, and end-of-life operations. BES follows a test-driven, iterative design process enabled by rapid-prototyping, supply-chain management, and collaboration with Nationally Recognized Test Labs.

We provide project design and product development consulting for a variety of applications and diverse clientele. From concept to market, BES provides cutting-edge solutions for your ideas, including electrical, mechanical, and software elements.

  • Audio
  • DSP
  • Ethernet
  • General Digital/Analog
  • High Density/BGA
  • PCB Design/Layout
  • Power Supply
  • Schematic Capture
  • USB
  • Video
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • Die Bonding
  • Low to Medium Volume Production
  • Prototype Assembly
  • Prototype Testing
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Test Fixture Development
  • Turnkey Volume Production
  • Enclosure Design
  • Full Product 3D Modeling
  • PCB and Component 3D Modeling
  • Bootloader
  • C/C++
  • Cloud Services
  • DSP Algorithms
  • Linux
  • Machine Learning
  • RTOS
  • VHDL/Verilog
  • Analog Simulation
  • Block Level System Design and Integration
  • Communications Systems
  • Design for EMI/RFI Immunity
  • Design for Testability
  • Antennas
  • Bluetooth
  • Cellular
  • GPS
  • LoRa
  • RF Design
  • Wi-Fi
  • ZigBee
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Consumer
  • Energy
  • Food and Beverage
  • Government
  • Industrial
  • IoT
  • Marine
  • Medical
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation


3297 Walnut St., Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA
Kimberly Robertson
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