Axiom Manufacturing


Axiom Manufacturing is an ISO 9001:2015 registered manufacturing firm that specializes in electronic manufacturing, design, and electronic development for a wide range of applications and customers. Our manufacturing services include printed circuit board assembly, electronic box build, system assembly, turn-key assembly, parts acquisition, and functional testing.

Our Services Include:

  • Printed circuit board assembly
  • Box build and system assembly
  • Turn-key assembly
  • Parts acquisition and inventory
  • BGA, uBGA, LGA, assembly
  • SMT and through hole assembly
  • Prototype and production quantities
  • Design and development services
  • Re-work and repair services
  • Development boards
  • Embedded computer assemblies
  • Functional testing
  • Order fulfillment services
  • Real-time application development
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • High Volume Production
  • Low to Medium Volume Production
  • Prototype Assembly
  • Prototype Testing
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Test Fixture Development
  • Turnkey Volume Production


1226 Exchange Dr., Richardson, Texas 75081 USA
Ashley Mancia
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