

Altium creates tools designers need to help them make the most of modern technology, successfully manage projects, and deliver connected, intelligent products. With the acquisition of Geppetto, we have the capability to provide a free browser-based design service.

Geppetto is a simple drag and drop browser application for electronic design. Geppetto provides a module library of leading edge components designed for automated routing and manufacturing. Designed to support rapid prototyping to production deadlines, Geppetto provides proven designs that can be copied and modified in minutes. The Geppetto board builder can instantly build a design from the user's technical specification checklist. Users can design a custom design from scratch.

Users of all levels are provided real-time 3D design review and validation. Geppetto automates the PCB routing, BOM, fabs and assembly reducing engineering cost and error. Free downloads of CAD file (.brd) and schematic (.sh) of users designs are created on demand. Pricing and automated Board Support Package including device tree code are available to review, share and send on to manufacturing partners. Geppetto designed boards can also be ordered directly through Geppetto and arrive pretested, application ready, and fully assembled in 15 business days.

  • Audio
  • DSP
  • Ethernet
  • General Digital/Analog
  • High Density BGA
  • PCB Design/Layout
  • Power Supply
  • Schematic Capture
  • USB
  • Video
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • High-Volume Production
  • Low to Medium Volume Production
  • Prototype Assembly
  • Prototype Testing
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Turnkey Volume Production
  • PCB and Component 3D Modeling
  • Bootloader
  • Linux
  • GPS
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Food and Beverage
  • Government
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Military
  • Oil/Gas


4225 Executive Square, 7th Floor, La Jolla, California 92037 USA
Celine Marie Barrozo
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