2019 Hack-A-Pumpkin Challenge | DigiKey

Observe the DigiKey Resident Geeks in their diabolical scheme to hack life into an unsuspecting pumpkin.

Evan demonstrates perfboarding techniques using some buttons, bare wires and standing diodes. Following board construction, adding the needed programming to the Arduino Leonard is explained in detail.

University of Minnesota Duluth Engineering student Evan is in the DigiKey HQ maker space on summer break to demonstrate breadboarding techniques by putting together a 12 key MIDI controller.

I Wet My Plants - AGM | The Resident Geeks

Cody walks us through the design and construction of a soil moisture level sensing automatic plant watering system.

This time on Another Geek Moment, Kyle demonstrates how a specialized solenoid is used to latch and unlatch the lid on a plastic Pi(e) case using a Raspberry Pi, a magnetic sensor and a few custom circuits.

Happy Lunar New Year: Year of the Pig 2019 from DigiKey

Kyle has been pretty good this year (if you ignore his countless pranks around the DigiKey office) and he’s asking the red-suited guy for the :move Mini Buggy Kit from Kitronik.

Ashley is asking for AdaBox kits this year for the holidays.

Ashley’s wants the Airblock and mBot Ranger from Makeblock for the Holidays.

Kyle makes his plea to the red-suited guy for something extra special this holiday season.

Scaredy Pi | The Resident Geeks

The Resident Geeks build a automatic candy dispenser for Halloween with a scary secret.

Darren is a student at Arizona State University Poltechnic Campus and today he will be walking us through his infrared laser tag project.

Hayley is at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s makerspace putting the finishing touches on her GPS logging dog harness.

Ashley is at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s makerspace completing her NeoPixel Storm project.

Hayley is at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s makerspace assembling her solar backpack project from Adafruit.

Stumble-Bot – AGM Summer Break | DigiKey

Ashley is at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s makerspace assembling the Stumble-Bot project from Adafruit.

Darren is at the University of Wisconsin Madison’s makerspace with his weather globe project for this season of Another Geek Moment Summer Break Edition.

Kyle, one of The Resident Geeks at DigiKey, puts together a laundry notification IoT project.

Terasic Self-Balancing Robot Kit | DigiKey

Digi-key unboxes the fully assembled Self-Balancing Robot Kit from Terasic and shows you how to get started.

On Another Geek Moment Ben walks us through a greenhouse monitoring solution keeping track of temperature, humidity, and CO2.