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The AS5145B Eval-Kit is designed to adapt standard size stepper motors with a contactless rotary position sensor. Rotation of the magnet holders is sensed by the rotary position sensor, soldered on the PCB board. The AS5145 is a contact less magnetic rotary encoder for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degrees.
The Sound Impact Sensor provides a means to add noise control to your project and responds to loud noises such as a clap of the hands.
The circuit shown in Figure 1 is a 12-bit, 1 MSPS data acquisition system utilizing only two active devices. The system processes charge input signals from piezoelectric sensors using a single 3.3 V supply and has a total error of less than 0.25% FSR after calibration over a ±10°C temperature range, making it ideal for a wide variety of laboratory and industrial measurements.
The circuit shown on EVAL-CN0357-ARDZ is a single-supply, low noise, portable gas detector, using an electrochemical sensor.
The AS5048 Eval-Kit is designed to adapt standard size stepper motors with a contactless rotary position sensor. Rotation of the magnet holders is sensed by the rotary position sensor, soldered on the PCB board.
This reference design features an ultrasonic distance sensor that fits in a M12 housing due to its high integration and an optimized layout. The design offers an IO-Link interface to communicate with the system control, which makes it industry 4.0 ready.
TIDA-01519 reference design offers a smart enivromental sensor and home automation solution for sensor to cloud applications
The LDC0851EVM (Evaluation Module) demonstrates the use of inductive sensing technology to accurately detect the presence of a conductive target object passing a fixed threshold. The module includes a perforated and interchangeable 4-layer PCB where both the sensing coil as well as the reference coil are stacked for reduced system size.
This design provides a complete solution for pH sensor with temperature compensation. The circuit has three critical stages: the pH probe buffer, the ADC, and the digital and power isolator.
The MAXREFDES117# reference design is a low power, optical heart-rate module complete with integrated red and IR LEDs, and a power supply.
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