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BeagleBone Green Wireless - Getting Connected

2016-05-23 | By Staff


BeagleBone Green Wireless - Getting Connected

This quick guide will show you how to get connected to your BeagleBone Green Wireless board and will have you up and running in no time creating your own IoT projects.

Connecting to your BBG Wireless through USB

  1. Use the provided USB cable to plug your BeagleBone Green Wireless into your desktop or laptop computer.
  2. Install the drivers for your operating system, which will give you network-over-USB access to your BBG Wireless.
    1. When you connect your BBG Wireless it will connect as a Mass Storage device, Figure 1.
    2. Figure 1: BBG Wireless Mass Storage

      Figure 1: BBG Wireless Mass Storage

    3. Open up the Drivers folder in the BBG Wireless and select the folder for your operating system, Figure 2.
    4. Figure 2: Select your operating system

      Figure 2: Select your operating system

    5. Double-click the install file and install the drivers for your operating system, Figure 3.
    6. Figure 3: Install the BBG Wireless drivers

      Figure 3: Install the BBG Wireless drivers

  3. Using either Google Chrome or Firefox web browser (Internet Explorer will NO work) browse the web server, which is running on the BBG Wireless and go to . You should now see the START.htm page load with all the BBG Wireless information and examples, Figure 4.

Figure 4: BBG Wireless server webpage

Figure 4: BBG Wireless server webpage

Connect to your BBG Wireless using Wi-Fi

  1. Plug your BBG Wireless into a 5V micro USB power adaptor. Once the board has powered up you should see the LEDs blinking in an alternative pattern.
  2. On you Dekstop or laptop computer open up your wireless settings and scan for new network devices. Scan for a network called BeagleBoneXXXXX, where X is a number, Figure 5.
  3. Figure 5: Scan for your BeagleBone Green board

    Figure 5: Scan for your BeagleBone Green board

  4. Connect to the BBG Wireless access point, which does not require a password. Once connected you should have access to the boards Wi-Fi configuration.
  5. Using either Google Chrome or FireFox web browser, navigate to the boards web server by going to to access the board.
  6. You should now be connected and able to access the START.htm webpage on the board, Figure 6.

Figure 6: Connected to the BBG Wireless using Wi-Fi

Figure 6: Connected to the BBG Wireless using Wi-Fi

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Seeed Technology Co., Ltd
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