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Modifications for Your LulzBot Mini

2024-09-19 | By Lulzbot

License: See Original Project 3D Print Accessories 3D Printing

Courtesy of LulzBot

Guide by LulzBot

Adding the latest improvements to your trusty LulzBot Mini is easy with Open-Source ‎Hardware. Modify functionality and ease-of-use with items 3D printed straight from ‎your own Mini! LulzBot 3D printers within the serial range of KT-PR0035(NA, EU, AU)-‎‎00050 through 07499 are compatible with the recommendations below. LulzBot Mini 3D ‎printers with a serial number at or higher than KT-PR0035(NA, EU, AU)-07500 already ‎include these improvements.‎

Modification #1 – USB Protector

Keep your USB port tight and safe against accidental damage with a simple upgrade. This ‎‎3D printed USB support brace surrounds the USB connector to minimize potential ‎damage if the USB cable is ever pulled forcefully or at an angle. Just push the 3D printed ‎protective piece into the open area around the USB port and you're good to go!‎ ‎

  1. Download the USB Port Brace 3D Model in STL Format.

  2. ‎‎Load the model into Cura LulzBot Edition and 3D print with ABS filament.

  3. ‎‎Remove the completed object and place into the open area around the USB port.‎

  • Note: This USB Port Brace will need to be removed before opening the ‎electronics enclosure.‎

  • If you are an advanced user and want a more permanent USB Port Brace, ‎use the updated 3D model and follow the instructions in this forum thread.


Modification #2 – Stepper Motor Damper

It's no secret the latest generation of LulzBot Mini 3D Printers run as quiet as a whisper. ‎With the addition of the Stepper Motor Damper on the Y-Axis Stepper Motor, your ‎LulzBot Mini can now churn through those heavy builds with significantly less noise.‎ ‎

  1. Purchase a Stepper Motor Damper.‎‎

  2. Use the installation instructions available at‎‎

  3. Complete a test print after installing the damper on the Y-Axis stepper motor to ‎hear the difference.


Modification #3 – Beefy Extruder Idler

The extruder idler is integral to the Mini tool head's functionality. This part presses the ‎filament against the hobbed bolt, driving the filament through the extruder down into ‎the hot end. Upgrade to the new Beefy Idler, featured in the LulzBot Mini Tool Head v2.1, ‎to increase your Mini's durability.‎ ‎

  1. Download the Beefy Idler 3D Model in STL file format.‎‎

  2. Load the model into Cura LulzBot Edition and 3D print with ABS filament at 60% ‎infill.‎‎

  3. Follow the assembly and installation instructions in step 15 at‎


制造商零件编号 KT-PP0017
制造商零件编号 KT-CP0141
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