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Getting Started with Weather HAT

2023-06-15 | By Pimoroni

License: See Original Project

Courtesy of Pimoroni

Guide by Pimoroni

Designed for keeping a weather eye on the great outdoors (see what we did ‎there), Weather HAT equips a Raspberry Pi with the functionality to measure ‎temperature, pressure, humidity, light, and (with additional sensors) wind ‎speed, wind direction and rain.‎

It's an affordable, hackable, fully customisable alternative to traditional ‎weather stations. A big advantage of using a Raspberry Pi to collect weather ‎data is that there are lots of interesting Python APIs available, so it's ‎straightforward to post your weather data into cloud data services or ‎contribute to collaborative weather forecasting efforts like Weather ‎Underground.‎

In this tutorial, we'll go through what the different parts of the board do, how ‎to attach it to your Raspberry Pi, how to install the Python library and take a ‎look at what some of the code examples do.‎

What's on Weather HAT?‎



The BME280 is a neat little all-in-one weather sensor that measures ‎temperature, pressure, and humidity. On Weather HAT, the BME280 sensor is ‎at the right-hand corner of the board, so as to be as far away from the Pi's ‎CPU as possible. Our library measures temperature in degrees Celsius, ‎relative humidity as % water content of the air and atmospheric pressure in ‎hPa (hectopascals).‎


This sensor can read the ambient light level in Lux (a unit of light intensity) ‎and can also act as a proximity sensor. The LTR-559 is the same sort of ‎sensor that's next to the camera in your mobile phone that automatically ‎dims and brightens the screen depending on the light level and disables the ‎touchscreen when it's next to your ear.‎


The chunky grey connectors on the left-hand side of Weather HAT are RJ11 ‎connectors (you might remember these from when we had to plug ‎‎'telephones' into 'copper wires'). We've included them on Weather HAT so you ‎can connect up a set of wind and rain sensors (sold separately). These ‎sensors consist of a tipping bucket style rain gauge, an anemometer to ‎measure wind speed and a wind vane to measure wind direction.‎

Wind and rain sensors are mechanical sensors made up of magnets, ‎switches, and resistors. The rain gauge and anemometer behave like digital ‎switches that output repeated digital on/off signals - as if a diligent, weather ‎monitoring gnome was frantically hammering a button to report the wind ‎speed or how much it was raining. More frequent button presses mean more ‎wind and rain!‎

The wind vane doesn't have a gnome - it has eight switches connected to ‎differently sized resistors, which can be closed in various combinations ‎depending on the position of the wind vane. It outputs one of 26 different ‎voltages, which each correspond to a compass direction.‎

Our Weather HAT software library converts these signals into useful ‎measurements - metres per second for wind speed, degrees for wind ‎direction and millimetres per second for rain. If you'd like to know more about ‎the nitty gritty of how the sensors work, you can find more info on ‎the datasheet.‎


Reading the wind and rain sensors requires two things that a Raspberry Pi is ‎not super good at - counting the frequency of electronic signals accurately ‎without missing any and reading analog voltages (it's a powerful computer ‎that fits into your pocket, it doesn't need to sweat the small stuff).‎

To make sure the signals from the anemometer and rain gauge are counted ‎precisely, we've outsourced the job to a Nuvoton microcontroller chip. A ‎microcontroller can count things without being affected by all the ‎complicated processes that run in the background on a Pi. The Nuvoton also ‎has analog to digital conversion built in, so we don't need a separate ADC ‎chip to decode the analog signal from the wind vane.‎

We've broken out some unused pins on the microcontroller along the bottom ‎of the board so you can use them to hook up more sensors if you want.‎

‎1.54" COLOUR LCD (240X240)

Weather HAT is a full-size HAT, which means there's room for a nice big ‎screen, wahoo! The vibrant full-colour LCD on Weather HAT is same one we ‎use on PicoSystem, with plenty of space for displaying data, menus, or status ‎updates. The display is an IPS display, so it's great quality for a display of its ‎size, and it's driven by SPI so you can update it pretty quickly.‎

We've got an all-in-one example that displays sensor readings from Weather ‎HAT on the LCD, with the live readings and graphs of the most recent values. ‎We'll show you how to run this example later.‎

How to Attach Weather HAT to your Pi

Weather HAT will work with any Raspberry Pi that has a 40 pin GPIO header ‎‎(that's all of them except the really early ones). You'll need to connect your Pi ‎to the internet to install the software, so you'll probably want to use a model ‎with built in Wi Fi for convenience.‎

If you're using a Raspberry Pi Zero W or 2 W, then it will need to have a 40-pin ‎header soldered on. Soldering on headers is not hard (check out ‎our soldering guide for tips if you've not done it before) but if you don't fancy ‎it, you could use a full size Raspberry Pi or a Zero WH with pre-soldered ‎header.‎

We've included a couple of standoffs to fasten Weather HAT securely to your ‎Pi, to keep things nice and solid while you're pressing the buttons. Poke the ‎screws up through the holes in the Pi next to the GPIO and screw the ‎standoffs on top.‎


To attach Weather HAT to your Pi, push the socket header on Weather HAT ‎down onto the pin header on the Raspberry Pi as far as it will go. If you're ‎using the standoffs, there'll be a bit of gap between the low-profile socket ‎header on the HAT and the Pi, this is fine.‎


Add another pair of screws from the top of the HAT to secure everything in ‎place. Here's what it looks like from the back, once everything is fastened ‎together.‎


If you're using a big Pi and want to fix things together at the bottom edge of ‎the Pi as well, we sell extra standoffs here.‎

Attaching the Wind and Rain Sensors

If you're using wind and rain sensors, you'll need to attach them to their pole. ‎The wind sensors mount on the double ended arm that goes on the top of ‎the pole (note that the anemometer has a short cable which plugs into the ‎wind vane, so that both wind sensors can then share the same long cable). ‎The rain sensor is mounted on its own arm that comes out of the side of the ‎pole. If you need step by step instructions for assembling the sensors, check ‎out Sparkfun's excellent hook-up guide!‎

Plug the wires from the wind and rain sensors into the labelled connectors on ‎Weather HAT. You can tell which sensors the wires come from by peering at ‎the connectors - the RJ11 connector that comes from the wind sensors will ‎have four wires inside it (two for each sensor!) while the rain sensor ‎connector only has two. The wind cable is a bit thicker than the rain cable, ‎because of the extra wires.


To get accurate measurements when you come to install the sensors in their ‎final location, you'll want to check that the little spirit level bubble on the rain ‎gauge is level, and the compass directions marked on the wind vane are ‎pointing in the correct directions.‎

Lastly, carefully peel the protective film off the LCD using the little green tab ‎‎(or you can leave it on to protect the display.)‎

Installing the Software

For this part of the tutorial, you'll need a micro-SD card that's been set up ‎with a recent version of Raspberry Pi OS. If you want, you can plug and a ‎display, keyboard, and mouse into your Pi for this step, but we're also going ‎to show you how to set the Pi up 'headlessly', so you can log into it remotely ‎from another computer. Being able to log into your Weather Pi remotely is ‎particularly useful if you plan on doing something like mounting it outside on ‎the top of a pole!‎


If you're a beginner, we'd recommend using a fresh image of 32-bit ‎Raspberry Pi OS Full (previously known as Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop). ‎The Full/Desktop version includes many of the software dependencies you'll ‎need to run the examples, so makes for a more straightforward install. It also ‎means you can plug your Pi into a monitor and navigate around using the GUI ‎if you need to.‎

To flash your SD card, download Raspberry Pi Imager to your computer (it's ‎available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux) and fire it up. Pick the most recent ‎version of 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS and select your SD card. If you're not ‎interested in logging into your Pi remotely, you can stop here - just click on ‎the write button and, once it's cooked, pop the newly flashed SD card into ‎your Pi.‎


Wait for the Raspberry Pi desktop to appear and follow the standard Pi OS ‎onscreen instructions to configure your Raspberry Pi and connect it to wi-fi. If ‎you need help with any of these steps, there's loads of useful info on ‎the Raspberry Pi site.‎


If you want to set up SSH so you can log into your Pi remotely, Raspberry Pi ‎Imager now makes that really easy. Before you write your SD card, click on ‎the cog button, or hit Ctrl-Shift-X to open the secret advanced menu.


You'll need to select the following options -

  • ‎'Set hostname' - this is the name that your Pi will show up as on your wi ‎fi network. We're using weather.local
  • ‎'Enable SSH - Use Password Authentication' - enter the username and ‎password you want to use to log into your Pi. If your Pi is going to be ‎located outside where there's a possibility someone can get at it, use ‎something secure!
  • ‎'Configure wifi' - enter your wifi details here. Double check your SSID ‎and password are entered correctly, both fields are case sensitive
  • Once that's all done, close the secret menu, write your SD card and pop ‎it into your Pi

To communicate with your Pi remotely, you'll need a SSH client installed on ‎your computer or phone, we'll be showing you in Windows using PuTTY. If ‎you're using a Mac, a Linux computer or Android/iOS, other SSH clients are ‎available!‎

Once you've powered up your Pi, give it a couple of minutes to start up and ‎start broadcasting its hostname (the first boot can take a while, especially if ‎you're using a Pi Zero). Open up your SSH client and point it at your Pi's ‎hostname - weather.local.‎


If your Pi is successfully talking to your Wi-Fi, you will get prompted to enter a ‎username and password - the username is pi, and the password is whatever ‎you set when you flashed the image.‎

Boom - if that's all worked you should now have a terminal prompt that you ‎can use to run commands on your Raspberry Pi.‎



In the terminal (if you're using the GUI, you can open up a terminal by ‎pressing control-alt-t or find it in the menus) type the following:‎

Copy Code
git clone
cd weatherhat-python
sudo ./

The install script enables I2C and SPI and downloads some other software ‎that the Weather HAT library needs to work. If you're planning on trying the ‎examples, you'll need some additional dependencies - grab them with:‎

Copy Code
sudo pip3 install fonts font-manrope pyyaml adafruit-io numpy

Once everything's installed it's a good idea to type sudo reboot to reboot your Pi ‎and apply the changes to the Pi's interfaces.‎


If you're using the Lite version of Pi OS, you may need to install some ‎additional software before the commands above will work.‎


Copy Code
sudo apt install python3-pip git libatlas-base-dev

Running the Examples

There are several examples in the examples folder within the weatherhat-‎python folder. In the terminal, type the following to look at the available ‎examples:‎

Copy Code
cd examples

When running the examples that follow, you can type control-c at any time to ‎stop the example running.‎

You can run an example by typing the filename and then:‎

Copy Code

Note - the Weather HAT library requires Python 3. If you're running an older ‎Raspberry Pi OS version that has Python 2 as default you might need to ‎specify the version to use, like this:‎

Copy Code

Let's take a look at some of the examples!‎

WEATHER.PY is our advanced weather station example which demonstrates how ‎to use readings from the sensors, the screen, and the buttons in an ‎application. The default screen is set up to show you readings from all the ‎sensors and pressing the X button will let you switch from numbers to little ‎graphs. Tapping A will cycle through wind, rain, light and temperature specific ‎displays.‎

If you want to start up automatically when you start up your Pi ‎without you having to run the Python script every time, you can use crontab to ‎do that. First, type:‎

Copy Code
crontab -e

to set up a new crontab file. Press 1 when prompted to open the file in the ‎nano editor.‎

Add the following line to the bottom of the file, it's Ctrl-X to close and 'Y' to ‎save the file when you're done.‎

Copy Code
@reboot python /home/pi/Pimoroni/weatherhat/examples/ &

If you want to stop the script from starting automatically, just crontab -e again ‎and remove or comment out the line you just added.‎

We've also added some simpler examples to demonstrate the separate ‎functions of Weather HAT, which might help out if you want to start making ‎your own application.‎


The simple BME280 example grabs unmodified temperature, humidity, and ‎pressure readings from the BME280 sensor on Weather HAT. Run it with

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You'll see values being printed every second or so. Try touching the BME280 ‎sensor and see how the temperature changes and try breathing close to it to ‎see how the humidity from your breath affects it.‎

Copy Code
Device temperature: 27.28 *C
Humidity: 27.76 %
Pressure: 1023.89 hPa

You'll probably find the temperature is quite a bit higher than you're expecting, ‎and the humidity is lower. This is because the temperature reading is ‎affected by heat from the Pi's CPU, as well as other ambient conditions. The ‎good news is that Pi generated heat is usually pretty static, so compensating ‎for it using a fixed offset is straightforward.

‎If you run the compensated temperature example, you should see some ‎improvement. Type the following to run it:‎

Copy Code

There's a variable in this example code that you can change to tweak how ‎much the temperature is compensated. We recommend calibrating against ‎an analog alcohol-type thermometer if you have one.‎

Look for the line that says OFFSET and change this number until the ‎temperature readings match with those from your thermometer. Different Pis ‎put out different amounts of heat, and you might find that you need to adjust ‎more or less depending on what kind of enclosure you're using and whether ‎it's inside or outside. If you're using a Pi Zero outside in a well-ventilated ‎enclosure like a Stevenson screen, for example, you might not need much of ‎an offset.‎

If you're using a Pi 4, they tend to run rather warm. To reduce heat transfer ‎you could use a GPIO extension cable to connect HAT and Pi to make more ‎of a gap between them.‎


The code that controls the little LCD is in the st7789 library. The main way to ‎create frames that can be shown on the display is using the Python Image ‎Library (PIL), which allows you to do all sorts of things like draw text to the ‎display, draw shapes, draw individual pixels, and even apply effects like blurs.‎ is a simple example that shows you how to write text on a coloured ‎background to the LCD on Weather HAT. There's more examples of how to ‎use PIL to display things on this screen in the ST7789-python library, like ‎drawing images from files and even animating gifs on the LCD.‎

ADAFRUIT IO EXAMPLE is an example that shows how to post your data into a cloud data ‎service so you can view it from anywhere - we've chosen Adafruit IO as it's ‎really straightforward to set up a free account and incorporate the functions ‎into your Python scripts.‎

You'll first need to register an Adafruit IO account to obtain a username and ‎key. Open up in an editor ( sudo nano from a terminal) and ‎edit the lines below to include your key and username.‎

Copy Code

Hit Ctrl-X and then press Y to save your changes.‎

You can now run the example with

Copy Code

The script will automatically set up a bunch of feeds associated with the ‎sensors on Weather HAT, set up a new dashboard, and start posting data to ‎the cloud.‎

Open up the dashboard URL in a web browser. There's nothing here right now, ‎so let’s make it a bit more interesting! Click on the cog icon in the top right of ‎the screen, and select 'Create New Block'‎.


There's a bunch of different blocks to choose from - we used a combination ‎of line charts and gauges to set up the dashboard below. Once you select a ‎type of block, you'll get asked what feed/s to associate it with. You can move ‎blocks around and resize them with 'edit layout'.‎


If you'd like to keep an eye on exactly what data's being posted in, you could ‎add a stream block and add all your feeds to it:‎


Adafruit IO's free tier lets you store data for 30 days and lets you post up to ‎‎30 data points a minute. Our example posts sensor data every 30 seconds, if ‎you increase the frequency of updates, you might see throttling errors. If you ‎want to learn more about Adafruit IO, check out this getting started tutorial.‎

Next Steps

Hopefully this tutorial should have provided a basic overview of Weather HAT ‎and how to get started with the Python library.‎

If you're looking for a follow on project, why not try hooking your sensor data ‎up to Weather Underground? If storing your data for 30 days is not enough, ‎you could set up a InfluxDB database (with associated beautiful Grafana ‎graphs) to store it as long as you like. If you wanted to incorporate Weather ‎HAT into an Internet of Things network, you could set Weather HAT up to talk ‎to Home Assistant using MQTT, and use the weather data to automate your ‎lights to turn on and off or your heating to come on automatically.‎

We flippin' love looking at graphs at Pirate HQ, so drop us a line ‎on Twitter and tell us what the weather's like where you are!‎

That's all folks!

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