This presentation will help users understand the differences in classifications and designations of microSD and SD cards, bus speed classifications, microSD and SD card speed classifications, host device / capacity classifications, and application performance classifications.
Duration: 5 minutesNAND Flash is a type of memory that can maintain the data stored within its’ cells even when there is no power being provided to the storage device. For this reason, NAND Flash is known as “Non-Volatile” memory.
Delkin Device 的 Utility 和 Utility+ 系列 microSD/SD 卡在工业级卡中使用了经济高效的 MLC/工业级 3D NAND 闪存。
Delkin Devices 的工业 SLC microSD 和 SD 卡利用真正的工业控制器和 SLC 闪存提供坚固耐用的解决方案。
对于长期 IoT SBC 用途,使用正确的闪存卡十分重要,这样才能防止数据损坏和摆脱墨菲定律的困扰。